Overpowered Sword

Chapter 57

Overpowered Sword Chapter 57

Level up with swords (57)

“It’s a forest troll! “They are throwing stones!”

A cry like someone’s scream rang out.

It was a sling that flew from a distance of hundreds of meters, maybe more. It is powerful enough to destroy a cart with a single blow, so there will be no significant difference compared to a siege catapult.

Two rounds of stone slings disrupt the ranks.

Even experienced merchants cannot remain calm in the face of death. As the horses, startled by the sound and vibration, started to panic, the inside and outside of the carriage shook and the merchants cried out loudly.

But there was a voice suppressing the panic.


Gustaf In this request, the man in charge of the guard shouted loudly and swung his sword.


Shattered rocks scatter. It was a reckless act of hitting a catapult from the front, but the majesty of it was truly amazing.

People who were about to panic looked at him without realizing it.

The Zweihander, which an average person could not even swing once, and the physique that was over 2 meters tall, and the face that was hardened by years of experience, were extremely trustworthy to anyone who saw it.

Gustav, who attracted attention with a single blow, shouted loudly.

“It’s pattern C! 〈Blue-headed Eagle〉 〈Sword of Scarlet〉 〈Hundred-Haired〉 The mercenaries hide their carriages behind cover, and the adventurers be on the lookout for monsters that may come from nowhere!”

Following his instructions, the three mercenaries moved the wagons.

Calms confused horses and leads them to terrain where slings cannot reach. The safety of merchants and the preservation of trade goods were the most important goals in commerce.

The rest of the troops were not idle either.

He drew his weapons while keeping a watchful eye on all directions, as if to surround the wagons that had pulled back.


A bustling figure approaches. The fishy smell coming from beyond is the stench of monsters covered in blood and sewage.

Hamel, who felt the presence like Leon, reacted.

He fired a fiery arrow into the distant sky, revealing the scenery hidden in the darkness of the night.

“They are demons!”

“All the goblin gnoll kobolds…!”

It seemed like he had used all his remaining power.

A swarm of mixed monsters, without distinction of species, attack.

However, the number was not that large because the number of deaths over the past four days was enormous. In total, I think there are about 300 of them. Of the several raids, this was the smallest.

Gustav recognized the situation and immediately changed his strategy.

“We prioritize the extermination of forest trolls! Hansen and Leonik! You take four mercenaries and deal with one! And Hamel, you are holding the other guy back! “Hold on tightly to prevent them from escaping and throwing more stones!”

“All right!”

“Don’t be late, Captain!”

After receiving Gustav’s instructions, “Steel Claws” quickly ran into the forest. One forest troll is more threatening than dozens of miscellaneous monsters. If rocks continued to be thrown from that distance, the casualties would be enormous.

Moreover, the forest trolls were not gathered in one place.

If you take down even one first, it’s obvious that the rest will run away. There was no choice but to attack four of them simultaneously with a small number of elites.

‘But forest trolls have quite high individual combat power.’

If you classify it by guild level, it is B rank, middle to upper level. It is a monster whose danger level rises several times higher in the forest.

Even B-rank mercenaries like Hansen and Leonic were at a disadvantage in one-on-one fights, and even a ranger like Hamel who was good at hitting and running had his limitations in taking time. Gustav and Karen are probably the only people who can take down a forest troll alone.

Leon thought so and pulled out his sword.

“Karen, let’s go too.”

“Is that so?”

Karen shouted, answering without any hint of tension.

“Hey Captain! “We’ll go to the one furthest away!”

“I know the farthest place!”

“You take care of the rest!”

With this, opponents were decided for each of the four.

After bowing lightly to Gustav, Leon ran into the forest, following Karen, who had started running ahead of him.

After the sun goes down, the forest is dark.

Even with 〈Anbeop〉, we can only understand its shape. However, if they were emitting light, the forest trolls might notice their approach.

‘What a troublesome monster it is.’

Leon clicked his tongue and watched the carnage unfold before his eyes.

“Ahahahaha! “Did these bastards really have swollen livers?”

A bloody wind blew behind Karen, who ran ahead of him. All goblins and kobolds are cut down. Two daggers were flashing at an invisible speed.

