Pick Me Up, Infinite Gacha

Chapter 74

# 74

74. Breaking in (1)

The day after the preliminary round.

It was early in the morning. Me, Jenna Iolka, Belquist, and Nerissa were gathered in the training center on the second floor. As the composition of the party has changed somewhat, as well as new members joining, it was necessary to inform the changed part.

“Please take care of me. I’m Jenna Shirai.”

Jenna smiled awkwardly at the two of them.

Belquist did not respond. Nerissa bowed expressionlessly. It was a similar reaction when Iolka introduced herself.

‘Is it still awkward?’

The two of them don’t seem to have particularly sleazy personalities.

It’s difficult if you ignore each other completely, and a certain amount of friendship is effective for teamwork, but you don’t have to be unconditionally friendly. This is because there is a risk of heartache when a colleague dies or is eliminated. Just like yesterday’s Jenna.

I looked at the corner of the training camp.

Among the members of the 2nd party, there was a strange member. It was Aaron.

Aaron, who rejected yesterday’s instructor offer, had no choice but to go to the second party. For the time being, I will be staying with Edith and honing my skills. Edith was patting Aaron on the shoulder.

“Belquist, Nerissa. There is something you should know.”

I looked at the two and said.


“Tell me.”

After the two answered, I continued.

“If you’ve seen it with a regenerated stone, you’ll know. What kind of environment the 1st party fights in. We fight with fire at our backs. Of course, we should get used to the flames.”

“Are you talking about fire resistance?”

“I’m glad you know. Learn it as quickly as possible. Do you know how?”

“You mean sticking your hand into the flames?”

I nodded.

Belquist raised his lips.

“It’s a very ignorant way.”

“There’s no number that’s as efficient as that.”

“Anyway, I know. Let’s learn it within four days. I think that woman will be scared and whine.”

“I’ll learn it in three days.”

Nerissa said, glaring at Belquist coldly.

It’s nice to be competitive, but I think it tends to be a bit excessive. I shook my head and said.

“Next is Jenna.”

“Tell me, brother.”

“You must fill Aaron’s void.”

I instructed Jenna to refrain from using daggers and fight with a bow.

As the middle-range agent was gone, Jenna had to play that role. If it was Zena’s rapid fire skill, it would be able to cover the vacancy of Changsoo to some extent.

“You mean to use the bow mainly? Okay.”

“Belquist, you are the frontline like me. But don’t act recklessly. Fight within the attack range of Jenna, Nerissa, and Iolka. If you believe only in your own strength and lead the way, it’s not worth taking them with you. Keep in mind.”

“Follow instructions.”

Belquist crossed his arms.

I saw Nerissa next. Unlike Belquist, who is a pure combatant, it is not easy for Nerissa to assign a clear role. He learned his skills as a combatant, but he also possessed miscellaneous skills.

Weapon skills such as swordsmanship, daggers and throwing.

After that, a movement skill like quick movements and stealthy movements.

Also sensory skills such as hawk eye and enhanced hearing. In addition, he is learning auxiliary combat skills such as poison production and ambush. In terms of the number of skills, it was about the same as mine.

“What the hell did you do here? Did you do something like an assassin?”

“It’s similar.”

Nerissa replied.

I did something similar to an assassin. must be the correct answer If it was a real assassin class, it would have been selected as an advanced summon. Before the summons, he must have been in an awkward position.

“Nerissa, you’re basically in a mid-range position. But depending on the situation, engage in close combat or defend Xena and Iolka. You can aim for the enemy’s rear. I can’t dictate how to act. I can’t tell you how to act. Use your own judgment.”


Nerissa uses three types of weapons.

It is a three-sword and a dagger commendation. There is no separate main weapon, so it is ambiguous, but it can give flexibility in battle. It was a kind of libero role.

“And you are in charge of collecting the overall information of the mission. Gather the information as instructed and bring it to me. Got it?”


“I’ll keep that in mind.”

I looked alternately at the two nodding heads.

I replied that I would know. On the surface, it seemed to follow instructions well.

‘I guess I need to work on it a bit.’

Even if you say you knew this type of person, if you don’t completely understand it, you will fall apart someday. In particular, the environment on the first floor may have caused a bad habit.

I made up my mind and then continued.

“Okay. We start our schedule today.”

from training first.

The intensity was to be greatly increased. Physical training and weapon skill sparring are the same as before, but formation training is greatly strengthened. Simple formations such as Geunjungwon and Samgakjin are about to graduate.

“Me. What can I do?”

Iolka opened her mouth as she tied a sandbag around her ankle.

He seemed upset that he hadn’t been called.

“The three of them have changed their job. I…”

“You just run. From now on, you’ll wear a sand bag.”

I tossed a 3kg sandbag on the shelf.

Iolka took the bag of sand and put on a frustrated expression.

Anyway, today’s training has begun.

The start of the training was to run on the track at a speed close to sprinting with a 10kg sand bag on, but Belquist and Nerissa followed us well. Of course, Iolka was far behind.

I looked at the 2nd party while running.

Edith was scratching her head and making a puzzled face.

Unlike the first party, which had an assortment, the second party lacked one person. Dika, who was an existing member, accepted the role of instructor that I suggested early yesterday morning. Right now, he was helping new heroes on the first floor.

After yesterday’s tryouts, Amkena ended the game without a paid draw.

That action created a power vacuum in the second party. Edith let out another deep sigh and murmured.

“Should I train with 4 people?”

“If it doesn’t work, go down to the first floor.”

I stopped running for a moment and approached Edith.

