Paradise Pokeball System

Vol.2 Chapter 17: Oran Berries and Bazooka Melon

Vol.2 Chapter 17: Oran Berries and Bazooka Melon

Iono’s stream continued with the underwater adventure despite the earlier hiccup, and gradually, the chat began to focus more on the fascinating Pokémon around the elevator shaft. As we descended deeper into the underwater tunnel, the mood lightened, and viewers started asking questions about the Pokémon species we encountered.

Iono, ever the charismatic host, engaged with the audience, pointing out various Water-type Pokémon like Magikarp, Tentacool, and even a playful Wailmer that swam by. Grusha and Tallia joined in, sharing their knowledge and anecdotes about the Pokémon they recognized. The chat responded positively to their interactions, shifting the focus away from the earlier incident.

Throughout the descent, I kept my distance from Iono, respecting the boundary and trying to blend into the background. Despite the initial tension, the underwater scenery was captivating, and I found myself genuinely enjoying the experience. The tunnel was a marvel of engineering, allowing us a clear view of the Pokémon in their natural habitat.

As we reached the bottom of the tunnel, the platform came to a gentle stop, and Iono turned back to the camera with renewed enthusiasm. "Alright, everyone! We’ve reached the end of our underwater adventure. Thank you all for joining us today. It’s been an incredible journey, and we’re glad we could share it with you!"

The chat erupted with gratitude and praise, with viewers expressing their excitement over the unique experience. Iono signed off with a wave and a promise to return soon for more adventures, leaving a positive impression despite the earlier controversy.

After the stream ended, Iono, Grusha, Tallia, and I gathered on the platform, reflecting on the day’s events. "Sorry again, Landon," Iono said sincerely, her earlier distress evident in her voice. "I didn’t mean for things to get so awkward."

"It’s okay, Iono. This was mostly my fault, but you didn't have to end the stream, right? Don't we have to walk the rest of the way through the tunnel now that we are at the bottom of the sea?" I asked, but Iono shook her head and grabbed Tallia, and Grusha.

"There is a bathroom here, so we are going to get changed into something that you might find a bit more exciting. The kind of beachwear not suitable for the stream!" Iono cheered, and both women frowned at Iono.

"Did you really just stop your stream so you can show off for Landon? Grusha asked in surprise, and Iono scowled with a blushing face.

"Shut up and just get in the bathroom with me! I am not going to be the only one wearing something embarrassing!" Iono growled, pointing at the bathrooms off to the side.

Before the girls could move, multiple flashes of light appeared, and suddenly, almost all of Prisma emptied out of me! Joy, Lusamine, Nemona, and even Soleira and Zossie had appeared, all of them wearing bathing suits of decreasing modesty.

"Is it okay if we join you since the stream is done?" Joy asked, wearing a skimpy bathing suit that showed off her slender and fit physique. Lusamine and Nemona were both in fashionable yet revealing swimsuits, while Soleira appeared in a more conservative two-piece, her demeanor calm and collected. Zossie wore a big white t-shirt and some shorts, but still hid behind Soleira to glare at Me.

Iono's eyes widened in surprise, her cheeks flushing even more deeply. "Uh, well, I guess everyone's here now..."

Grusha and Tallia exchanged amused glances, clearly used to Iono's dramatic entrances. "I guess the more the merrier?" Grusha offered with a smile.

Iono rolled her eyes. "I guess, but why do they all have such big boobs?! I am the same age or older than most of them!" She complained, but then she spotted Zossie, and stabbed a finger at her. "You! You are coming with me to get changed!"

Zossie flinched and tried to get behind Soleira more, but Iono rushed over and grabbed her hand. "Come on! You can come and get changed with me since we have equal assets!"

Zossie tried to resist, but no one tried to help her. "No! I have already changed! That pervert doesn't need to see me in a bathing suit!" She complained, but Iono was having no part of it, and just dragged her into the bathroom with a giggling Grusha and Tallia following behind them.

[In The Bathroom- Girls view]

Iono dragged Zossie into the bathroom, and then back into a shower stall. All the while Zossie tried to break free, but Ione was much stronger than she looked.

"What is your problem?! I said I was already changed!" Zossie growled, but then Iono rounded on her with a serious look.

"You are just like me, so I can tell that Landon likes the small ones too!" Iono declared, but that made Zossie throw her hands up in defense, trying to push the advancing Iono back.

"No! I don't want anything to do with that pervert! He messes around with Pokémon and he already has a massive harem!" Zossie snapped back, but Iono rolled her eyes.

"You're clearly already caught! I saw you come out with the others! You agreed to this, right? Or are you like the other one that fights with Landon all the time? What is her name?" Iono asked, but then Tallia spoke up from where she was changing.

"Lusamine," She added.

"Yus! That one!" Iono cheered but then pinned Zossie to the shower wall with an intent look. "So, do you really not like him? Or are you just to shy or embarrassed to admit you have feeling for him?"