Kill with one blow.

It is an assassination sword that cuts out vital points with one hit. Blood splattered as the blade was swung without using any aura.

“Karen! Do it in moderation! Ugh.”

Leon covered himself in the blood helplessly. It was extremely uncomfortable to be in a situation where I couldn’t even use the light of purification.

He covered his face with one hand for fear of getting it in his mouth and shook off his clothes that were stained with blood and flesh. Even so, it didn’t mean much because it was just blindfolded.

Still, thanks to Karen, the progress was incredibly fast.

“We’re almost there! “Get ready!”


Before I knew it, the wave of monsters had long since ended.

As soon as Leon’s words made him nervous, a large shadow appeared in their field of vision.

As a rule of thumb, it’s probably about 4 meters.

Leon saw through the figure and raised his sword.


As we get closer, the shape becomes increasingly clearer.

It was just as the mercenaries said.

Unlike the picture seen in the Academy’s book, the forest troll had long limbs and a slim physique. Even in the dark, its eyes glowed red, revealing its ferocious nature.

At that time, Karen patted his back and whispered.

“I’ll stop you from running away, so fight as much as you want!”

When Leon nodded at those words, Karen’s presence disappeared like a ghost. If the forest trolls recognized her strength, they would avoid a fight or anything, so she hid using stealth techniques.

At the same time, Leon entered the forest troll’s sensory range.


The moment the forest troll, surprised by the presence, turned around, Leon burst out with the light he had been holding back until now.


Light of purification.

The flash illuminated the forest, erasing the dirt that stuck to various parts of his body and pushing out the darkness of the surrounding area.

It was an unexpected surprise for the troll whose pupils were wide open.


He even dropped the rock he was holding in one hand and covered his face as he took a step back.

The monster’s unique night vision worked in a bad way.

The forest troll, who had temporarily lost his eyesight, stumbled, but Leon did not take advantage of the gap. It is not for fair competition. It was because I felt an unknown sense of anxiety.

And his judgment was correct.


Leon was scared and stepped back.

It had to be that way.

The forest troll, who had lost his eyesight, suddenly stretched out his hands and started running rampant, digging up the ground around him!

Phew! Puhwaak! Phew!

It was already a forest troll with a physique larger than that of a human, but the proportions of its palm were larger than those of a human.

It is an area that can easily hold even large trees.

As I spread the dirt with my palm, a wall was created that was difficult to approach. Let alone the dirt, if you get hit by a rock mixed in it, your bones will definitely break.

‘Damn you…!’

Leon tried to take a detour to avoid the dirt pile, but the bastard caught up with him even though he had lost his eyesight. Although we do not know whether it is hearing or smell, it is evidence that sense organs other than vision have developed.

It’s a trick, but the method is very cunning.

By the time he failed to break through several times, the forest troll had already fully recovered its eyesight.


With a sound that sounded like a sneer, the guy picked up his weapon.

“…is it a club?”

It was a log that was more than 3 meters long and appeared to have been roughly hewn. Although it is a clumsy club, its weight is dangerous.

If you hit it from the front, your wrist could be broken.

Leon took a deep breath as he lowered his sword to its middle finger.

From now on, you cannot make a single mistake.

‘let’s go.’

Take a step forward as if pushing your own back.

Immediately after that, a strong roar from the forest troll erupted.


Moving forward without giving in to the pressure that shakes the atmosphere.


The club came down.

With a difference of half a beat, the place where Leon was staying is destroyed.

It was a shock that could not help but chill my stomach.

‘It’s faster than expected. A little closer to counterattack.’

Forest trolls gained several times more agility in return for giving up body fat, the source of their regenerative ability. Even in a world that was extremely slow, it moved at a fairly fast speed.

The range of the 3 meter long club is also annoying.

Because it was so powerful and bulky that it was difficult to shed or cut it off with a sword, it was not easy to dig into it.

Boom! Quang! Boom! Huh!

Avoid, avoid, avoid again.

There was no skill in its movements, so it wasn’t difficult to watch and avoid it.

