Overpowered Archmage Doesn’t Hide His Talent

Chapter 240:

Chapter 240:

Chapter 240 Highlight


The Dean of the Magic Department, Conette, felt a flow coursing through her body. It was something that could be called ‘thrill’ rather than a flow of mana.

She observed the scene unfolding before her eyes, forgetting even to blink.

‘That is….’

The skill Flan was currently showcasing in the arena. It was something that would elicit admiration from anyone born with the talent of a magician.


Finally, a sigh of admiration escaped from between her lips.

This was not the first time she had observed Flan’s magic. In fact, it would not be an exaggeration to say she had observed him so much that it was almost tedious due to her interest in him.

Yet, once again, Flan lightly surpassed Conette’s expectations. She had not even anticipated that he would display such a level of magic against someone like the Capital Knight, Viola.

‘A true magician?’

Suddenly, those words came to mind.

What was visible might have been something that could not be adequately described by the terms magic and magician alone, something that required a different term to properly express.

The audience did not burst into cheers; instead, they fell silent.

It was a natural reaction. If even the Dean Conette was this shocked, the level of astonishment felt by others would undoubtedly be much greater.

In truth, everyone present already knew how extraordinary Flan was. Even if they didn’t know, they had at least heard the stories.

But what shocked them was not merely Flan’s greatness. It was the amazement at how he had understood his opponent’s attack in such a short time.

He comprehended his opponent’s uniqueness. Furthermore, he did not just stop at understanding but made it his own.

It was theoretically possible, but so challenging to realize. Conette could clearly see what would happen if someone achieved that feat.

‘To think creation could be done so effortlessly like that.’

Conette felt anew.

While diligently studying magic was indeed commendable, pioneering a new field was so much greater.

At this moment, there was no one in Conette’s mind who could seize victory against Flan.

No matter how excellent someone’s skills were, if Flan understood and applied them, it would be over. Realizing this, Conette felt another shiver run through her body.


When Conette subconsciously muttered Flan’s name again, all gazes in the space were directed at Flan standing in the arena.

Throb— Throb—

Viola felt a headache that was indescribable. However, she didn’t even have time to check her condition thoroughly.

If she didn’t confront him properly now, even greater pain would come to find her in the next moment. Or perhaps, she might even lose her life.

The sight of him handling the melody through the medium of magic. Viola realized that her unique ability was no longer unique.

She suddenly looked down at her hand. The hand gripping the hilt was drenched in sweat, making it slippery and even trembling.

‘Which one of us is the weaker?’

She weighed it in her mind.

‘Really, which one of us is the weaker?’

This was a situation that required a cold judgment. However, the more rationally she thought, the more heavily the scale tipped towards Flan.

‘Am I, am I…. Am I the weaker one?’

The one who is called the strongest among the Capital Knights?

The moment when the pride of being the most promising hero candidate was shattered.

Her self-esteem was being torn apart.

The anger boiling from deep within her heart intensified the headache.

If she were injured during battle, that would be fine. She knew how to evoke melodies even when wounded.

But the trembling that had started in her body was the biggest problem. Viola’s instincts were warning her that she was in a position of weakness.

Flan’s first movement continued slowly.

Viola began swinging her sword swiftly, but she already felt as if the leadership had been taken from her. If Flan’s melody was an orchestra, hers felt as shabby as a street performance.

“Give up the conductor’s baton. You just need to appreciate it.”


Flan’s blatant remark left Viola with nothing but gritted teeth.

She had already used her unique ability. She had committed to the battle with the resolve to end her opponent’s life, yet Flan appeared as relaxed as if he were simply performing.

The difference in their attitudes.

That was what made Viola feel the most humiliated. A person performing a melody must always have composure. But hadn’t she already lost her composure?


Viola bit her lip and drove her sword into Flan’s score. She was determined to regain the upper hand.

Flan calmly observed Viola’s bloodshot eyes. From her expression, he could easily infer what she was thinking.

Flan thought quietly.

‘She’s certainly strong.’

He didn’t intend to belittle his opponent just because he needed to defeat her. Viola was truly an excellent swordswoman, a role model and a textbook example for many knights.

But could she defeat him because of that? No, Flan was convinced that he would never lose to Viola.

“The limit of a one-man band.”

Viola had polished her melodies countless times. The variety was absurdly extensive, and each piece was excellent in its own right.

But those pieces had never competed.

It might be obvious, but Viola had likely never encountered another’s melody besides her own.

She might have been amazed by her own melodies and achieved victories, but she would have never imagined collaborating with another’s melody.

Given that, could she have ever considered taking the lead amidst two melodies?

Probably not. This is the result.

Being a solitary genius isn’t always good.

Building one’s own world is impressive, but it also carries the risk of becoming a frog in a well when encountering a greater genius.

And what fate does the frog in the well meet? Flan was vividly demonstrating that now.

Kang─! Kang─!

Thud, thud, thud, thud─!


Even now, their melodies clashed fiercely in the air.

“I refuse noise.”

Flan murmured quietly, grasping his baton like a magic wand, condensing mana at its tip.

Soon, the movements, taking the form of musical staves, multiplied endlessly.

“…If you keep insisting despite my refusal, I’ll have no choice but to erase you.”

The mana condensed at the tip of Flan’s baton finally exploded like fireworks.


The notes blossomed like flower buds, producing a substantial noise. The formidable shockwave caused both Flan and Viola’s bodies to soar high into the air.

Viola’s already wide eyes widened even further.

‘My notes, my movements, my melody, my rules…’

Thinking of each element one by one, Viola gritted her teeth. She was determined to seize the advantage somehow, but Flan continued to inscribe new scores.

Fortunately, the scores’ difficulty wasn’t too high. Viola, floating in midair, raised her sword to counter them.

But then.



In an instant, Flan transformed the ordinary score. Now, it wasn’t just a mere sequence of notes; he could also exhibit the conductor’s skills like forte and fortissimo.

A huge wave of confusion washed over Viola’s face.

‘He’s improvising?’

What was absurd was that, from Viola’s perspective, there was no space where improvisation seemed feasible.

In other words, calling it improvisation was an understatement. It was more accurate to say he was composing an entirely new melody on the spot. The headache in her mind intensified, and the physical shock she received grew more substantial.

And again, there was no time to dwell on such thoughts.


One by one, Viola’s scores were being erased. It wasn’t just that they were drowned out by a louder sound; they were literally disappearing without a trace.


And yet another explosion of notes.

Viola hastily unfolded a score to defend herself, but the shockwave dislocated her left shoulder.

“It’s here.”

Flan’s murmur.

And the grand finale.


With a sound that could induce a trance.


Viola’s body was launched like a cannonball.

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