Pick Me Up, Infinite Gacha

Chapter 40

# 40

40. Type of Mission Defense (5)

The number of cavalry is about 500 men.

Even if they join, the number of allies cannot exceed 1,000. numbers were still lacking.

However, the quality of soldiers is different.

Heavy armor and thick spears. A sturdy horse in barding. The cavalryman’s eyes were full of fighting spirit. It was a world apart from the city’s defenders, who were trembling in fear while wearing shabby armor.

Most of the force completed the crossing, although a few were swept away by the mighty currents of the river.

The man who seemed to be the captain read his words and then looked around the river.

“What monster corpse…”

The captain met my eyes under the shade of the tree, but looked away as if he hadn’t seen it. Then he drew his sword and pointed north of the city in the middle of a fierce battle.

“Equip yourself in line and charge, sweep the enemy at once!”


The horse snorts. The sight of hundreds of cavalrymen lined up in the rain was quite spectacular. Jenna whistled.

“Hwiyu, that’s cool. I think our role is over here. Can we lie down and watch?”

“I wish I could.”

Once the biggest problem has been solved.

However, at just this level of difficulty, you won’t get a triple warning. I looked at the horses roaming near the river. Horse owners were swept away by the torrent during the river crossing.

“Can’t you ride a horse?”

“You mean? Sure.”

“Are you?”

Aaron shook his head quietly, and Iolka swallowed the magic potion as if it was difficult to answer.

“Do you know my brother?”

“I don’t know.”

“I don’t think it would be of any use if I knew how to ride alone.”

“Take one and bring it.”

The cavalry are ready to charge.

Jenna climbed into the saddle of the lost horse and took hold of the reins. The horse flinched as if taken aback by the sudden ride, but calmed down as Jenna gently stroked the nape of its neck. After a while, the horse carrying Jenna trudged this way.

“Is this enough?”

I looked up at the sky.

Amkena must have watched the whole process so far.

Basically, Masters cannot directly intervene in battle, but they can influence it. The anti-fear potion I drank in the tutorial was an example. then.

‘Skill book request. Lesser horsemanship.’

[‘Han( )’ requests the ‘Skill Book (Equipment)’. Upon purchase, the hero will acquire the skill. 500 gems are consumed to purchase. Do you want to buy it?]

[Yes (optional) / No]

A blue light rose in the air and an old book fell.

I picked it up and unfolded it. As the bookshelves were turned over, the knowledge and experience of words permeated my mind.


[Skill Awakening!]

[‘Han( )’ has learned ‘Equestrian Art’!]

“Bar, what was it just now?”

“The Book of Magic.”


It is one of the skill books provided in the battle shop of Pick Me Up.

Skills directly related to combat could not be acquired, but auxiliary skills for progression could be acquired in this way.

I mounted the ownerless horse and took the reins. Know-how on equestrian techniques, such as how to mount a horse, how to hold the reins, how to change direction, and how to stop moving forward and accelerate, leaked out like a breath.

My horse joined beside Jenna.

“You said you didn’t know how to ride.”

“I know now.”

I smiled and continued.

“Follow these guys and block the variables.”

“If you say it’s a variable.”

“Do you think this is the end? Aaron, you ride behind Jenna. Iolka is behind me. It’ll be uncomfortable without a saddle. Hold on tight to your back.”

Aaron got on the horse with Jenna’s help.

Then Iolka approached me with a pale complexion. Although mana was supplied with potions, it seemed that mental fatigue was unavoidable. I put Iolka on the horse’s back as if halfway up. At the front, preparations for a cavalry charge were coming to an end.

“Ready to charge! Get ready!”

“Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!”

Following the command of the captain, the soldiers raised their weapons and shouted. The goblins who noticed the situation in the northern plains also raised their spears towards the cavalry.

We watched the scene from a distance of several meters to the side of the line.

“Don’t join the charge. You might be killed. Watch the situation as you fall toward the woods.”

“Aaron oppa, hold on tight so you don’t fall.”

“Ah, okay.”

The cavalry commander swung his iron sword over his head and aimed it at the goblin.

“All charge! Show them the hot taste of the iron ruler!”

The captain’s white horse ran across the plain.

A rider flying a red flag followed. Hundreds of soldiers and hundreds of horses galloped behind them. The shouts of the soldiers and the sound of horses hooves clapping on the rain-soaked ground shook my ears.

“let’s go.”

I grabbed the reins and put a spur on the back of the horse.

The horse snorted and began to advance. a little faster. As the spur was applied, the pace of the galloping horse intensified.

I was able to handle words just by reading a book.

