Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 252: Im Now in a Relationship With Ah Fang

Chapter 252: Im Now in a Relationship With Ah Fang

While Mei Fang and Lin Youxi were busy preparing for the NOI exam, Xia Yuan received an invitation to the 2012 Autumn Arts Festival of Jiangcheng NOHS.

Due to Xia Yuan’s current fame as a popular online singer, the school actively reached out to her, hoping she could perform on stage. Of course, the teachers organizing the program also gave Xia Yuan plenty of respect, planning to arrange for her to give the opening performance.

Since the summer break, Xia Yuan has been working on her second album. The song she’s currently creating is called A Little Sweet[1]. The lyrics were once again written by Mei Fang, and Xia Yuan collaborated with Liu Xiaoyu on the music composition.

With their previous experience in songwriting and music composition, she and Liu Xiaoyu found themselves working more smoothly together. Every afternoon, during breaks, Liu Xiaoyu would go to the clubroom of Ximilu Studio to work with Xia Yuan on songs. They were also composing the background music for the promotional video for Cloud Journey.

As the girl who, apart from Lin Youxi, spent the most time with Xia Yuan, Liu Xiaoyu had noticed the changes in Xia Yuan recently.

She often saw Xia Yuan smiling foolishly at her phone, or resting her chin in her hands, looking up at the sky with her eyes closed, as if savoring a sweet memory. Sometimes she would pucker her lips or lick her lips with her tongue——

All signs of someone deeply in love.

Seeing her so happy lately, Liu Xiaoyu thought that perhaps her relationship with Mei Fang had progressed further.

But they’ve already kissed—what more could there be?

Liu Xiaoyu didn’t dare to think too deeply about it, but these kinds of unfathomable, hard-to-look-at actions were often the unpredictable actions of their former class monitor, Lin Youxi.

Even though Xia Yuan was now a popular idol, she still seemed like an ordinary girl to Liu Xiaoyu—lively, cheerful, kind, and always polite and friendly to those around her. Yet in front of the boy she liked, she would become nervous and shy.

In some ways, aside from lacking confidence and being less outgoing, Liu Xiaoyu felt that she and Xia Yuan were quite similar.

She had also imagined what it would have been like if her family hadn’t taken over Xia Yuan’s family’s hotel business.


An image of herself, as dazzling as the current Xia Yuan, briefly flashed through Liu Xiaoyu’s mind.

But Liu Xiaoyu quickly shook off those thoughts.

It’s not too late to start working hard now…

They were a great group of friends.

Though Mei Fang was something of a two-timing scumbag, he was also a genuinely good person.

Working diligently under his guidance in high school could bring in a decent income, helping to alleviate some of the financial burden on her family.

However, I’m currently just an insignificant member of the team. If I could develop my own core competencies like Guo Yun, that would be ideal…

I’ve considered learning to play the keyboard, but with my studies and songwriting combined, my work is already exhausting. Adding another instrument to the mix——

Before Liu Xiaoyu could finish her thoughts, she suddenly noticed Xia Yuan beside her, watching her curiously.

“Wha-what is it?”

“Xiaoyu, you seem like you have something on your mind. Want to share it with me?”

Xia Yuan had been calling Liu Xiaoyu “Yu’er” for a while, but after some time, Liu Xiaoyu felt embarrassed by it, so Xia Yuan switched back to the more natural “Xiaoyu.”

“Uh… It’s nothing. I was just a little tired and zoned out.”

Liu Xiaoyu smiled at Xia Yuan, who gently shook her head. “It doesn’t seem like that! We’re good friends, so be honest with me. Are you still thinking about that love letter?”

“No, I’m not.”

Liu Xiaoyu shook her head. “I specifically went to reject him that day… and you came with me.”

“Hmm…” Xia Yuan thought for a moment. “I remember you said your reason for rejecting him was that you wanted to focus on your studies, but dating someone doesn’t necessarily have to affect your studies. Two outstanding people can motivate each other to become even better.”

“That was more of a polite excuse,” Liu Xiaoyu whispered, leaning closer to Xia Yuan. “The truth is… I just don’t have feelings for him.”

“Hahaha… I see.”

Xia Yuan, smiling brightly, asked, “So if a guy you do like confesses to you, would you accept?”

Liu Xiaoyu pondered for a moment. “Probably… but I think I’m pretty passive when it comes to feelings. I’m not the type to actively pursue someone, so… even if I really liked someone, I probably wouldn’t——”

“That’s not okay! If you ever really like a guy, don’t let him slip away. No matter what, you should make sure of his feelings for you. Otherwise, you’ll regret it.”

Xia Yuan spoke so earnestly that Liu Xiaoyu, who had only been speaking casually, had to take her words seriously.

“Hmm… I’ll definitely remember what you said.”

Not wanting to dwell on herself, Liu Xiaoyu shifted the conversation to Xia Yuan. “Speaking of which, you seem super, super happy every day lately. Did something especially good happen?”

