Online Game: Starting with an SSS-Level Plundering Talent

Chapter 67: Chapter 67: Demon Race, Dark Humans, Attacking Amidst Chaos

Chapter 67: Chapter 67: Demon Race, Dark Humans, Attacking Amidst Chaos

John heard blood-red demon wolf's words but didn't respond.

These powerful beasts were valuable allies in the early stages, and he had no intention of letting them leave.


Roars and screams of the beasts echoed across the battlefield.

The tide of the battle shifted instantly.

Moments ago, the monster horde had the upper hand, but now, faced with these terrifying creatures, they had no chance.

Among the beasts, the weakest was at least a four-star rare boss. They easily handled the four-star monster tide.

John, standing on Avis's back, drank mana recovery potions while casting his magic spells. Fire Rain, Earthquake, and Thunderstorm alternated.

His damage could no longer one-shot five-star beasts, but with the help of these beasts, many monsters still fell under his spells.

Notifications kept popping up as his Plunder talent continued to increase his four main attributes.

Even his hidden attributes were growing.

John was confident that after this battle, he would have the strength to kill a five-star rare boss.

The battlefield was chaotic. Countless beasts died under the combined might of John's and the beasts' attacks, unable to threaten the walls or the soldiers around them.


"No way!" Far away, Toby watched in disbelief, his shout full of anger.

Just a bit more, and Flame City would have been destroyed, but then those terrifying beasts had suddenly appeared from the forest.

It seemed these were the same creatures that had destroyed Gaia's Imperial City!

Toby recognized the beasts, his teeth grinding in rage, but he dared not act recklessly.

These creatures were powerful, numerous, and capable of holding out until the monster tide ended.

"Sir, should we attack?" one of his men asked again.

Toby shot him a cold glare, causing the subordinate to shrink back, terrified, and retreat silently.

He wanted to join the fight, but Godslayer and his allies hadn't yet reached a desperate situation. Making a move now would be suicidal.

The spectators were equally astonished, never imagining that anyone could fend off a fourth- tier monster tide.

This battle seemed destined for Flame Guild's victory. As long as they held out for 12 hours, the city would be established.

Once the monster tide retreated, no one could stop them.

The various factions watched with a mix of resentment and fear.

Facing just Godslayer was already a daunting challenge, but discovering he had such powerful beasts under his command was terrifying.

This battle would undoubtedly cement Godslayer's reputation across the entire world of Gods.

On the city wall.

Soldiers watched in awe, utterly dumbfounded.

They had come expecting to fight, but after the first wave of jungle wolves, they hadn't needed to lift a finger.

Even with the jungle wolves, Godslayer could have wiped them out with a few spells if he had wanted to.

"Superior, are you not going to help?" Anna asked Black Turtle.

"No rush, they can handle it," Black Turtle replied, though his gaze was fixed on the depths of the forest, his expression serious.

He sensed several presences as powerful as the blood-red demon wolf, six-tier epic beasts. Dawn was breaking, and the monster tide attack was nearing its end.


Suddenly, the ground trembled. From the forest came an overwhelming presence, matching the strength of the beast army.

"They're here," Black Turtle muttered, turning to Princess Ada. "Princess, these creatures can't hold on much longer. Judy and I need to step in."

Princess Ada patted Judy, her guardian dragon, and commanded, "Go. This city is the hope of the Gates Empire, it must not fall."

Judy let out a majestic dragon's roar and charged into the battlefield, targeting the incoming monster bosses.


A massive wave surged, flipping several monster bosses. The fourth-tier regular monsters were instantly killed.

Judy's strength was undeniable.

Black Turtle, not wanting to be outdone, transformed into his true form and summoned massive meteors to rain down on the battlefield.

Boom boom...

The ground shook with earthquakes, and the monster horde suffered heavy casualties. "Seventh-tier beasts are truly formidable!" John couldn't help but marvel at the sight.

It was fortunate that they had these two seventh-tier beasts; otherwise, they wouldn't have been able to withstand the monster tide assault.

"It should be almost over," John observed, eyeing the clusters of monster leaders, all of which were rare fourth-tier bosses or higher, and even some sixth-tier epic bosses. If he could kill them, he would certainly be able to plunder a wealth of attributes, perhaps even

new skills or talents.

"We need to find a way to keep them here," he muttered, his eyes gleaming with determination. Surrounding himself with swirling magic, he unleashed a barrage of spells, slaughtering the monster horde below.


At that moment, his private chat buzzed. It was Ritchie.

John, puzzled, checked the message.

Ritchie: "Boss, we have a situation! There's a massive army approaching from the east and

north of the city-Dark Humans and demon race!"

