Paradise Pokeball System

Chapter 120: Capture Party!

Chapter 120: Capture Party!

With Cryo's help, I sent Garon to his Habitat and prepared to leave Prisma to check on the Recon Squad, but Joy stopped me.

"What are your plans with them?" Joy asked, and I frowned.

"What do you mean?" I asked, turning to wrap my arms around her. It had been a while since we had gotten close, and everyone else had gone to different habitats.

"Well, you have mostly solved your problem of being stuck in one place. While you still have to deal with Tallia being the leader of the elite four, you have almost nothing tying you to this place. That means we can put more effort into exploring this world. The only thing is it will be hard with the Recon having to follow us around," Joy explained, and frowned.

"What are you suggesting?" I asked, and Joy smiled, and kissed me softly, pulling back slightly, pressing her forehead to mine.

"Since we know you can catch males as well now, I think you should catch the Recon Squad," Joy said and then kissed me again, and I laughed.

When I had caught Garon, I had done it without thinking, but it made sense. From what I understood, Prisma was going to grow. I couldn't have relationships with everyone that I needed to run the place, so it made sense that I was able to catch men as well.

"I will have to see what they think first. I don't want to force anyone into it. I already feel bad for Jolene and Tallia," I said, but Joy kissed me again.

"I wouldn't worry about that too much. The women are both beyond happy. They are waiting for you to have some free so you can show them their habitats," Joy said and pulled back from me.

I smiled and nodded. "That sounds like a very good plan to me. I will go talk to the squad and finish the day off with the women. Something tells me that I am going to have to deal with the repercussions of my encounter tomorrow."

"Very likely, but why have proof that you were defending this world, so I don't think they will give you much trouble. Probably the opposite," Joy smiled, and let go of me. "Go see Soliera and the others now."

Joy left me, heading back to her PokeCenter house, and I watched her leave with a smile. As I did, Cryo appeared beside me.

"A lot has happened today. I am impressed that you were able to come to terms with the system so fast. I was worried, but you must have shown enough resolve to make Primordial back down," Cryo explained, and I laughed, closing my eyes, and then opening them in the crater Garon and I had made.

I turned to Cryo and smiled. "It was a close call. I did tell him I would do everything I could to get stronger, but it was mostly because he couldn't get off this world. If anything, it was luck."

Cryo chuckled. "Well, sometimes luck plays a crucial role in battles. But don't sell yourself short, Landon. Your determination and willpower were the key factors in gaining control. Now, let's check on the Recon Squad and discuss the plan for the future."

Cryo disappeared, and I looked up at the dirt wall that rose up fifty feet in the air. There was no way I was going to walk up that, so I activated my Ground Skin. My body was covered in dirt, and I surged forward up the crater.

Once I got to the top, I spotted the Ultra Recon Squad. I found them gathered in a makeshift camp nearby, assessing their injuries and discussing the events that had transpired. Soliera, Dulse, and Zossie looked up as I approached deactivating my Ground Skin, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern.

"Landon, are you okay? What happened back there?" Soliera asked, her eyes searching for any signs of distress.

"I'm fine. Things got a bit... complicated, but I managed to gain control. We need to talk about what comes next," I replied, taking a deep breath. "But first, how is everyone? Any serious injuries?"

Zossie shook her head. "We're mostly fine, thanks to your intervention. Garon's Control Calamity System was tough to handle, but your unreal transformation turned the tables."

"I'm glad to hear that. Now, I know this is sudden, but let's discuss the future. Considering the dangers we all just faced, I have a proposal," I began, outlining my thoughts about catching them all with the Paradise Balls and bringing them to Prisma. I explained the benefits of being in a Habitat, the ability to explore more freely, and the potential for growth.

The Recon Squad members exchanged glances, contemplating the idea. After a moment of silence, Dulse spoke up. "It's an unconventional proposition, but considering the circumstances, it might be the best way forward. Still, let me get Captain Phyco on the phone so we can all talk to him. We have reported that we engaged, but we have been waiting to see what you will do."

"Sure, I wouldn't expect less," I said as Soliera pulled out her phone and pressed a few buttons.

Within a moment, Captain Phyco's voice came out of the phone. "Recon Squad, report. What's the situation?"

Soliera quickly summarized the recent events, including Garon's transformation and subsequent capture, my own transformation and victory, and the proposal I had presented to them. Captain Phyco listened attentively, his expression hidden behind the screen.

After the summary, Captain Phyco took a moment before responding. "Landon, this is an unexpected turn of events, but I trust your judgment. The Recon Squad has never faced off against an Endbringer, and life to tell a story about it. Not only that, but you managed to catch one. Considering everything, I think it is a good idea to ensure the safety of the team."

