Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

156. GB stands for?

156. GB stands for?

As the girls continued walking around leisurely flirting and teasing each other while buying things here and there they went full circle, ending up near Konoha’s gate. At that moment Tomoka’s sixth sense tingled telling her something amusing would happen soon, she was right. 

Looking towards the gate where her sixth sense was telling her to look , she saw something that made her freeze. Seeing Tomoka’s reaction, her girls also turned to look only to freeze as well. It took all of one second for all three of them to fall to the ground laughing uncontrollably while pointing towards the unfortunate group walking inside. The guards were laughing too. 

What had caused them to laugh so much was the looks of team kakashi as they walked with embarrassment written on their faces. 

“What happened to you lot!” Tomoka said with a labored breath as she wheezed from laughing. As soon as she finished speaking she devolved into another laughing fit. For a moment she worried that she would die from suffocation from laughing so much. 

Hearing Tomoka, Naruto’s ever present smile became one of embarrassment as if he had gotten caught pranking someone.

“Naruto happened” was all Sasuke said with his ever present scowl. The only reason he had actually answered Tomoka was because he respected her a bit. He respects strength and she has it in spades. 

“I need to tell Yamato sensei about this as soon as possible, Gai too” Hearing that Kakashi’s visible eye widened in a mixture of horror and trepidation. 

“Don’t you dare” Before he could even finish speaking a pair a phantom had left at full speed searching for the two Jonins. 

“Sorry too late” Tomoka began laughing again. It took a good five minutes before all three girls managed to stop laughing like maniacs. 

“So, how did you all end up like this?” Hinata was the first to talk after finally containing her laughter. Before anyone from team seven could answer Gai appeared with his ever present smile. 

“Oh! I see why you wanted me to come to Tomoka! I didn’t know my eternal rival had a sister! It’s a pleasure to meet you!” Hearing Gai’s words team Yamato devolved into laughter once again while even the genin from team Kakashi laughed a little. Kakashi for his part felt like being swallowed by the ground. 

“I don’t have a sister Gai, It’s actually me, Kakashi” Gai’s eyes went so wide it looked like they would fall out of his eye sockets. Then he laughed a roaring laugh. 

“I see you share my rival’s sense of humor, Kakashi's sister!” Hearing Gai’s words Kakashi felt like crying but he was determined to make the man believe him. As annoying as Gai might be, he considered the man his friend.   


Moving his hand signaling for Gai to come closer, Kakashi began whispering in his ear. With each passing second Gai’s expression changed. At first he kept his smile just a bit strained. Then he became serious and finally he began sweating a bit. 

“K-Kakashi i-is that really you?” Gai couldn’t help but ask as he pointed towards the copy-cat ninja with a trembling hand. 

“I’ve been telling you, it's me!” Hearing Kakashi confirm it, Gai glued himself to Kakashi hugging the ninja tightly.  

“My friend, why didn’t you tell me you wanted to be a woman!? I would have supported you and helped you no matter what! You will forever be my eternal rival and best friend no matter what!” Said a crying Gai while giving Kakashi a bone shattering hug. 

Hearing Gai’s new misunderstanding made everyone present laugh maniacally. Even the genins of team Kakashi that would soon face a similar situation in the future. After all, they had also been gender bent during their mission. 

“Damit Gai! Don’t make assumptions and let me explain!” Kakashi was already fed up with the situation. All he wanted to do at that moment was go home and sleep this bad nightmare off. 

“Let him go, Gai. I would like to hear the explanation as well.” A new voice joined the conversation as a twitchy-faced Yamato appeared next to Kakashi and Gai. Yamato's face was twitching so much from the laughter he was fighting to contain.  

“Well, it went like this-” Before Kakashi could even start he was interrupted by Naruto. Who had his, now her, blond hair tied in twin tails. 

“Wait sensei! I want to tell the story” Said the energetic Naruto as he jumped in place making her new rack bounce along. Seeing Naruto’s new bountiful mountains, the girls from team Yamato couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous. 

‘Stupid Naruto with stupid Yang Kurama with stupid body development’ Tomoka grumbled inwardly seeing how Naruto looked. Despite her early development thanks to her sage mode her bust was still smaller than the Uzumaki boy now girl. 

“Sure, go ahead.” Said Kakashi with a sigh. 

“Alright! so it went like this…”   

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