Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

149. Hook, line and sinker

149. Hook, line and sinker

“Ryo and fighters. That is what I offer you. I know that the two of you left Kiri to gain money for your little coup. The reason you are working for Gatoh is twofold. First he pays well taking into consideration his sizable assets. Second he is able to hide the two of you from Kiri hunters using his connections.”

It frightened Haku how this girl knew so much about them. Had they been careless? Had they messed up somewhere? How much did she really know and will she become a threat? These and many questions were going through Haku’s head.

“In exchange I ask for two things. First, I would like the two of you to leave. I would rather have an easier time when dealing with Gatoh. Second, I want some of your blood Haku, around a hundred milliliters.”

His blood? Why would she want his blood? Could it be? Did she know about his bloodline? Him being a Yuki and therefore having ice kekkei genkai? He needed to make sure. If this girl knew about it then her danger level would increase. After all, only Zabuza is supposed to know about it.

“Why my blood?” As soon as he asked he saw how Tomoka’s smile became a grin. One that almost reached her ears. A face splitting grin that spoke of amusement. Like that of a cat toying with a mouse.

“I am sure you know why. Though I am not against saying it. I want it for your kekkei genkai.” Yeah this was bad, Haku had to repress a shudder. This girl knew too much, she needed to be taken out. However Haku wasn’t delusional, the fact she is here means she is confident in taking him out even with his ice release.

“Now now, don’t get so anxious. Here, as a show of my truthfulness” While saying that Tomoka threw a scroll near Haku before taking a few steps back.

“In there I have sealed ten million ryo alongside a note with some coordinates. If you go to said coordinates you will find a mercenary group called Spider-hounds. They have in their possession another hundred million ryo that will be yours. Not only that but I have already contracted the spider hounds to work for your cause.”

Tomoka’s grin grew even more as she saw Haku’s pupils dilate, Hook, line and sinker. In reality Tomoka didn’t need to do any of this. She could get Haku’s genetic material after killing him and Zabuza as per canon. However, she didn’t feel like it, that was all the reason why these two would be spared.

Cautiously Haku approached the scroll scanning it for any traps. Not finding any, he opened it and saw the weird fuinjutsu formula. He didn’t know pretty much anything about fuinjutsu but even he could tell this wasn’t a normal fuinjutsu formula, it simply didn’t look like others he had seen before.

Haku’s movements froze for a moment as he looked at the formula on the scroll thinking. He would look back and forth between Tomoka and the scroll trying to find some form of deceit in her expression, he couldn’t. He had to make a decision. Trust this stranger and get such a huge boon or risk it and flee.

In the end he decided to bite the bullet and go for it. He knew Zabuza and knew he wouldn’t leave unless there is a good reason why. Seeing how he got bested last time Haku feared next time they would kill him.

With a sigh Haku used some of his chakra on the seal releasing its contents. With a poof of smoke stacks of money appeared on top of the scroll. It was really there, ten million ryo.

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