An absurdly unreal situation. But there is no need to be surprised or rejoice.

I said to Jenna, who was following me.

“Get out of the way! Get out of the arrow’s range!”

ping! Pipipipiping!

Dozens and hundreds of bolts flew all at once from the goblin side.

Most of the bolts either grazed the air or were driven into the ground. And some of the bolts hit their target.


The unluckily stumbled soldier fell off his horse.

The soldier was minced meat by the horse’s hooves following from the back row.

I slightly bent my head.

A blind bolt grazed my head. Iolka, who was holding her waist, let out a small scream.

“Get out!”

When I pulled the reins on the right side, the horse’s head twisted.

The target of the cavalry is the goblin main force at the northern gate. I slipped out to the right of the ranks and headed into the woods. Jenna followed suit.

After a while, the lead of the cavalry and the goblins clashed.

Hundreds of goblins, pierced by spears and trampled by horses’ hooves, all at once turned into porridge.

First of all, they are smaller than humans. There was no way they could withstand the destructive power of a man-horse weighing hundreds of kilos. The cavalry, spread out in line, swept the goblin main force like a vacuum cleaner.

The raindrops hitting the face with the wind gradually thinned out.

I watched the forest as I rode on the border between the forest and the plain. A low growl echoed through the trees.

[Goblin Rider Lv.??? X 211]

‘As expected.’

They were ambushed in the woods, preparing to ambush the cavalry.

The moment the momentum of the cavalry dies, it will come out and strike the side. A wolf would not have enough breakthrough power to face a warhorse. Countermeasures were also prepared to suppress the cavalry’s unstoppable force.

[Ogre Lv.??? X 23]


Ogres came out of the forest.

The ogres made one breakout and then charged the cavalry that was regrouping. In the distance, the cavalry commander drew his sword again. A second clash ensued. Iron sounds and screams rang out loud.

I said to Iolka behind me.

“Iolka, do you have time?”


“You’ve seen it too. If they join the battlefield, it’ll be a headache.”

The weakening rain had completely stopped.

He raised the index finger of his right hand to measure the wind direction.

It was a north wind. I said.

“From now on I’m going to run through the woods. You start a fire.”

“It could be done, but the firepower would be weak.”

“Just make sure they don’t come out. No, just make sure they don’t form a rank.”

If the goblin riders line up with the cavalry and hit the side of the cavalry at the same time, it will do a lot of damage.

You don’t have to kill them all. You just have to block it. Iolka nodded.

“Jenna, you and Aaron get off the horse. Kill them one or two as the flames spread.”

Two people dismounted and raised bows and spears.

It would be nice if horseback weapon skills were possible, but it would be difficult without skills.


Iolka closed her eyes and uttered an incantation.

I looked at the northern gate.

The cavalry and ogres were fighting together. More than half of the existing goblins were corpses or were unable to fight. Several goblins tried to climb the ladder to enter the outer castle, but failed.

‘Didn’t I have to go all the way to Naeseong?’

I kicked the horse in the back with my heel.

The horse started galloping. My eyes met the goblin on the far left of the forest. He caressed the wolf, his eyes shining. I heard a pause.



Flames poured from the back of the horse. Branches and leaves caught fire and burned violently. The rain has stopped. A northerly wind began to spread the fire to the surrounding trees.

Flames are scattered along the trajectory of the horse.

The flames spread in an instant.


Only then did the Goblin Riders come out of the forest.

Most ran to the cavalry facing the ogres, but some followed me.

not worth fighting for He turned his horse’s head and sped up to get away with it. In the meantime, he ran in a straight line and burned the forest.

Because the firepower was weak, few people burned to death, but I didn’t even want it.

The purpose is to prevent the Goblin Riders from forming ranks. It stimulates their fear of fire.

The cavalry class is a huge spear when united, but a small needle when scattered.

The iron-haired cavalry did not lose their charging power even in battles with ogres, probably because they were well trained. The Goblin Rider was trapped there and oxidized. Jenna and Aaron dealt with some of them in a corner of the woods with their backs to the fire.

The tour through the forest was finally over.

I got off my horse and stabbed myself in the back with my sword. The blade pierced the wolf that was charging at me from the chin down, into the brain, and into the heart of the goblin that was riding on top of it. They were the ones who followed me until the end.

I drew my sword.

Wolves and goblins died without even screaming.

“Hee hee hee!”

The horse neighed and shook its back.

Iolka, who was on top of it, swayed precariously. I managed to catch what was about to fall.

The horse that dropped Iolka ran away without looking back.

“Are you okay?”


“It was hard.”

You worked too hard.

The complexion is completely blue. If you use more magic here, you will fall into a mana runaway.

