Overpowered Sword

Chapter 302

Overpowered Sword Chapter 302

Level up with the sword (302)

Demon World.

If interpreted in a dictionary sense, it was the name of a dangerous area that could be said to be ‘a place where the devil is’. If interpreted in a commonly used meaning in the world, it could be said to be a ‘place that should not be approached’.

Even a demonic level so low that it doesn’t even have a name can devour a veteran mercenary adventurer.

If anything, there would have been a rule that guild members below A rank must form a team to explore the magic world, and even hire an A rank person separately to be the team leader.

The Demon World was an area where a B-rank player who had made a name for himself in one area could not even qualify for entry.

It is not simply called a demonic realm because the risk is a bit high.

A land where dimensional boundaries are more fragile than those of other spaces, so otherworldly forces and monsters flow in. As a result, the ecosystem is polluted or deteriorated, and existing common sense may not apply at all.

Among them, the four magic zones that require a national blockade and are impossible to conquer are collectively referred to as the ‘Four Major Magic Zones’.

The Demonic Sutra “The Howling Cauldron” also belonged to it.


Even just one syllable is incomparable to something like a banshee, and it resonates with a soul-tearing resonance.

The bodies of the dead who entered the range were scattered into a handful of dust, and the gloomy gray-white sky became darker, deepening the shadows on the ground.

With a single roar, it distorts the natural environment.

Naturally, it was a power that could not be handled in the mortal realm, and the person who exerted it was not even a living being.

“…That’s annoying.”

Leon frowned as he faced the skeletal dragon looking down at him from the distant sky.

Bone Dragon.

It was an undead made from the bones of the transcendent species.

With a single roar, it scatters the ultimate curse over a wide area, and its presence raises the dead who were buried deep in the ground.

It was a monster that even a 9th rank necromancer could not easily handle.


‘I cut it into pieces once, smashed it once, and finally reduced it to ashes, but it doesn’t disappear.’

Leon has already defeated him three times, but the fight is not over as he recovers the damage and attacks again. No matter how many times I repeated it, I didn’t feel like I was going to lose, but if it continued like this, it would just be a waste of time over and over again.

There were no vital parts on the Bone Dragon’s body, and even if all of its bones were burned with the , it quickly regenerated.

‘Immortality directly connected to the higher dimension…? Then, will my soul be tied up in the treasury of Nastrond’s palace?’

His guess was correct.

The Bone Dragon was a being that belonged to the demon dragon Nidhogg, the ruler of Nastrond. Although its power as a single entity was significantly lower than that of Leon, it was impossible to erase its existence if Nidhogg had promised its immortality.

To put it in perspective, Nidhogg was an evil deity several levels higher than the goddess of this world.

“Then I don’t need to play with you.”

Only then did Leon understand the structure of this ‘Howling Cauldron’.

The Bone Dragon was both a gatekeeper and a kind of bait.

It is like the moon rising above the water. Just as cutting through the surface of the water with a knife would not damage the moon, no matter how much the Bone Dragon was destroyed, nothing would fundamentally be resolved.

A top-level undead like the Bone Dragon would have intelligence, but it only showed the appearance of running wild like an animal.

Perhaps, once it was filtered through the surface of the water, only the instinct was left behind.

The instinct of an undead to blindly hate the living.

Grand Chariot

A brighter brilliance swirls around the surface of the sword formed from starlight.

A few years ago, when I exercised the ‘Five Purposes’ with the materialized ‘Heart Sword’, it was a technique that caused my blood to flow back after I had developed it once.

However, Leon did not lose his breath even once.

Even after overthrowing Vritra, he continued to work diligently and greatly surpassed himself a few years ago.

Seven stars flickered one after another on the blade of the Seven-Star Sword Execution Machine,

the first form of

Tamnangseolsal (貪狼齧殺),

and soon created the shape of a huge and ferocious wolf.

A sword type device that can only be used by warriors who have seen the ultimate power of the Seven Star Sword.

One of the swordsmen that El Cid could not teach everything and left after only informing of its existence was revealed.


There was no time to dodge or block.

The wolf of the star group, Tamnrang, rushed out and bit the bone dragon that was roaming several kilometers in the sky.

Even though it looks like a wolf, its essence is made up of ‘Heart Sword’.

The dragon’s bones, which are harder than adamantium, shatter.

The creature, with its wings and ribs shattered, fell straight down, shaking the earth and kicking up a huge amount of dust.

“Hold it well so it doesn’t come after you.”

Leon immediately flew into the center of the demon world, leaving it to who would wake up again in a matter of seconds.

There are only two ways to remove the moon from the surface of the water.

Either destroy the moon or not.

‘Just blow away all your sleep and that’s it.’

For the Bone Dragon, sleep was the devil itself.

It was only vaguely connected to Nastrond, but it was staining the land for several kilometers with death, and unlike the famous song, it was worsening the condition of the polluted area.

Moreover, although it was possible to enter the famous song, eats away at life from the moment a mortal steps into it.

Once all of your vitality is lost, you will become subordinate to this land.

‘Well, it doesn’t apply to me.’

Leon, who had shaken off the Bone Dragon and arrived at the center of the Demon World, glared at the scene as expected.

Although it cannot be compared to , the space connected to the outer dimension is distorted in an ugly way. Even when observed on a yearly basis, the movement was barely a millimeter, but hundreds of years later, it was a phenomenon that would undoubtedly bring about a major disaster on the entire continent.


“You are the last.”

As he headed toward the heart of the four major demonic realms that he finally visited, Leon praised the starlight held in his hands.

