Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

145. Zabuza Momochi

145. Zabuza Momochi

Once again Tomoka couldn’t help but vibrate in place from excitement. It had been this morning they had finally landed in the land of waves. Now it was only a matter of time until Zabuza momochi would appear. 

“Everyone get down!” Shouted Yamato as he detected a large projectile closing in on them. 

To everyone’s surprise, except for Tomoka of course, a massive sword came spinning at them. Should it hit any of them chances were they would be bisected. However, Tomoka felt like making a display of the situation. 

Unlike everyone else Tomoka didn’t crouch but instead backhanded the blade with enough force to send it back to its origin. Surprised, everyone including  Zabuza looked towards Tomoka’s hand which at the moment of impact became covered with her black chitin armor. 

“Throwing away your main weapon isn’t the smart idea mister. Next time you should throw a fuma shuriken or something.” Hearing Tomoka’s nonchalant words made Zabuza increase her danger rating in his mind. 

He had never seen a jutsu that could generate that strange armor and so he lacked vital info on it. Not only that but the fact the other two kids seemed just as relaxed made him reconsider their danger level as well. They didn’t look arrogant or over confident demonstrated by their readiness for combat.   

“Zabuza Momochi, the exiled ninja from Kiri.” Yamato was also surprised by Tomoka’s actions. Even though he knew she could use this armor she had never used them during practice. 

“Oh? My fame precedes me I see. Though unfortunately I do not recognize you.” Normally Zabuza wouldn’t talk this much but his gut was telling him to be wary. He wanted to gather as much information on his foes before the confrontation. 

“Hinata, you are in charge of protecting Tazuna directly. Nozomi support, Yamato sensei I take it you would rather be the one in direct confrontation.” 

“Yes.” Though he should be the one giving the orders at this point he didn’t bother with it. Tomoka’s orders were pretty much the same as what he would have said. He was thankful for this since he would rather keep all of his attention on his foe as of now. 

“Then talk time is over.” Like that mist began appearing out of nowhere. Yamato and Tomoka expected this as they knew about Zabuza beforehand, not to mention this is a very common jutsu for Kiri-nin.  

Hinata for her part didn’t waste a second in activating her byakugan. The mist was a bit troublesome as it is charged with chakra making even her sight with byakugan a bit blurry. Nozomi on the other hand felt uncomfortable. Without line of sight her sharingan would become close to obsolete. Thankfully she had listened to Tomoka in the past. 

Tomoka had drilled into the two girls the importance of their other senses. Afterall, with such powerful dojutsus it would be easy for them to become over reliant on them. That's why she had bea- trained them with their eyes blindfolded. 

Tension filled the air as everyone looked around waryly. Tomoka could have activated her Kinegan and would have been able to easily find Zabuza but she still had trouble with the overload of information. Instead she focused on what she knew about canon. 

As expected a moment later Zabusa appeared behind Hinata in between her and Tazuna. Though he didn’t expect what followed. In an instant Hinata’s demeanor changed. Her tense muscles relaxed as she moved with ease and speed. An open palm aimed for his stomach as the Hyuga girl infused it with her chakra. 

Seeing this Zabuza tried to attack Hinata with his sword only for it to fail as Nozomi shot a wind bullet at the blade deviating its course. With no other option Zabuza jumped away, disappearing once again inside the mist.           

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