Overpowered Sword

Chapter 40

Overpowered Sword Chapter 40

Level up with swords (40)

‘It’s dangerous.’

The back of Leon’s neck was soaked with cold sweat.

It was a truth that should not be known.

If it weren’t for El Cid’s confirmation that 〈Guardian〉 and Karen were the same person, I would never have been able to be sure. To that extent, the impressions of the two were completely opposite and they even acted independently.

A beautiful adventurer with a cheerful vibe was actually one of the leaders of the slums?

It was a story no one could have guessed.

‘I felt like Khan didn’t know at all, and if the guild master knew, he would have told me in secret. I don’t know, but if you fooled even the bishop, you wouldn’t be able to handle it.’

If so, it means that only Leon knows this secret.

Even if there were more people who knew, there was no way they could guarantee his safety in this situation. To the assassin, my identity was the most important secret.

To the point where you have to somehow block the mouth of the person caught.


Unlike his complex thoughts, Leon moved with an expressionless face. Even the slightest change in facial expression should not be exposed.

One of the skills of an assassin is observation.

Only after you have figured out what the target is thinking and how he or she moves, and even the principles of action, do you find an opportunity to stab the target. It might be okay as long as Karen was ahead, but there was no harm in being careful.

“Left here!”

I chase after her as she shouts in a lively voice.

Just looking at that figure, you wouldn’t think he was an assassin.

Even that may be camouflage as an assassin, or it may be her face as a ‘Karen’ rather than an assassin. It was not a mask that someone like Leon could see through.

For now, I had to rely on the fact that they weren’t the enemy.


There was no time to worry more about whether it was fortunate or unfortunate.

Karen, who was about 10 meters ahead, suddenly stopped and extended a finger at him.

It’s the enemy.

one person? When I ask him this, he shakes his head. I only have one finger. ‘Why?’ He looked puzzled, and Karen called him with a hand gesture, as if telling him to come and see.


Only then did I know.

There was certainly one enemy, but it was not just one enemy.


It sounds like phlegm boiling. Its shape resembled a dog, but upon closer inspection, it was completely different.

Four pairs of eyeballs and three tails.

Purple smoke flows out of its ugly, distorted snout, and the dripping saliva melts the floor. It is a poison that is strong enough to corrode stone, so if it touches the skin, even the bone marrow will rot.

It was a monster bigger than a buffalo and had a disgusting appearance.

“Ugh, you look like you don’t want to fight.”

Karen, seeing that face, stuck her tongue out in disgust.

It wasn’t simply because of aesthetic taste.

As she uses a dagger and rope as her main weapon, she has few attack methods that are effective against medium to large sized monsters. Even if you plunge the dagger all the way to the hilt, it would be difficult to inflict a significant damage, but if it was a monster summoned through an external method, it was clear that it would also have regenerative powers.

“Can we get around it?”

“there is. But it takes another 30 minutes. “I can’t guarantee that there aren’t monsters like that on other roads as well.”

“I guess I’ll have to fight.”

Leon spoke without any hesitation.

The enemy’s intentions were clear.

The intention is to drag out time until the start of ‘Swallowing the City’. Anyway, if you just activate , their victory is inevitable, so there is no reason to come out and grab them.

The rush-in team needed to hurry.


Trying to pretend not to notice Karen’s actions, Leon spoke to the shadow fluttering on the wall.

Immediately, a voice came from the shadows.


“Do you have the means to mortally wound that monster?”

The shadow was silent for a moment and then spoke again.

“―If you say so――?”

“We’ll tie your feet, so get ready in the meantime. “You’re all in the same boat, so wouldn’t it be better to cooperate as much as possible?”

“—i get it.”

In fact, it was no different from what I said to Karen. Leon stepped in front of her without further hesitation.

I have recovered almost all of the stamina I lost on the way here.

From now on, we will just overcome it with all our might.


Leon kicked the ground and rushed forward.

A straight passage.

The gap was too far for a surprise attack. The best solution is to close the distance as quickly as possible and secure an appropriate location.

However, the monster’s reaction was faster than expected.


The muzzle opens with a horrifying cry.

There was only one thing anyone could think of from that appearance.

