Online Game: Don’t Heal the Others

Chapter 173 - Survive

“Take him out!”

Xiaofeng was like a pebble that had fallen into an ocean, an ocean of people. Everywhere he looked, he could see the members of Glory Guild gathered in tight packs; their formation was vast and boundless!

It would be impossible for anyone to imagine the scale of this battle, unless one had been there to witness it with one’s own eyes. It really did seem as if a tidal wave of people had washed over a town, filling it, submerging it.

That accounted for only the members of the Glory Guild inside the valley, because the fact was that the rift valley, as huge as it was, was still incapable of accommodating all the members of the Glory Guild. There were more than several tens of thousands backup guild members, gathered outside the rift valley. The backup members were only there as a precautionary measure. Nevertheless, every player who was currently watching this battle, knew that the backup were entirely unnecessary.

Nobody could go up against tens of thousands of players (in a head-on battle, that is), and still walk away alive. Nobody.

The only question right now, was this: How many minutes of this battle could the Master Healer, the legendary number one player in the Huaxia District, last?

A ruckus broke out across the Glory Guild’s vast formation, the exact moment Xiaofeng landed on the rift valley.

Every member of the Glory Guild in the field charged towards Xiaofeng’s direction, as though they were trying to squeeze the living daylights out of Xiaofeng. Still, the field was far too crowded, and most of them could not even see Xiaofeng’s body. All they knew was the general direction where he was standing (at the center of the chaos).

Despite their efforts, they couldn’t get any closer to Xiaofeng at all; again, this was due to the overly crowded field. Nevertheless, they tried everything in their power, to close the distance and space between themselves and Xiaofeng. They were planning to put their startling number’s advantage to good use, by crowding Xiaofeng’s personal space, so as to reduce his mobility!

While all that was happening, the sky suddenly darkened. That was the result of countless range attacks launched from afar, which were now raining down towards Xiaofeng’s location, like a cascading waterfall. The Glory Guild’s ranged attackers, too, had been unable to pinpoint Xiaofeng’s precise location, due to the crowd. The best they could do was to cast their skills in Xiaofeng’s general direction, and bombard the entire area with their attacks. After all, in guild mode, they need not fear causing harm to their allies.

Then again, preventing the ranged attackers from locating him, was precisely why Xiaofeng had jumped straight into the center of the enemy’s formation. Otherwise Xiaofeng would not have stood a chance against tens of thousands of ranged attacks launched at him, not even if he had several lives to spare. Not to mention the fact that he could not dodge the attacks, due to his restricted mobility.

Indeed, there was no way for Xiaofeng to avoid the attacks; in fact, he could barely move an inch, from his spot!

Right now, his personal space was crowded by innumerable Glory Guild members, rendering him immobile. In fact, he would be lucky to even be able to take a single step.

The attacks launched by the players in Xiaofeng’s vicinity, reached him first. A barrage of skills and weapon attacks came at him from all directions, followed by a hail of ranged attacks which concealed the sky like a dense cloud. A split second later, a clump of tightly-packed damage indicators rose above Xiaofeng’s head.









Several Video Sprites were circling above Xiaofeng’s head, so naturally, the damage indicators had all been captured by them. Countless players who had been watching the live broadcast, were shocked by what they saw.

“My God! I can’t believe I’m seeing this! None of the attacks did any damage!”

“What kind of defensive skill did the Master Healer use? Oh, right! The Master Healer is already at Level 20. He must have learned the use of Protective Blessing, and then BUFFed himself with it! These defensive stats are really insane!”

“Right! Not even skills could cause any damage. His Physical and Magical defense has to be at least 120 points!”

Most players came to that conclusion, because at this stage, the players with the best equipment, had a physical attack defense of around 120 points. Little did they know that Xiaofeng’s magical defense had already reached 150 points, and his physical defense had gone beyond 170 points!

“Hey, wait a second! Guys! Am I seeing this right? Quick! Check out the Master Healer’s HP!”

“What! More than 700? Is this sh*t real? How is that even possible?”

“Obviously, the Master Healer has cast a Life Blessing on himself, but still, having this much HP? That’s insane!”

“This is a player who has the highest Level and the best equipment in the whole game server! And such a player is a priest! Could that be why his HP pool is so great?”

“This is the miracle of being a priest as a profession! Mark my words, if any of you ever look down on priests again, I’m going to give each of you a piece of my mind!”

“Yeah! That’s right! A fully-developed priest is terrifying! Heck, I think I’m going to delete my account and practice playing as a priest!”

“Yeah? I think you should forget it, pal. A priest’s role is hard to play well, even in something as simple as leveling. Besides, I think you’re forgetting about the few pieces of divine artifacts that the Master Healer has. Those items are part of the reason why he has so much HP.”

“If none of their attacks did any damage, then doesn’t it mean that the Master Healer might win? Because the Master Healer can still heal himself!”

“Nah, it’s impossible for him to win.”


“Because there are too many enemies…”

Without a doubt, the assault that Xiaofeng was currently facing, was terrifying. Even if the ranged attackers couldn’t pin point Xiaofeng’s exact location, Xiaofeng was still hit in succession, over a hundred times every second!

Since Xiaofeng couldn’t move and dodge the attacks, the only thing he could do, was resist it by force!

Among all the damage indicators flashing above Xiaofeng’s head, the misses were due to the attributes of Xiaofeng’s equipment, Xiaofeng’s high Agility points, as well as his Luck points which overwhelmingly exceeded those of other players.