It was a dangerous state that a wizard would fall into if they used their magic excessively.

I walked slowly through the plains, supporting Iolka.

The Battle of the Plains has entered its final stages. The goblins had already been swept away, and only the few remaining ogres swung their sledgehammers and roared. But that roar will soon cease.

Of course, the damage on the side of the allies was also great.

‘About 100 soldiers survived.’

The city garrison had already suffered heavy casualties before the cavalry joined them.

Half of the cavalry were killed against the ogres, and most were killed by the riders. If it hadn’t been set on fire, it would have been annihilated.

The forest behind was still burning.

If I keep going like this, I’m going to burn the whole thing, but it doesn’t matter. Rather, it would be better It’s a goblin mass habitat anyway. If it is completely burned, the goblins will be cleaned as well.

Jenna and Aaron, who were far away, joined them.

Both of them are in a mess. The leather armor is stained with rain and blood soot.

Jenna wiped her charred nose.

The last remaining ogre was struggling.

Dozens of arrows are stuck in its body. The hand wielding the sledgehammer gradually slowed down.

The plains were piled up with various corpses, forming a devastation.

There are five types of corpses: humans, goblins, horses, wolves, and ogres. It is not possible to determine who is of which race. It was missing a limb and covered in blood, rain and mud. Aaron frowned.

Finally, the last ogre lay down on the ground.

The cavalry commander riding the white horse took off his helmet. The gate to the north of the city opened, and a man who appeared to be the captain of the garrison appeared. The two talked in front of the castle gate. I don’t know the content because it’s far away. I’m not interested.

Edith waved her hand from the corner of the outer castle.

Everyone looks unharmed. There seemed to be no casualties.

I didn’t even get a message saying that I had returned to the arms of the goddess.

“Nobody’s dead.”

“We’re also different from the 5th floor! But why aren’t we returning? Isn’t the mission over?”

“Shouldn’t you turn off that light?”

“Ah. How do I turn that off?”

The two flirted and followed me.

‘Come to think of it, it’s strange.’

You have already dealt with all the monsters.

The only thing left on the plains is me and the remnants of humans.

However, the stage clear message did not appear.

I looked around.

corpses corpses and corpses. A walled city and a broken ladder truck.

I can’t see anything to do anywhere.

[Now Loading…]

Suddenly the sky darkened.


[The server has been disconnected due to an error. Please wait.]


Beside me, Jenna and Aaron are talking.

Jenna laughed in disgust, and Aaron chimed in.


The two of them stood still in the same posture as they were having a conversation.

I looked around again.

Aaron and Jenna.

Officers talking about the situation ahead.

Edith looking at me from the top of the castle wall.

A soldier carrying the wounded.

everything stood still

Only I was moving.

“Look behind you.”

I looked back.

burning forest. Someone is watching me in the smoke and flames.

The face doesn’t look right. The shape could not be recognized. But it was clear that it was there. A message floated over his head.

[SS▩SH黑⊙∈※ Lv.999]

“You bastard…”

Next to him was a monster wearing a black robe.

[Black Priest Lv. 15]

The monster glanced around and disappeared into the burning forest.


An unpleasant voice rang in my head.

「I will wait.」

[Recovery complete!]

[Reconnect to the server. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.]

The sky brightened.

Time starts to pass again.

I was standing in the same spot.



His figure was nowhere to be found.

I gritted my teeth.

black priest.

It is a monster that has never been reported to appear on the lower floors.


The characteristic is…

“Brother, what’s wrong?”

I looked around.

The plains were full of all kinds of corpses.

Even on top of the castle walls. even under the walls. Even at the entrance to the city gates. Even inside the gates.

I said.

“you guys.”


“Listen to me from now on.”

The eyes of the three were focused.

“Rush straight to the city. It’s where we first came from. Ignore what happens next to you. Just do your thing, okay?”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s not over yet.”

I looked at the entrance of the city gate.

The cavalry commander and the garrison commander, who were talking while standing face to face, were covered in blood.

He opened his mouth as he dragged the sledgehammer clinging to the flesh.

“Uh uh uh.”

What comes out of its mouth is not an ear-shattering roar.

It was close to a moan coming from the bottom of his chest.

A hole was punched in the chest of a soldier carrying the dead on a stretcher.

It, which had been dead just before, crawled out wrigglingly.

“This, what is this…”

There was no hint.

A complete random pattern created solely to prank attackers.

No, if there was….

I can’t forget it.

The voice of the person who brought me to this hell.

All over the place, what used to be a corpse began to rise.

[Living Corpse Lv.??? X 2436]

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