Paradise Pokeball System

Vol.2 Chapter 13: Job Quests

Vol.2 Chapter 13: Job Quests

The three of us made a stop at Lusamine's habit, and we all had a quick swim before heading to Joy's ball. When we got there, Tallia was sitting around the table with Soleira, Dulse, and Zossie while Joy was cooking. The place had gotten bigger, and the table could fit up to ten people at a time, so Nemona and Lusamine sat down and joined them.

I walked over and wrapped my around Joy as she cooked, and she leaned back on me. I kissed her cheek, and she nuzzled into me but then turned in my arms to look past me. I turned to find her eyeing up Lusamine.

"I thought you were with Jolene last night?" Joy asked after a moment without looking away from Lusamine, making me roll my eyes, and tickle Joy a bit so she looked back at me.

"I gave her a special candy that helped her grow a core, and then I gave her ball a skin. We still haven't done anything, and we might not even. I am not worried. I like her, but I am not forcing her to do anything she doesn't want, considering how far we have come," I explained, Joy nodded and kissed me before returning to the food.

"You have a lot of patience, but I guess that you need it considering who you are, and all of this. You never really get any time to yourself," Joy sighed, leaning back into me, and I shrugged.

"I get plenty of alone time whenever bad guys are around!" I laughed, and Joy laughed but then stopped.

"More of them are coming, right?" She asked, and I nodded.

"We have time. Six months for me to get much stronger, and I am taking things seriously. I was up first thing in the morning and got my workout done. As soon as I eat I will be going out to see Geeta, and then to go meet Iono and Grusha to head to Blueberry Academy. Besides my training here, I want to battle people in the real world with the girls. I want to believe that I can do this all on my own, but I can't. I got lucky this time," I said, and Joy nodded but stayed silent after.

After a moment, I got bored, and my stomach was rumbling, so I leaned over Joy's shoulder. "What's on the poke menu for breakfast today?"

Joy smiled and turned back to the stove, flipping the pancakes that sizzled on the griddle. "Today's menu includes fluffy Oran Berry pancakes, a side of Lechonk bacon, and a mixed fruit salad. I've also mixed some chocolate sauce in the MooMoo Milk to wash it all down."

"Sounds delicious," I said, my mouth watering at the sight and smell of the food.

Joy chuckled. "I knew you'd approve."

As Joy finished up, I helped set the table, making sure everyone had a place. The room buzzed with conversation and laughter, a stark contrast to the intense training sessions we just had. It was moments like these that made all the hard work and fighting worth it.

Nemona and Lusamine were chatting excitedly about their recent battle, comparing notes and sharing tips. Tallia was between them, looking like a child listening to the coolest story. She looked freaking adorable, and I could tell how much she wanted to be able to join them.

"Tallia!" I called over, and she looked up with a startled expression, making me smile. "Come and eat with me."

Tallia came over and sat in the open chair beside me looking a bit red-faced. I had a good idea of what might be going through her head right now, but I had already sort of planned for this.

"So," I said after swallowing a bite. "I am going to see Geeta after this, and I want you to come with me."

Tallia looked up at me. "Really? What for?"

I laughed. "To help you resign as chairwoman, or how else are we going to do this? I was also going to ask if we could have some of you serve as instructors at Blueberry Academy. Would you be interested? It might be boring here, but nothing is stopping you from going outside and doing your own thing."

Tallia looked down at her plate for a while but then looked back up at me. "Thank you for doing this for me. If it is okay, after I resign, I would like to just relax and spend time here in Prisma. This place is more beautiful than I could have ever imagined, and your Pokémon are so friendly! I hope that I can bring some of my Pokémon in here one day."

I smiled, putting my hand over Tallia's. "Relax to your heart's content, but I was hoping that you would join me to go to Blueberry Academy after we are done with Geeta. The only way to get your Pokémon here is to increase our bond level, and this is a good start, right?"

Tallia's face brightened at my words. "I'd love to join you. It sounds like an exciting adventure."

"Great," I said, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "We'll head out right after breakfast."

As we finished our meal, the atmosphere was filled with warmth and camaraderie. Joy's cooking was as delightful as ever, and the casual conversation around the table provided a refreshing break from the intensity of our training sessions.

After breakfast, we gathered our things and prepared to leave for our meeting with Geeta. Nemona and Lusamine wished us luck, their eyes twinkling with curiosity about what lay ahead.

"Landon!" Dulse called as I was about to close my eyes, and I stopped as the man ran over to me. "Before you go! Can you please sign off on these three shops? They are the stores that we have decided on in the city area of Prisma. According to your Pokémon, Cryo, if we complete our job Quest, we can increase our bond levels with you."

"Oh?" I asked, and Dulse opened up a system menu showing me three stores, and my eyebrows went up.

-Store: Soleira's Potion Palace
-Description: A one-stop shop for all your potion needs, offering a wide variety of healing, status-curing, and performance-enhancing potions. The palace also features a consultation service to help trainers select the best potions for their Pokémon and battles.
-Starting Abilities Gained:
Potion Mastery: Gain knowledge about potion brewing and the ability to create custom potions.
Enhanced Healing: Potions from this shop are 20% more effective in healing and curing status ailments.

-Store: Dulse's Fashion Boutique
-Description: A high-end fashion boutique offering exclusive clothing and accessories for trainers and Pokémon. The boutique specializes in custom designs, ensuring each piece is unique and tailored to the customer's taste.
-Starting Abilities Gained:
Fashion Sense: Gain a keen eye for fashion and design, enhancing the visual appeal of outfits and increasing confidence in battles.
Custom Fit: Clothing from this shop provides minor stat boosts based on the design, such as increased agility or defense.

-Store: Zossie's Poké Skin Shop
-Description: Specializes in creating and safely removing Paradise Ball skins, offering a wide variety of skins that can enhance the appearance and abilities of Pokémon. The shop also provides a customization service for unique skin designs.
-Starting Abilities Gained:
Skin Crafting: Ability to create custom ball skins that provide specific bonuses to Pokémon.
Safe Removal: Expertise in safely removing ball skins without harming the Pokémon, allowing for easy customization changes.

I signed off on the three shops, smiling at Dulse. "These look great. I'm sure they'll be a big hit in the city area of Prisma. Just make sure to let me know when you have them up and running!"

Dulse nodded enthusiastically. "Thank you, Landon. We're excited to get started and see how these shops can help everyone."

With that settled, Tallia and I closed our eyes to head out to meet with Geeta.

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