Paradise Pokeball System

Vol.2 Chapter 5: Streaming Contract

Vol.2 Chapter 5: Streaming Contract

Once Tulip left, Jolene, Tallia, and Joy appeared in flashes of light.

"I am sure that she will come around in time. We have always been close, so I think that she is just looking out for me," Jolene explained, and I nodded with a sigh.

Tallia also sighed. "You should be happy, mother. At least your friend isn't trying to push you into Landon's arms, unlike a certain friend of mine," Tallia complained, giving Nemona a look.

Nemona just grabbed my arm and stuck her tongue out at Tallia. "You complain, but are you really sure you don't like Landon? I mean, sure, this is weird, but if sharing the same hottie means being able to do such amazing things, sign me up a million times over! Plus, Landon really isn't that bad, if you know what I mean!"

Tallia rolled her eyes, but Jolene laughed. "I do wish Tulip was more free spirited like Nemona, but we have other things to worry about, or Landon does."

I nodded, and then turned to the two girls that were standing and waiting off to the side. "So, we won, right? This means that the two of you are going to become my mentor?"

Iono stepped forward and nodded, but then pulled a pile of papers from behind her back. "I want you to look these over, and then sigh if you agree."

Frowning, I took the papers from her, and then looked at the bold title at the top of the first page. "Streamer Partnership Contract?" I asked out loud, and Iono nodded.

"Lets head back to the tent."

Nemona and my other girls returned to Prisma as I followed Iono and Grusha back to the tent we had been talking in before. Katy, Geeta and Clive were all waiting when we got there, but I was surprised that the other gym leaders were gone already.

"Have you had a chance to look at the contract?" Director Geeta asked, and I shook my head.

"Not yet, just give me a moment," I said as I took a seat with Grusha and Iono on either side of me.

The contents included protection of my identity, and my girls, while also giving me 40% of the stream revenue along with merchandise sales. There was also the part that said I needed permission to work with other streamers, but that didn't seem too bad. Even though the contract term was only for a year, it was renewable as long as both parties agreed to it.

Still looking the contract over, I absently asked. "If I sign this, are you going to force me and the girls to work a set amount of hours?"

"No," Iono said flatly. "But I will be following you around a lot, and, in time, I want to be able to see what the inside of this Prisma world looks like!"

"Iono. Your job is to be a mentor, not to become a student," Geeta warned, but Iono turned to narrow her eyes at Geeta.

"You guys may have some say what happens in my gym, but my stream, and my personal life are all my own. If Landon decides to take me as one of his many wives, then I will, without even blinking, say yes! Meeting someone like him has been my dream, and I refuse to let any of you get in my way!" Iono warned, surprising Geeta and the others present.

Geeta sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration. "Iono, this isn't just about personal feelings. It's about ensuring Landon's safety and the integrity of the system."

Iono crossed her arms defiantly. "I understand that, but you can't control everything. If I want to be part of this, I will be. Besides, isn't it beneficial for all of us if we work together?"

I glanced between Iono and Geeta, feeling the tension in the room. It was clear that Iono was determined to be involved in this journey, and honestly, her enthusiasm was infectious. I wanted people around me who were passionate and driven, and Iono definitely fit that description.

"Iono, I appreciate your support and enthusiasm," I said, looking at her seriously. "But we need to make sure we’re all on the same page. This journey isn't going to be easy, and we have to trust each other completely."

Iono's expression softened, and she nodded. "I understand, Landon. I'll do my best to support you and follow your lead."

Grusha, who had been silent this whole time, finally spoke up. "I'm here to help too, Landon. We all want to see you succeed, but we also need to be realistic about the challenges ahead."

I nodded, feeling the weight of their expectations. "I know. And I appreciate all of your support. I just want to make sure we're all working towards the same goal."

Director Geeta cleared her throat, regaining everyone's attention. "Alright then. If everyone is in agreement, let's finalize this."

I turned my attention back to the contract. After a few more minutes of careful reading, I picked up the pen and signed my name at the bottom. "There. Let's make this official."

Iono beamed with excitement. "Welcome to the team, Landon! This is going to be epic!"

Geeta handed me a copy of the signed contract. "With that settled, we can move forward with your training and preparation."

Clive, who had been observing quietly, finally spoke. "Landon, there are a few things we need to discuss regarding your upcoming battles and the potential threats you may face."

I nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety. "I'm ready. Let's hear it."

Clive pulled out a small device, projecting a map of a tubular structure with a dome on top of it, and a wide base that stretched around it. As Clive projected the holographic map of Blueberry Academy, I leaned in, eager to absorb all the information he was about to share. The map displayed various areas of the academy, highlighting key locations that would be crucial for my upcoming battles and training sessions.

"Landon, the academy is divided into several sectors," Clive began, pointing to different sections on the map. "Each sector specializes in a different type of training. This includes battle strategy, elemental mastery, physical conditioning, and advanced techniques. You'll need to familiarize yourself with each sector to maximize your potential."

I nodded, taking mental notes of each sector. "Got it, but where is this place, and how are we getting there? The building design makes it almost look like some flying fortress."

Iono laughed at this. "Close, but it is out on the open sea in the Unova region. To reach it, we travel through an undersea tunnel that opens up into the heart of the academy. It’s a fascinating place, and the underwater journey alone is an experience."

I stared at the holographic map, imagining the surreal journey through an undersea tunnel to reach the academy. The thought was both thrilling and a bit nerve-wracking. "Sounds incredible. So, what's the plan once we get there?"

Clive continued, "Once you arrive at Blueberry Academy, you'll be introduced to the BB League. It's a series of battles designed to test your skills and push you to your limits. The league operates on a points system, called Blueberry Points (BP). You'll earn BP through victories and various challenges. Accumulate enough points, and you'll qualify for the final tournament, where the top trainers compete for the title."

Iono chimed in, "The BB League is where you'll face some of the toughest opponents. It's not just about winning battles; it's about learning and adapting. The environment is constantly changing, and you’ll need to be on your toes."

Grusha added, "And remember, Landon, this isn't just about physical strength. Strategy and teamwork are crucial. You'll need to work closely with your partners and utilize their unique abilities to overcome the challenges."

I nodded, absorbing all the information. "Understood. I'm ready for the challenge."

Director Geeta interjected, "One more thing, Landon. Blueberry Academy has strict rules regarding the use of your abilities and transformations. You'll need to ensure that your powers are controlled and used responsibly. We can't afford any incidents."

I assured her, "I'll be careful. I'll make sure to use my abilities responsibly."

Geeta smiled, satisfied with my response. "Good. Now, let's get you prepared for the journey. You'll be leaving first thing in the morning."

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