Aaron and Usher bowed to me.

“First floor?”

“If you look carefully, you will find someone you can use. Talk to Dika and teach her intensively.

After the waiting room was divided into upper and lower floors, Amkena conducted quite a number of free draws.

On the first floor, at least 20 people on standby were crowded. At least one of them will have a gemstone.

“I guess I’ll have to do that.”

“If you find a gemstone, don’t show it openly. Others may crave it.”

“You mean bullying?”

“In this structure, there are a lot of people who are betting on a successful kid.”

It was at the time we were in the exploration dungeon.

According to Chloe’s eyewitness account, the heroes of the first floor visited Belquist at the training ground a few days before the two went up to the second floor.

‘I didn’t want to see the unlucky bastard go up.’

The number of heroes attacked is five.

It was a meeting of those who were tossed around in the battle against Belkist and those who had fallen out of the 3rd party. It is said that they surrounded Belquist, swearing and ridiculing it from all sides.

Belquist silently drew his sword and cut off one of the legs of the one in front.

And he killed the six panicked people without killing them. From the next day, no one touched Belquist. What a heartwarming story it was.

‘Why did the results get weird?’

Edith left the training center with Roderick, leaving Dicka and Aaron alone.

It seemed to be heading to the training center on the first floor. If you find a good guy there, you can propose it to the master after going through a certain amount of aging and join the party.

‘The correct answer is to play a paid lottery.’

It’s good that the Master suffered a failure, but there were side effects.

Advanced Summoning is wasteful in most cases, but in these situations it is the best bet. The next time I contacted Amkena, I thought I would have to correct this part.

Morning basic physical training is over.

After lunch, weapons training and sparring continue. However, the two seemed to want sparring rather than training in weapons skills.

After summarizing the opinions of the two, I said.

“Well. It’s better to know each other’s powers accurately.”

“I agree. Is Dalian being held at the place of yesterday?”

“Yes. The rules are unlimited. Use actual weapons and allow any number of moves.”

“I think I like it.”

I decided to skip today’s weapon training.

I’ve tried sparring with two of them, but only once or twice, not every time like Jenna or Aaron. It was a measure that had to be taken in order to understand each other’s tendencies.

‘Still, it’s an obvious intention.’

The two have a strong desire to compete.

I would have wanted to do it with all my might. I took the scabbard and entered the arena. Belquist joined as if they had been waiting.

“One please.”

“Can I do it alone? Nerissa come in too.”

“That word.”

“Aren’t you hoping for my strength? You’ll have a hard time alone.”

Belquist’s eyebrows twitched.

I chuckled. During the sparring with me, Belquist intentionally hid its power. This was evident when looking at Belquist’s stats and skills.

“Are you okay? It will be different from the previous sparring.”

“Do you want to fight me one-on-one?”

“If possible.”

“I get it.”

As I drew my sword, Belquist stanced with a thoughtful expression.

I took a light breath. And I flipped the switch in my head.

[‘Han(★★)’ has entered a berserk state!]


Along with aiming the sword, he kicked his feet.

Belquist lowered his sword. It was a quick and efficient action.

I increased my speed.



Belquist’s sword, which bounced off at once, was stuck in the barbed wire fence.

The blade touched Belquist’s neck.

A single settlement of agreement.

Belquist touched the wound on his neck, from which blood flowed shallowly.

“You’re stronger than I’ve ever seen.”

“A word.”

“It’s worth coming in. You’ll need that woman to deal with.”

I drew my sword

Nerissa opened the iron window and rushed in, speaking to Belquist.

“You arrogant bastard. It was a natural result.”

“I guess so.”

“i look forward to.”

Nerissa drew a sword from her waistband and raised it.

A blue liquid glistened on the black surface. It was the paralysis poison I used in yesterday’s duel.

I said dumbfounded.

“Do you really use it?”

“You seem to want it.”

“Anyway, it’s two people this time. It won’t be easy even for seniors.”

Belquist pulled out the sword stuck in the barbed wire fence.

I calmed my head, which had been heated by the effect of berserk. A cold aura ran through his body. After calming down, he aimed his sword again.

“I’m going again.”

Just as he was about to step on, Belquist and Nerissa scattered left and right.

It seemed like they were going to attack first. I lowered my sword in a natural posture.

Two swordsmen rushed in.

And a minute later,

“It’s more than expected.”

Nerissa muttered.

Nerissa sits down and looks up at me. Poisoned daggers were strewn about nearby.

“I thought it wouldn’t work with two people.”

Belquist helped himself.

Belquist’s grip was torn and bleeding. The sword that had bounced off was stuck in the ceiling. I said with a smile.

“What if there are two of us? Each of us plays separately.”

It was as expected.

The two do not show any teamwork at all. After defeating one, it was enough to defeat the other one by one. Together, the two lasted me for about 20 seconds.

It would have been a little different if it had been Aaron and Jenna.

“You guys are weak. It seems like you’re overconfident after only dealing with useless things on the 1st floor.”

I sheathed my sword and said.

I wasn’t even wearing a shield yet.

“What will happen to Aaron and Usher, but beyond that, it’s completely different. If the two of them are combined, it won’t work for me or for Jenna.”


“Yes, you.”

I got out of the arena.

“Two people fight as a team. I won’t allow sparring alone. The condition is until we beat Zena.”

Types such as Jenna and Aaron are well integrated into the party and have excellent teamwork, but those with strong assertiveness, such as Belquist, have good abilities but lack cooperation.

It was necessary to tear it apart.

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