Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

151. Rumination

151. Rumination

As soon as the blood entered Tomoka’s stomach she could feel her body reacting. Shrugging she downed the rest of it. The next moment Tomoka began feeling chills all over her body. To say it was uncomfortable would be an understatement. It was like having liquid nitrogen injected into her veins. 

Time seemed to freeze as Tomoka shivered uncontrollably as her body integrated the new kekkei genkai into her genetic code. New tenketsu points began popping up all over her body while her meridians rearranged themselves to fit the new connections in the most optimal way possible. 

It took hours for Tomoka to stop shivering from the cold she could feel running through her body. It took her only a moment to figure out why she felt that extreme cold. It would seem that her new tenketsu like any other produced chakra that couldn’t go anywhere until her meridians finished arranging themselves. This chakra held the key to ice release and so the concentration made her feel cold. 

Thankfully, once her meridians had finished rearranging themselves the flow of chakra through her body made her resistant to the cold. In other words, from now on Tomoka is immune to extremely low temperatures. With this she could guess that each new kekkei genkai would be as if not more uncomfortable to get. 

‘Well, that went better than expected. Next I should try and get my hands on Kimimaro’s kekkei genkai.’ 

[Gotta catch them all] Kurama said with a snicker.

‘So pokemon as well as vampire movies and anime… Kurama, are you becoming a neet? go touch grass man’ The grin on Tomoka’s face held quite a bit of ridicule. 

[You take that back! I am a proud Otaku, not a neet. It's not like I can go out anyway and there is plenty grass in here] Tomoka had to give him that one. It was the truth. 

Having finished her business, Tomoka decided to go back and give the good news to her girls. Of course she wouldn’t tell nor show Yamato unless it became absolutely necessary. She didn’t consider Konoha her ally, much less her home. Her home lies where her girls are. She wouldn’t think twice to burn Konoha to the ground should it become necessary. 

Thinking about Konoha Tomoka couldn’t help but sigh. The anime depicted the place as quite a nice place. In reality Konoha paled in comparison to her modern world nations. After all, child soldiers were illegal in her world. Not only that but the fact Konoha is founded under the premise of protecting the young generations makes them a bunch of hypocrites. 

Now that she thought about it, most of the problems of the ninja world spawn from Konoha. Obito? Konoha. Orochimaru? Konoha. Nagato? Taught by a Konoha nin. Itachi? you guessed it, Konoha. Lets not forget about Danzo either. Of course Tomoka knew that all fault couldn’t be pinned on Konoha. However, a lot could be pinned to the village hidden in the leaves. 

In the end Tomoka would fix everything wrong with this world using plausible methods. Nothing as dumb as the power of friendship or as even dumber as shared pain. No, the root of the problem is and has always been human nature. As much as humans have the capability for greatness they have the drive for destruction. She would simply create a method to restrict and guide human destructive tendencies towards constructive ones. 

All of that is for the future though. Right now she has a pair of girls to pamper, chat and play with. In a good mood Tomoka came to Tazuna’s house. She was supposed to be keeping watch as of now and she was. Many of her phantoms were currently helping the old man build his bridge. Better yet, since no one could tell which is the original without destroying her phantom’s body, no one could say she wasn’t doing her job. 

“Hinata, Nozomi, I’m back!”  


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