Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

Side chapter 1. Research paper

Side chapter 1. Research paper

Energy and its properties.


Any scientific mind that wishes to use and harness a form of energy must study it to completion. It is with disdain that I look at the lacking information involving the widely used energies in this world. For simplicity sake this world shall be called the Narutoverse henceforth. 

In this paper I seek to expose and explain our findings in the field of energy used within the Narutoverse. Said energies consist of Natural energy, a term coined by the sages who first came to use it, and chakra. To understand the latter base knowledge of the former is required and therefore it is with the former that this paper shall start. 

Natural Energy

Natural energy as its name implies comes from nature. However, it is important to establish what nature actually is. To put it in simple terms, nature is everything. Even artificial creations enter within the context of nature as these creations are made using components of reality. In other words, anything that is made using materials from the Narutoverse enters within the definition of Natural within said universe. 

This is important since it implies that everything within the Narutoverse generates Natural energy. However that does not explain what Natural energy is nor where exactly it comes from. This is where our study and experimentation comes into play. Through testing we have discovered a few remarkable properties of said energy. (See addendum p-32 for data on the experiment) 

First and foremost Natural energy is absolutely necessary for life. Should any living organism be deprived and drained of all their natural energy it will perish immediately. Second, living organisms produce larger amounts of Natural energy than non living matter. It is worth mentioning that the amounts that are being talked about here are miniscule. 

Now, What is Natural energy? It is, in a way, similar to light as it behaves both as a wave and a particle. Natural energy is produced by the atomic vibrations within the Narutoverse in extremely small quantities. However, due to the fact that every single atom within the Narutoverse produces the energy it is created in extremely large quantities overall. 

The reason why Living organisms produce larger quantities of Natural energy than inorganic matter is due to what has been termed as Natural resonance. The atomic arrangement within organic matter produces a sort of resonance that in turn increases the production of Natural energy. It is also worth mentioning that Natural energy works as a sort of glue for these organic arrangements and is the reason why once it is removed they collapse almost instantly.

Through this knowledge and previous knowledge acquired through the memory archive (recording N-12) A new hypothesis regarding chakra can be made. 


In recording N-12 of the memory archive can be observed the results of the jubi’s actions. It seemed to drain life from its surroundings to create a fruit called the chakra fruit. Through our understanding of the importance of Natural energy for the continuation of life it can be inferred that the jubi drained its surroundings of said energy. Through the creation of the chakra fruit which is established to be the origin of chakra it can be inferred that the jubi through some unknown method processed said natural energy into chakra. 

It is worth noting that the chakra fruit also possesses mutagenic material as Kaguya Otsutsuki’s consumption of the fruit not only guaranteed her its chakra but also control over said chakra. Not only that but her offspring also shared these traits. It is even of more note the fact that in our modern day ninja seem to be able to produce their own chakra. 

Through some testing (See addendum p-33 for data on the experiment) it was possible to confirm a rather prominent theory. The theory that the jubi is nothing more than a biological collection and processing facility for Natural energy. What it processes said Natural energy into being chakra. The fruit passess to its consumer the necessary genetic information for this process resulting in its consumer possessing the same ability albeit in an extremely reduced fashion. 

As Nature energy is produced from all things but even more so from biologicals coupled with the fact that chakra is a form of processed natural energy it answers the question, why do ninjas consume so much food. Aside from the needed calories needed for their high demand physical activities it also provides larger amounts of Natural energy needed for their chakra restoration. 

This explains why the Uzumaki and Senju require such extreme diets. Their large chakra reserves require a large input of Natural energy as well resulting in their seemingly bottomless appetite. It is fortunate however, that Natural energy isn’t only extracted out of the consumed foods. 

As everything within the Narutoverse contains Natural energy it is obvious to assume that the air does so as well. This also explains why meditative techniques are so effective at restoring chakra. Through these techniques Ninja are capable of improving their absorption rate of Natural energy in the air. 

Having said all this it is important to state that Natural energy and chakra hold different energy densities. Let's assign an arbitrary value of P to the amount of Natural energy needed to apply a Newton of force. If we were to do the same with chakra then we would need 100 P of chakra to apply the same amount of force. In other words, Natural energy is a hundred times denser energy wise compared to chakra.

This difference in density also helps in explaining the dangers of senjutsu. Due to this extreme difference in energy density should the amount of Natural energy exceed the acceptable amount within a biological body it will quickly flush out the chakra within said body. 

Similar to how by pouring water into a glass with oil the oil can be pushed out by the water falling to the bottom. Chakra is flushed out from the body by Natural energy. Even though Natural energy is necessary for life just like water. It does not mean that an excess of it isn’t fatal just like water once again. 

Once biological matter is saturated with Natural energy it will start to petrify. This is what makes it so those that fail in using senjutsu into statues. It is a process similar to the petrification of wood just accelerated to the extreme. 


Chakra originates from Natural energy and as such, project (In Palpatin’s voice) Unlimited Powa! Is viable, Though it is necessary to approach the project with caution as overdrawing Natural energy will result in the destruction of life shown by the jubi’s actions.  


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