Xiaofeng’s immunity to the ranged attacks was due to the divine artifact, Dragon’s Skull’s effect; Xiaofeng would be immune to any attacks coming from above his head.

Despite the fact that most of the attacks were either misses or rendered useless by Xiaofeng’s immunity, some attacks still manage to do a bit of damage to Xiaofeng. Even if those attacks only did 1 damage, under such concentrated bombardment, Xiaofeng’s HP would still decrease at a rate of 10 points per second.

Then again, Xiaofeng didn’t plan on standing there, like a sitting duck. While he was under assault, he, too, began making his counterattacks.

Xiaofeng didn’t even need to equip the Golden Bull Totem; his Attack Points were already off the charts. He could destroy just about any player, even if he was wielding a mere therapeutic scepter.

A huge, golden hammer materialized in Xiaofeng’s hand. He didn’t even have to aim his strikes, since he was already surrounded by enemies. Xiaofeng slammed the hammer down onto the enemies in front of him.






“-2014! Critical damage!”

The golden hammer shattered into pieces, and with that, a bunch of startling damage texts floated above the crowd.

Having dealt such a terrifying amount of damage, Xiaofeng managed to clear out only a tiny space in front of him; the players who had been there moments ago, had been obliterated by Xiaofeng’s attack. That empty space, however, only lasted for a few moments, before it was once again taken over by the boundless sea of players.

A series of green regeneration indicators appeared above Xiaofeng’s head, courtesy of the Dragon’s Claw’s lifesteal effect.







Xiaofeng was back to full health in an instant! This was why lifesteal attributes are so terrifying!

“My God! What on earth was that?”

“Wow! Is this a dream? Was that the Master Healer’s offensive skill? 1000 plus damage dealt?”

“M*th*rf*ck*ng b*tch! 2000 plus critical damage? But I only have 200 HP!”

“What the heck is going on? How can the Master Healer deal that much damage?”

“It’s got to be a buff. Weapon Blessing! That has to be it. He must have cast Weapon Blessing on himself! It’s a buff similar to Protective Blessing! The Master Healer’s healing abilities are terrifying! With the defensive boost from Protective Blessing, none of his enemy’s attacks could even damage him. Now, with Weapon Blessing, his attack points have also increased by a startling number!”

“My God! With such a healing potential, I feel that I could also do a solo killing of a BOSS, as long as he’s there to heal me!”

“No feel, pal. You definitely can! If the Master Healer buffs and heals you at the same time, your attack and defense would definitely exceed those of the BOSS’!”

“Hey, check out the Master Healer’s health bar! Holy sh*t! It’s back to full again! Wait, those green numbers above his head, are they there, because of some healing skill he cast on himself?”

“That doesn’t look like a healing skill… Wait a second! Could it be lifesteal?”

“What! Lifesteal? Could it be that the Master Healer possesses that kind of Godlike attribute?”

“Hey, don’t forget that he already owns two divine artifacts. Is it really that much for him to have lifesteal attributes also?”

“I take back what I said before. If he has lifesteal attributes, there really is a chance for the Master Healer to win! Think about it, the more damage you deal, the more HP you steal from your enemies. But look at his damage! If he could deal that much damage, plus the effects of his lifesteal attributes, the amount of HP he could regenerate with each attack would be too great. At this rate, it’s impossible for the Glory Guild to exhaust his HP!”

Everyone was stunned, be it the players who were watching the battle live on the scene, or those who were watching the broadcasts, courtesy of the anchors. All of them were rendered speechless. Was this what it meant to be the number one player, who stood above all other players? Such strength had gone far beyond what any player could achieve!

Still, they could not help but feel the fire burning in their hearts. All of them knew about the Master Healer’s possession of two artifacts. People might ask, “What are artifacts?” Well, artifacts were the type of equipment that allowed a player to dominate the entire game server!

The spectacle before everyone was the best proof of that! With several tens of thousands of players going up against the Master Healer alone, it was supposed to be a one-sided and decisive battle. And yet that wasn’t the case at all. The two sides seemed evenly matched.

With that, everyone couldn’t help but wonder just how insanely powerful divine artifacts truly were.

Even immortal equipment rarely appeared across the entire server. Having said that, divine artifacts were pretty much nonexistent.

How else could the Master Healer take on several tens of thousands of players, in a head-on fight?











It was as if Xiaofeng had turned into a smoke grenade; the clumps of closely packed damage indicators above his head, were like billows of smoke. This was in fact, a threat to Xiaofeng. It meant that the Glory Guild’s ranged attackers could now use the damage indicators to locate him, and thus focus their attacks in a smaller area. More attacks rained down upon Xiaofeng. As a result, Xiaofeng’s HP began to drop at a faster rate.

The Hammer of Judgment was Xiaofeng’s only offensive skill. The golden salamander feet’s Blazing Fire Zone, was highly suited for close-quarters combat and, together with its lifesteal effect, it could make Xiaofeng invincible. Even so, Xiaofeng couldn’t move more than a few inches from his spot; every time he created an opening by killing off a player, other players would step in to occupy the space left behind. The fire zone merely consisted of a cluster of flames burning under Xiaofeng’s feet, which was useless.

There were just too many of them!

When the Hammer of Judgment went into cooldown mode, normal attacks were the only offensive capability Xiaofeng had left. Again and again, Xiaofeng’s therapeutic scepter smashed the players nearest to him, killing them off, while regenerating his HP by applying its lifesteal effect to his high damage count. That was the only thing keeping Xiaofeng alive, in the ocean of foes!

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