Push profit.

Light purple smoke billowed out.

The speed itself is nothing special, but the range is wide. This is why gaseous breath is evaluated as being more difficult than liquid breath.

Leon hastily drew his sword.

There was not enough space to dodge, and even if you just swung, it would be impossible to blow everything away due to the wind pressure.

‘El Cid!’

At the same time, light emanated from the sword surface.

Light of purification.

It was one of the fundamental functions of the Holy Sword, erasing all forces and substances harmful to life. The monster’s breath seemed to be no exception, as the light purple smoke dissipated in an instant.


The monster that had been pierced by a deadly weapon flinched.

Leon took advantage of that moment of stiffness and took two steps. I can’t guarantee that another opportunity like this to catch me off guard will come.

Horizontal cut.

The slash fired at full speed narrowly missed. The monster’s reaction speed is faster than expected. Four pairs of eyes were rolling back and forth to determine all the variables, whether they were decorations or not.


Leon, feeling an eerie feeling, took half a step back.

Almost at the same time, three tails struck the area where his upper body was, so fast that it sounded like the air was exploding.

The attack speed surpassed the wall of sound in an instant.

‘I can’t avoid it next time!’

The tail’s movement is faster than Leon’s full speed.

Even if you just brush against it, your body will be torn apart. Leon, feeling a sense of crisis, opened his eyes wide. Even when I am looking at it with the eye, the blurry, distorted afterimage disturbs my eyes.

At least one room must be blocked.

As he was about to take a defensive stance, he shouted,

“Junior! Forward once again!”

Karen shouted loudly from behind me.

I didn’t know what he was thinking.

There are two choices.

Do you believe it or not?

And Leon made his choice immediately.

‘let’s go.’

from now on.

Leon leaned forward and ran out. It rushed forward after encountering three tails that had even surpassed the speed of sound.

A choice that anyone would consider reckless.

Death struck one second later.


Between the eyebrows Heart Abdomen.

It comes in aiming for exactly three points.

It cannot be avoided. Can’t defend.

The only orbit he can cope with is his heart. All the rest hit and pierced two vital points.



Two daggers flew like beams of light and intercepted the tail. The tail, which had been digging up and down the forehead and abdomen, bounces away from the impact.

The tail, which was faster than sound, was struck with a dagger.

‘It’s time!’

The tail, which was about to pierce the heart, was shed with its sword face and immediately burrowed into the monster’s arms.

At this interval, no matter how quick you are, you cannot avoid it.

Leon’s sword moved.

In a world that is extremely slow, he draws a diagonal line with the utmost elegance and aims at the monster’s thick neck. The gold-colored auror increased its cutting power and cut through the flesh, which was tougher and thicker than the troll’s skin, like butter.


Still, I couldn’t cut them all.

When the blade was halfway through, the monster retreated at incredible speed. Acceleration to the rear is possible due to quadrupedal walking.

Leon, who had missed a golden opportunity, froze.

It should have been a little faster.

I had to be a little stronger.

If I had cut it just a few dozen centimeters further, I could have killed it, but that moment of inadequacy made me lose the victory that was in my hands.

‘They’re charging…!’

The monster, which was struggling in pain and bleeding, but still had strength, glared at him with eyes full of hatred and anger.

Murderous intent.

Pure and blind living is overflowing.

Death comes a few seconds later. Leon readjusted his sword, determined not to give up until the end. I even forgot about Karen’s existence and waited for the monster that would rush right in front of me.

I waited.


Leon lowered his sword with a blank expression.

The guy didn’t move, with the momentum and posture as if he was going to rush at any moment. The thigh, which was swollen as if the blood vessels were about to burst, did not move an inch.

The reason was revealed beneath his feet.


There are seven daggers stuck in the shadow of the monster.

At some point, it was able to control not only its four legs but also the shadow of its tail.

This is the true nature of the aura used by Karen !


And its shadow came to life.

Its shape resembles a sharply forged spear and an awl for piercing something solid.

Dozens of shadow weapons with a penetrating power equivalent to that of the soared out, piercing the monster’s entire body. It is a technique that blocks the movement and then tears the entire body apart.