John's expression turned serious, his brow furrowing. This sudden development was

completely unexpected.

Dark Humans and demon race were not part of the monster tide.

Especially alarming was the fact that the Dark Humans were taking action.

He signaled Avis to fly higher, surveying the area around the city.

From two directions, large armies were advancing rapidly-over ten thousand elite third-tier

demon soldiers and Dark Humans.

John wasn't surprised by the presence of demon soldiers in Dark Forest.

What shocked him was the open intervention of the Dark Humans, attempting to disrupt his

city-building efforts.

This had to be the elite forces from Silverleaf City, the only nearby second-tier city.

"Can't wait any longer, can you?" John sneered.

First, it was the public attack from the Jade City guards, and now Silverleaf City was sending a

large force to stop him.

The Dark Humans were violating the rules by attacking players directly, but they seemed desperate to prevent John from establishing his city.

The demon soldiers posed an even greater threat. There were ten thousand elite third-tier demon soldiers, dozens of fourth-tier demon guardians, and a fifth-tier demon general,

equivalent to a rare boss.

John assessed the battlefield. Black Turtle and the other beasts were heavily engaged with the monster horde and couldn't assist.

He was the only one who could stop the demon soldiers.

"Anna!" he called to the Elven Saintess on the city wall. "Lead the elves and hold off the Dark

Humans army. No matter what, protect the city."

"Don't worry, my benefactor!" Anna responded confidently. She led over six hundred elite

elves to defend the northern wall.

"Avis, go help them," John commanded, patting the black dragon before leaping down.

The elves were powerful, equivalent to third-tier peak bosses, but their numbers were limited, and they were mostly ranged fighters, making it challenging to hold off ten thousand

elite Dark Humans.

"Master, be careful!" Avis reminded him, flapping his wings as his massive body soared to

support the northern wall.

John then privately messaged hie and Armstrong.

Godslayer: "Ritchie, Armstrong, stay alert. The players might take advantage of the chaos to

launch a sneak attack. Don't let them invade our base."

Ritchie: "Don't worry, boss. We'll handle it from here."

Ritchie and Armstrong were eager, hoping the players would dare to make a move. They had just broken through to the third tier, significantly boosting their strength. While they weren't a match for the terrifying monsters, dealing with the current players would be a


After giving his instructions, John quickly moved to the eastern side of the city, ready to single-handedly hold off the approaching demon race army.

Over ten thousand demon soldiers, all at the peak of the third tier, were no match for him.

The only real threats were the fourth-tier epic demon guardians and the rare fifth-tier demon



Roars and battle cries echoed around the city as a chaotic melee ensued. Everyone was

determined to hold the line, ensuring the city remained unscathed.

In the distance, Toby watched the scene with excitement.

The terrifying beasts, powerful elves, and that monstrous Godslayer were all occupied. Now,

only the members of Flame Guild were left defending the city.

This was their chance.

"Quiet!" Toby roared, stepping onto a makeshift platform. He surveyed the crowd and began

to speak slowly, "I am Toby Mike White, the next heir of the Mike White Family."

The surrounding players, initially disgruntled, fell silent at his introduction. Their gazes turned to admiration and longing.

The Mike White Family, to ordinary people, was an insurmountable mountain, capable of

influencing entire nations.

Satisfied with the reaction, Toby continued, "Flame Guild's Ritchie is arrogant, and that Godslayer is a bloodthirsty killer. If we let them establish this city, our future will be bleak.

Now is our chance to overthrow Flame Guild and build a free and equal nation!"

The crowd exchanged glances, not fully convinced.

Claims of Ritchie's arrogance and Godslayer's brutality were just Toby's words.

No one wanted to be used as a pawn by him.

Seeing the lack of response, Toby's brow furrowed. He pressed on, "All the spoils of this

battle will be yours to keep. Additionally, anyone who attacks Flame Guild will receive an extra 10 gold coins!"

The players' eyes lit up, instantly captivated.

Ten gold coins, equivalent to 200,000 dollar, was a substantial sum. With nearly 20,000

players present, it meant a potential payout of 4 billion dollar from the Mike White Family.

The Mike White is a powerful family truly.

But what truly tempted them were the scattered pieces of equipment-high-quality third and

fourth-tier gear worth far more than ten gold coins each.

"Overthrow Flame Guild, build a free nation!"

"Overthrow Flame Guild, build a free nation!"


Someone started the chant, and soon, the crowd erupted. Without waiting for Toby's orders,

the 20,000 players, driven mad by greed, charged towards the battlefield.

They weren't afraid of dying; getting their hands on just one piece of equipment would make

it all worthwhile.

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