Paradise Pokeball System

Vol. 2 Chapter 30: Water Aerobics

Vol. 2 Chapter 30: Water Aerobics

After everything was said and done, I was finally registered, and in my new dorm room. Carmine told me to come by later to talk more, but I had to turn her down. I had some stuff to do in Prisma, and I was getting tired.

Once my door was locked, I closed my eyes and opened them back up in Joy's Habitat. I could sense her in the house, so I headed over and knocked on her door.

"Come in!" Joy called and walked over to the kitchen where she was on the phone. "Landon just got in, but you should come and visit for a bit after, okay? Talk to you later, Jolene."

I walked over and wrapped my arms around Joy from behind as she put down the phone. Joy leaned back and put her hands on my arms, then looked up at me. "You had a long day."

"You have no idea. Iono and Grusha are turning out to be more like wards than mentors. I still can't believe they pounced on Carmine like that. The Pokémon have better manners than the two of them," I sighed, burying my face into her neck.

Joy patted my head. "Everyone is still getting used to this, so you will have to expect some hiccups. This system is really amazing, but it is far from perfect."

"I know," I groaned. "But I am just worried about word getting out."

"It is going to happen sooner than later. You should focus on getting stronger. Tomorrow is a new day, but I think that you should go spend some time with your Pokémon," Joy advised, and I nodded, letting go of her, and standing back up.

"That is my next stop, but I wanted to stop by and see if you had room in the bed tonight?" I asked, and Joy stood up.

She turned around to face me, wrapping her arms around my neck, and kissing me. "I know that you have been busy with Lusamine and Nemona today, but you might want to spend tonight with your two newest additions. I think if you do that, they can start training right away... Oh, and one more thing. Jolene mentioned to me that Tallia's birthday is in two days."

"Oh? Well, I will keep that in mind. If you women could help me with some ideas, that would be great," I said, and Joy nodded with a smile.

"Jolene and I will take care of the party. You just have to do something to make it special. What that is, I am not sure yet, but Jolene and I will talk about it tonight," Joy said and then kissed me again. "I will have you another night."

I smiled and kissed her back before she let go, and I closed my eyes. I opened the again to find Knighty, Lumi, Popsicle, and Leilani in Finny's Pool. They were all doing water aerobics, but all of the girls were sweating.

The moment Finny noticed me, she froze, and a big smile crept across her face. In unison, all the rest of the girls turned to see me.

"Master!" They all called out, but I put up a hand to stop them as they looked like they were going to rush me.

"Wait! I will come in with you all and work out with you," I called, and then stripped down, hoping into the water.

It was nice and warm, but as soon as I got in the girls all swam over. To my surprise, each of them was wearing a bathing suit. Considering that they were all alone training, I had assumed they would all be naked, but that didn't seem to be the case. It kind of made me feel a bit awkward, but the girls didn't seem to care.

"All right! Master is here, so we should all show him what we got! All of us want to get stronger!" Finny cheered and then started to do water aerobics.

As soon as we started, I could feel Cryo putting my body through the ringer. My muscles writhed under my skin as I tried to keep up with the girls, but Cryo wasn't pulling any punches today with this workout. In less than a minute, the top half of my body that was above water was soaked in sweat.

I looked over, but my girls didn't seem to be doing much better. Well, except for Lumi who seemed to be doing everything with grace and ease, and not a single drop of sweat on her face. The rest of the girls, especially Popsicle and Knighty, were sweating hard like me. My Pawmi and Carcadet seemed to be putting in the most effort, but my Ralts, Leilani, were doing her best as well.

"Phew! That is a wrap everyone! I think that is enough training for today! Tomorrow's training in the morning is at Knighty's, so everyone makes sure to get some rest!" Finny called and swam over to give me a hug.

I returned it, and then the rest of the girls mobbed us. After a lot of splashing and laughing, I was finally able to get out of the water with everyone. I summoned a towel, and dried off, snapping my fingers after to put my clothing back on.

"So, tomorrow, I plan on doing some outdoor training with any that want to come," I said as I turned to face my girls. "I assume that you will all want to come? The Pokémon are a lot stronger here, so I plan on fighting the Pokémon myself with you all out. This will help you gain experience while I fight so I can bring you closer to the levels of the Pokémon you will be fighting in the future."

The girls all seemed excited about this, but I noticed that Knighty seemed unsure. I walked over to her, and put a hand on her shoulder. "Do you know what evolution line you want to take?"

Knighty looked up at me in shock but then blushed. "I'm not sure. I don't even know where to get the item I need."

I smiled. "Don't worry. Tomorrow we will level everyone up, including you. You just have to decide if you want to evolve into Armorage or Ceruledge. I know what we have to do to get both, so you just have to let me know."

"Really?" Knighty asked, and I could feel her tremble in excitement. "Let me think about it for a minute... I think that I would like to become an Armorage! Ceruledge had blades for hands... it would be hard to hug you then..."

I chuckled and patted Knighty's head. "Armorage it is then. Tomorrow, we'll work on getting you the item you need and making sure you're ready for the evolution. Just be prepared for some intense training."

Knighty nodded eagerly, her eyes shining with determination. "I'll be ready, Master!"

I turned to the rest of the girls, who were all looking equally enthusiastic. "Alright, everyone, get some rest tonight. Tomorrow's going to be a big day for all of us."

They all cheered, and I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride. These Pokémon-turned-humans were becoming more than just allies—they were becoming family.

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