Zossie tried to break away, but then gave up, growling. "How are you okay with him?! How can you be okay when you know he is sleeping with so many other women and even Pokémon?! Why am I the only one that thinks this is crazy?!"

Iono shrugged. "Landon isn't another guy. He isn't just some dude going around having one-night stands with everyone. Sure, the Pokémon thing is weird, but if you think about it, some are even prettier than us! It is also not like he is forcing any of them, and from what I can see, Joy and Nemona seem very happy..." Iono explained but then trailed off before speaking in a much louder voice. "Tallia? What do you like about Landon, and why are you okay with being with him, even though your mom is as well?"

Tallia paused for a moment, considering her words carefully as she adjusted her swimsuit. "Well, for me, being with Landon is... different. He's not like anyone I've ever met. Despite his quirks and the unconventional relationships he has, there's a sincerity in him that's hard to ignore. He treats each of us with respect and care, and he's genuinely interested in who we are and what we want. As for my mom... I am just happy that she is happy, even if it is a bit weird."

Grusha, who had been quietly changing beside Tallia, nodded in agreement. "He's not perfect, but who is? I haven't known Landon for very long, but he's always been upfront about everything. From what I can see, and have heard, he respects women's choices and boundaries, and he values our opinions. It's refreshing, honestly, but I am not a good one to ask. I kind of fell for him hard when I first met him, and seeing him transform... Makes me kind of hot inside..."

Iono, still holding onto Zossie who seemed torn between annoyance and curiosity, chimed in. "Yeah, I know what she means! And let's not forget the adventures! Landon's life is full of excitement and unexpected twists. Being with him means I get to experience things I never thought possible. Sure, it's going to be a bit chaotic at times, but it will never be boring!"

Zossie, arms crossed defensively, looked down, away from Iono's piercing stare. "But... what about all the other girls?" she asked quietly, almost to herself. "Isn't it... strange?"

"Strange? Sure, stranger than fiction, but so is the world you all just came from in a flash of light! Strange are the powers that one girl, Nemona used! Strange is the fact that he can even catch us at all! Look at his Pokémon! All of this is so strange that I don't even know where to begin!" Iono exclaimed, but then paused, taking on a much more serious look. "No, the strangest thing is that it is clear that Landon could abuse his powers, but from what I can tell from all of the girls, that is something he would never do."

Zossie had always felt conflicted about Landon. In her mind, she saw him as nothing more than a monster that wanted to collect and mess around with women, but the more she learned about him, the less she felt that way. The problem for her is that she had done nothing but treat him poorly since arriving. Even after Landon had rushed to save them from the Endbringers, Zossie still treated him poorly.

Seeing the conflicting emotions run across Zossie's face, Iono grabbed her by the cheeks, forcing Zossie to look at her. "Look. I get it. You probably said a bunch of things you didn't mean to, and now you don't know how someone like him would forgive you for that, right?"

Zossie hesitated, caught off guard by Iono's directness. Her cheeks flushed slightly, but she managed to speak after a moment, her voice softer than before. "I... I didn't mean to be so harsh. It's just... everything is so overwhelming. I've never met anyone like Landon before, and... maybe I've been unfair."

Iono grinned, releasing Zossie's cheeks and giving her a playful nudge. "See? It's not so bad to admit it. And hey, us small-chested girls gotta stick together, right? We gotta support each other!"

Zossie couldn't help but chuckle at Iono's remark, the tension in her shoulders easing slightly. "Yeah, I guess so. Thanks, Iono. And... sorry for being so difficult."

Iono shrugged nonchalantly. "No worries! We all have our moments. Just give Landon a chance. You might be surprised."

Meanwhile, Tallia and Grusha finished changing and joined the conversation, sensing the shift in atmosphere. Tallia approached Zossie with a warm smile. "Hey, Zossie. I know it's a lot to take in, but Landon really does care about us. He's not like anyone else."

Grusha nodded in agreement. "Yeah, he's... different, but in a good way. And he's been through a lot too. Maybe we should cut him some slack."

Zossie looked around at the supportive faces of the girls, realizing she might have misjudged Landon. "I... I'll try to give him a chance," she admitted reluctantly, but a small smile tugged at her lips.

Iono clapped her hands in excitement. "That's the spirit! Now, let's get back out there and enjoy the rest of the day. No more misunderstandings, okay?"

Zossie nodded, feeling a weight lifted off her shoulders. "Okay. And... thanks, everyone."

Zossie turned to leave the shower stall, but Iono stopped her. "And where do you think you are going dressed like some tomboy?! Didn't you hear what I said to Landon?! I didn't cut my stream off for nothing! If we are going to get his attention with our little Oran Berries, then we need bathing suits that will draw his eyes from all the other bazooka melons out there!"

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