There was a long pause, and then Phyco spoke again. "If any of them don't wish to join you, then they can come back. None of you are required to do this, but I will say this. The Endbringers pose a greater risk than even Necrozma for all worlds. For the first time, We have one to study and learn from. I don't think I have to tell you what kind of opportunity this is, on top of being able to study this alternate reality known as Prisma."

The Recon Squad members exchanged glances once more, and then Soliera nodded. "We understand, Captain Phyco. We will trust Landon's judgment and join him in this endeavor."

"Very well. Landon, make sure to keep them safe. We'll continue monitoring the situation from our end. If you need anything, contact us immediately," Captain Phyco advised.

"I will, Captain. Thank you for your support," I replied, feeling a sense of responsibility settling on my shoulders.

After ending the call, I turned to the Recon Squad. "While it is clear what Soleira wants, I would like to hear how the two of you feel about joining me. Like Phyco said, you don't have to do this."

Zossie sighed. "I don't want to go home. It's always dark there, and the food sucks, but what is this place even like?"

"Cryo," I called, and he appeared floating in the air beside me. "Can you show a projection of Joy's Habitat?"

Cryo nodded, and a holographic projection of Joy's Habitat materialized in the air. The Recon Squad members looked at it in awe, taking in the vibrant surroundings, cozy PokeCenter, then the living spaces inside, and the overall harmonious atmosphere.

"This is... incredible," Dulse remarked, his eyes widening.

"It's like a paradise," Zossie added, her expression filled with wonder.

I smiled, seeing their positive reactions. "That's why it's called Prisma. It's a world where people and Pokémon live together in harmony. Joining me means you'll each have your own habitat, and we can work together to make this place even better."

Soliera stepped forward, her determination evident. "I've made my decision. I want to stay and help. What about the two of you?"

Dulse and Zossie exchanged glances before nodding in agreement. "We're in," Dulse said.

"Count us as part of your team," Zossie added with a determined expression.

I grinned, feeling a sense of camaraderie growing. "Welcome to the team, Recon Squad. Let's work together to make Prisma even more amazing."

With their decision made, we discussed the logistics of the capture process. I handed each member a Paradise Ball, explaining its function and ensuring they understood the choice they were making. As the Recon Squad prepared for their transition to Prisma, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and optimism for the future.

The day had been filled with challenges, but it also marked a turning point. The Recon Squad, once strangers from another world, were now becoming an integral part of Prisma.

"Once I capture you, we are in this for the long haul, but there is a possibility that I will be able to release you in the future. We are a long way from this being over, so it might be a long time before I can release you, but I will try my best," I explained, and each of them handed me their balls.

I took them back, and one at a time, I tossed them. Each of the Ultra Recon Team turned to energy and was sucked inside the Poke balls. All of them shook once and stopped. One was bright pink, Soleira, very light pink for Zossie, and last was a royal blue for Dulse.

"You have done well," Cryo said as he floated in front of me, and I sighed.

"Yeah, but only by chance. I can't let that happen again. I am going to start taking things a lot more seriously. I need to get myself to the point where nothing can stop me. I don't want the power to control, or maybe I do, but what I want to control is peace. I want a future where I don't need to worry about Endbringers or Necrozma," I said as I looked out at the crater.

"You have a long road ahead of you, but you have come a long way. I never would have thought you would have to fight a foe that was so strong so early, but here we are. I believe that Ultramex made the right choice with you. Now that you understand the true purpose of Prisma, and the requirements of the Penultimate Primordial System, I think we are ready for the next chapter in your journey," Cryo said, and I nodded.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow across the landscape, I couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of purpose. The challenges ahead were daunting, but the bonds forged with the Ultra Recon Squad and the evolving understanding of the Penultimate Primordial System gave me the strength to face them.

As I stood there, contemplating the future, I felt a gentle presence beside me. Joy had appeared from her Paradise Ball, her eyes reflecting a mix of pride and affection. Without a word, she took my hand, intertwining her fingers with mine.

"You did amazing, Landon. I know the road ahead is uncertain, but you're not alone. We're all here to support you," Joy said, her voice a comforting melody.

I smiled, appreciating the reassurance. "Thank you, Joy. I couldn't have done it without you and the others. And now, with the Recon Squad joining us, I feel like we're building something truly special here."

Joy leaned in, placing a soft kiss on my cheek. "Prisma is lucky to have you as its Guardian. Let's face the future together, one step at a time."

With the Recon Squad captured and the promise of a new chapter ahead, I took a deep breath, ready to embrace the challenges and adventures that awaited. As the night settled in, we made our way back to Prisma.

Little did I know that the journey was far from over, and the mysteries of Prisma and the Penultimate Primordial System were yet to unfold. But with newfound allies and a determined spirit, I was ready to continue the fight for control, not only over power but over a future filled with peace and harmony.

End of Volume 1

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