The wind pressure from the randomly swinging stick raises a thick layer of dust. That’s how powerful it is. If it were Gustav, he might have hit it head-on, but Leon wasn’t him.

‘So I guess I’ll have to find another way.’

Every time I take a half step closer, a shiver runs down the back of my neck.

That’s the damn gap.

As soon as Leon lowers his body, a stick passes over him, and if he stops even for a moment, the guy takes a step back. The attitude of not giving up the gap easily is truly cunning.

More than anything else, his fighting style went beyond common sense.


Leon saw the guy’s shoulder twitch and ran to the left. Immediately after that, a pile of dirt passed by him.

The right hand, not the left, swings the club.

He threw the dirt he had grabbed with his empty hand. Even though it looks crude, it is a fairly effective means of attack. The attack range was wide and its power was enough to break bones, so there was no answer other than avoiding it.


And the club is immediately struck in the direction he is avoiding.


Avoid at narrow intervals. Perhaps because it was closer than before, the speed at which the club was reaching slowly reached a dangerous level.

If you get closer than this, it is a distance that cannot be avoided.

On the other hand, two more steps were still needed to reach the sword.

‘I can’t help it.’

Leon’s eyes sank as he made up his mind.

Incomplete technology.

If we mobilize that destructive power, we can overcome this situation. He planned to win without using it if possible, but his capabilities were still far from enough to overwhelm the forest trolls.

Leon’s movements while concentrating the auror suddenly slowed down.

The stiffness, which could literally be said to last about 3 seconds, stimulated the forest troll’s destructive impulse.


It is now.

The forest troll’s strike followed its instinct. Jump up into the air with all your might and hit with your weight added.

It was powerful enough to turn even a knight wearing a full plate into a blood clot.

Yes, it was the final blow.

‘-I thought so.’

Even though forest trolls are cunning, their nature is that of monsters. When the prey, which missed several times at close intervals, found a gap, it did not have enough intelligence to determine whether the gap was a trap or not.

Leon used that moment as bait to attract the guy.


A golden aura burns on the blade. A sword of annular eclipse that can be swung up to four times, up to three times if you consider the spare power.

Leon, who activated , raised the sword and struck.


With a clean sound, the log that had been cut from the middle rotated and soon fell behind Leon’s back.

The forest troll froze, unable to understand the situation.

Why was his club cut off so easily?

Why does this dwarf dare to show his teeth?

Leon explained the reason with the second sword strike.


As the golden auror ran horizontally for a long time, the forest troll’s thick kneecaps were cut off without any resistance. In addition, the cut surface was scorched by high heat, causing burns that were almost the opposite of regenerative power.

〈Auror Weapon〉 was not simply a concentration of power.

This is a state where auror properties can be physically manifested. In the case of the sun, ‘light’ and ‘heat’ are representative, and Leon’s ‘Eclipse’ was a technique that focused on ‘heat’.

Since the physical power of the auror itself was added to ultra-high heat, it was like rat poison to the troll.


The forest troll that had lost one leg cried out.

A wound that does not regenerate from terrible pain. A situation he has never experienced before drives him into panic.

Nevertheless, the instinct engraved in his blood was powerful.

He seemed to jump up as fast as he could with his remaining legs, but then used both arms to escape up the tree!

“You came all the way here and ran away?!”

Leon was shocked, but the guy’s actions were quick. Because I am missing one leg, I move my lighter body with my two arms. Since I wasn’t able to climb trees using my legs, I actually became faster.

In an instant, the guy climbing several trees is moving away.

The troll, stimulated by its survival instinct, was stronger than ever. If you leave it like this, it will disappear from sight within a few seconds.

“…Do you think I will let you go?”

The faces of the three fallen mercenaries appeared before his eyes.

They weren’t that close, but they weren’t people who deserved to die like that.

Intense anger wells up against the forest troll, who unilaterally committed violence without any readiness to die. Leon unconsciously aimed his sword. Pushing two shots of Aura into the blade, enduring the pain that felt like his blood was boiling.

“You bastard!”

As I desperately swung the sword, a wave of light erupted from the blade of the holy sword.

Type 2 Merak from .

It was the moment when Oui first succeeded.

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