“Well, that——”

Xia Yuan touched her cheek, looking a bit nervous as she glanced around. “Is it that obvious? I thought I was hiding it well.”

“I wouldn’t have known you were hiding anything if you didn’t mention it,” Liu Xiaoyu replied, her face full of disdain.

“Haha… I see.”

Xia Yuan hummed and fell silent for a moment, then recalled the conversation she had with Lin Youxi that night in bed:

【If we don’t make our relationship public, the trouble with love letters will continue, and people will keep thinking we’re just flirting.】

【It would be better to let some of our close friends know so they can prepare themselves. Over time, as they get used to the three of us together, they’ll gradually understand.】

So, Xia Yuan cleared her throat and leaned in close to Liu Xiaoyu’s ear:

“The truth is… I’m now in a relationship with Ah Fang.”

After saying this, Xia Yuan slowly returned to her seat, sitting properly and waiting obediently for Liu Xiaoyu’s reaction.

Liu Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment after hearing Xia Yuan’s words. Then she looked up at Xia Yuan, her face full of confusion and surprise.

“Relationship… as in, the kind of relationship I’m thinking of?”

Xia Yuan pressed her lips together and nodded at Liu Xiaoyu with a smile.

“Then… then what about Youxi? Won’t she be hurt? After all, she also——”

Isn’t Mei Fang supposed to be their shared boyfriend? Does this mean Xia Yuan plans to have him all to herself now?

Xia Yuan had no idea that Liu Xiaoyu had already figured out their complicated relationship with her sharp investigative skills. Naturally, Xia Yuan was ready with the explanations she and Lin Youxi had prepared.

“Of course, she gave her blessing to Ah Fang and me.”

Xia Yuan patted Liu Xiaoyu’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, Youxi and I are still very close.”

“No matter what happened in the past, what’s happening now, or what will happen in the future, my relationship with her won’t change because of Ah Fang!”

Meanwhile, at the “usual spot” where the three of them usually hung out together, Mei Fang was being intimate with Lin Youxi.

They had just finished working on the practice problems in the library and were planning to go to the Ximilu clubroom to find Xia Yuan. But on the way, Lin Youxi suggested a slight detour and pulled Mei Fang into the bamboo grove pavilion at school.

Since Xia Yuan and Mei Fang started dating, Mei Fang’s attentiveness toward Lin Youxi had only increased, thanks to his water-balancing skill. Now that their relationship wasn’t a secret among the three of them, this kind of behavior wouldn’t be considered sneaking around, so Lin Youxi’s actions had become even bolder than before.

“Now… mmm… at school… isn’t this… Hah…hah…”

Mei Fang, panting slightly, asked, “Isn’t this a bit too much?”

“Do you feel guilty about Yuan Yuan?” Lin Youxi responded.

“That’s not it…” Mei Fang touched his face, feeling a bit embarrassed. “I’m just worried that if a familiar face sees us now, it might not be a big deal, but later on, when everyone knows I’m dating Yuan Yuan, it could become awkward.”

“I understand…”

Lin Youxi nodded with a smile, then sighed deeply. “Sorry, the pressure from all the exam prep is getting to me. The NOIP problems are way harder than I expected. I might need this kind of method to release stress.”

Although Lin Youxi had always been regarded as a genius at Baimei County, NOI, after all, was a competition among the nation’s best, and with the added stress of managing C Site, even she couldn’t be completely confident in her ability to excel in the NOI series of competitions.

“If you’re feeling like this, I can’t even begin to describe my state of mind right now…”

Mei Fang didn’t have the same exceptional talent as Lin Youxi. He had originally been very confident about NOI due to his 10 years of coding experience, but now he was starting to have thoughts of giving up.

Lin Youxi cupped Mei Fang’s face, speaking softly into his ear, “Maybe focusing on C Site and game development would be more beneficial for you right now. It’s okay if you decide to give up…”

“What about you?”

“To be honest, I kind of enjoy this challenge. I want to at least complete the NOIP and assess where I stand before comparing it with the situation at C Site to make a decision. Speaking of which, aside from preparing for the launch of Cloud Journey I assume the financing for C Site is also nearing completion?”

“Yeah, and raising funds is no simple task.”

The thought of this made Mei Fang’s head hurt. “Right now, it’s not just about money anymore. Building a network is way more important than I imagined. That’s what we’re really lacking.”

“I may not fully understand all of that… but I know that as long as we’re good enough, talented people will come to us soon enough. So don’t worry too much.”

As Lin Youxi spoke, she lightly kissed Mei Fang’s lips again, her eyes filled with tenderness.

“Ah Fang… can we do it one more time? I need to release some more stress, and you could relieve your own stress this way too, right?”

“This is the last time today at school. We still need to go see Yuan Yuan. The rest… we’ll continue tonight, okay?”

“Mhm… okay.”

Mei Fang was also trying his best to enjoy his youth.

Translator's Notes:

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