After the evil dragon Vritra was subdued, he decided to close the entire continent’s demon world as the next goal of his journey to the warriors. This was because, after witnessing the moment when the almost exploded, he thought that the Demon Lord could become more dangerous than the Demon Lord.

Even after becoming a transcendental person, there were many places that were difficult to access at the wrong time, so it took only a few years for him to reach the Four Great Demonic Realms.

Grand Chariot

Accurately inserts the blade into the gap in the dimension and cuts off the connection with

the second ceremony of

the Seven Star Sword

, the Geomun Closed Moon,


It was that moment.


At the moment when the contact between the two dimensions was completely severed, an eerie voice came from the other side of a distant dimension.

Leon had to think of fear for the first time in a long time.

The fear was even clearer because he was a transcendental person who sent a chill down my spine and felt like my vertebrae were freezing. Even the root of my tongue became hard, to the point where I couldn’t speak clearly.

“…was it Nidhogg?”

From Nidhogg’s point of view, he simply growled at the person who interfered with his territory expansion.

No matter how powerful the evil spirit was, he couldn’t attack Leon from a distant dimension, but it seemed like it would be hard to forget the voice that once rang in his head.

As a result, the closure of the Magyeong was completed.

The dead who were wandering around collapsed one by one, and


At the same time, a loud and heavy vibration sound came from afar, as if the dragon’s immortality had been broken.

I also felt that Tamrang, which had completed its role, was disappearing.




“Ugh, I want to leave quickly. “It feels like my nose is falling off.”

A few people ran out through the dark bushes, which had become less gloomy than before. Although her appearance was a mess in many ways, it did not hide her outstanding off-white color.

Karen stands on a tree branch like an Ellahan cat that has knocked down all the trees that get in its way, and Hathi is holding her nose in tears.

Finally, Rodelin fell from the sky.


《We have completed blocking the dead and evil spirits in the outskirts. There is not a single one that escapes from the demonic landscape.》

“Yes, everyone did a good job.”

The closure of the Demon World could not be solved by simply targeting the center, but the monsters and otherworldly laws that inhabited the Demon World had to be completely resolved as well.

Otherwise, the monsters that overflowed from the Demon World upon closure could spread nearby, contaminating the nearby ecosystem, and be reborn as a second Demon World.

“Phew! However, all four major demonic areas have now been closed.”

Ellahan agreed with Karen, who was enjoying a sense of accomplishment.

“It was the most difficult of the four major demonic realms. Who would have guessed that ‘The Howling Cauldron’ was several times more bothersome than ‘Mirror Canyon’…”

“The stench was so bad that it was difficult to breathe. “The troll habitat is more comfortable, but this place is a living hell for the canine and beast people.”

Leon, who giggled for a moment at that sight, released his sword.

With this, all four major demonic areas were closed and there was no major activity for the time being, so I was planning to rest for a bit.

I needed to think about what to do after finishing the closure of the horse race.

“In Rodelin flight mode.”

《Yes Master.》

The golden golem’s form changes.

From bipedal walking to quadrupedal walking, the metal ratio that makes up the limbs is greatly reduced to build several pairs of wings.

Of course, the wings were a device to bring in a little more lift without fluttering. Since the flight itself is performed using magic, it simply changes its appearance to be more efficient than its giant form.

As the four people got on top of Rodelin, a golden horse, transformed like the legendary Sleipnir, flew up.

《Please set the destination.》

“Let’s go home.”

“I understand.”

It was different from the old days when there was no place to return to.

Rodelin, carrying four people, accelerated toward the sunset.

Ellahan’s hair, which was long enough to reach her waist, fluttered in the wind and tickled the back of Leon’s neck.

Was that why?

The smile never disappeared from his mouth.

* * *


The goddess was enjoying a cup of afternoon tea as always, looking down at her feet at the lower plane she was managing.

The tea leaves grown directly by the church were cheap, but the taste was good. Above all, the religious faith that was abundantly permeated within it was so pure that it brought even more pleasure to the taste buds of God, who could be said to be the spiritual body.

In the end, the goddess finished emptying the teacup and muttered leisurely.

“…It’s peaceful today too.”

Since when did she stop doing anything?

No, it would be more accurate to say there was no need to do it.

The subjugation of Vritra and the closure of the Demon World by Leon and his party virtually erased all possibility of a disaster that mortals could not touch, so the situation in which the goddess had to intervene directly also disappeared.

If it is a problem that humanity can solve on its own, she should not step in and take away that independence.

“Shall we recover some divine power over the next 500 years? “The power to be used for war and fighting will be reduced while keeping the amount needed for healing diseases, etc….”

As her intervention decreases, the church will become closer to humans than gods, and the strong divine power it has now will lead to the corruption of the priests. could be a factor fueling the situation.

The goddess’ eyes were filled with a clear and transparent light as she looked into a future that even Jangsaengjong could not fathom.

It was then.

Take a look.

The sound of something breaking behind the goddess was heard and she turned around at the same time.


A hero has returned after breaking the dimensional boundary.

The goddess saw this and quickly got up from her chair.

Then he walked up to the man who was immediately lying on the floor, looked down at him, and said.

“Get up now! Are you planning to just come back after 50 years and sleep without even saying goodbye? I mean, get up and say hello! Do you know how bored I’ve been all this time? You don’t know!”

“…Oh, as soon as I got back, I sat down and muttered.”

Roderick, a man who sat down with only his upper body raised, glared at the goddess with his eyes narrowed.

“Just like you said, be quiet and let me sleep for the first time in 50 years, you poor bitch!”

It was the return of Holy King Rodrik.

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