The monster struggled, splashing dark blue blood in all directions, but it could not hold on for long before collapsing.

‘It’s awesome. ‘Is this an A-rank talent?’

Leon looked at the dead body of the monster with a look of great admiration. The cross section of the wound was about to close and then stopped. It was evidence that the attack was at a level that regenerative power could not keep up with.

A special move to completely destroy a single entity.

It was the secret intention of an assassin.

“For a hastily made team, that was pretty good teamwork! is not it?”

Karen suddenly approached him and put her arm on his shoulder. Regardless of whether he was pretending to be friendly or not, it was an act that was bad for his heart.

“Iknow, right. “It was unimaginable to hit that tail with a dagger.”

This was sincere, without any exaggeration.

It is a throw that accurately intercepts objects moving at a speed faster than the speed of sound, making it a means of attack that can overwhelm medium distances.

It made me wonder if all A-rank logs were like this.

Karen said with an embarrassed look on her face.

“Oh, that’s about it. It was nothing compared to the darkness. “I never thought an assassin could use such grandiose techniques.”

“It could be said to be a killing blow.”

“yes? “He didn’t rule in the slums for nothing.”

She was the one who casually painted her face with gold.

“Then shall we go further? “It looks like there’s no time to rest.”

“Yes, let’s leave right away.”

The basis of this subjugation war is a race against time.

The winner is determined by whether or not you arrive before the ceremony is complete. Therefore, even though Leon was a bit tired, he left the place without any intention of resting.

In any case, all you had to do was recover your stamina with the power accumulated in the holy sword. When I thought about the people who would die in , the fatigue was almost palpable. I am determined not to fall until the war to subdue evil is completely over.

* * *

Fortunately, the two people’s exploration of the labyrinth ended quickly.

Just 10 minutes after defeating the monster.

Karen and Leon reached a passage guarded by as many as eight foreign magicians. It was nothing short of proof that the evil power overflowing within it was the home of consciousness.

The biggest problem is lack of power.

The three of them, in reality there are only two of them, so they can’t break through.

“Were we too fast? “I don’t think it will work this time.”

Karen, who calmly compared the power, groaned.

In terms of ability to see through Pia’s power difference, there is no one in the rush team who is better than her.

Leon also did not dare to refute that opinion.

His Auricence also agreed. Each one is strong enough to give you chills. Even the guys I faced before wouldn’t have been able to guarantee victory if I had faced more than two at a time.

“If this happens, we have no choice but to wait for others to join us or go look for them.”

“It’s a problem either way. If it comes too late or we get mixed up, it’s all over? “I can’t believe I have to come all the way here and gamble again.”

Karen sat down with a long sigh.

That grumpy figure looked like an ordinary adventurer, so even Leon, who knew her identity, was a little embarrassed.

Maybe this is what it looks like…


It was then.

A strong vibration came from not far away. The tremor was not normal; it was a type of shock wave caused by enormous forces colliding with each other.

Someone is fighting.

The two, sensing that fact, looked at each other.

“―――!? ――!”


The foreign magicians, just like them, were surprised by the shock wave and were muttering. After a brief discussion, four people, or half of the group, seemed to be moving to the epicenter.

If this happens, there is another crossroads.

Should you support your comrades who may be fighting, or should you defeat the four foreign magicians and enter the interior?

“…Let’s join.”

Leon said after weighing the two options.

“If they win and come back, we will have to give up our rear, and even if they are defeated, we don’t know how many more enemies there will be inside that passage. “Shouldn’t we also do our best to do our best?”

“Well, that’s the truth. “The four people left over there don’t look easy either.”

Karen, who readily agreed to that statement, agreed.

Before she got up, she put one ear to the ground and started running toward it as if she had figured out the starting point of the vibration.

A level of sensation not considered human.

It was a point of reaching a different realm from Leon’s and . Leaving behind the enemy’s stronghold that was right in front of them, they ran to the place where someone was fighting.

It wasn’t that far, but we had to take a detour without being noticed by the remaining foreign magicians.


Leon, who came out into the large area after a few minutes, was shocked.

It had to be that way.

This was because the moment the two men arrived, Conrad, who was fighting in the center of the square, was pierced in the stomach.

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