Online Game: Don’t Heal the Others

Chapter 154 - A Group of Rookies

Confused, Xiaofeng subconsciously clicked the interface to check their equipment list, and his face darkened.

The shield warrior, in whiteboards, only had two pieces of green equipment of level 10. Possibly, he had worn them since he completed his trial mission in Novice Village.

The equipment of others in the team was no better than his. Though these people were fully equipped, they only had whiteboards and hardly possessed green equipment of good quality.

The one with best equipment among them was the captain. He had whiteboards of level 15 and several pieces of green equipment, and his weapon was a rare blue one, so, he could be regarded as well-equipped in the team.

Xiaofeng’s face fell. Now, he was sure that he had joined a team of weakers, whose equipment was inferior.

“Healer, help! I’m running out of my points! Don’t just stand there and watch me die.”

The shield warrior shouted again as he lost most of his Health Points fighting against Calamity Treant. However, Xiaofeng’s face turned darker at the words. He had just healed him once, yet, his holy light had not cooled down.

In the end, a wild warrior came up to replace the shield warrior and saved him from being killed. The shield warrior shivered in horror at the narrow escape.

“Healer, why didn’t you help me just now? Didn’t you see that I was almost killed?”

“He actually dared to question me!” Xiaofeng thought, but he remained silent and ignored the warrior.

Without Life Blessing, the wild warrior also lost most of his Health Points during several blows. However, Calamity Treant unexpectedly stopped attacking them and stretched its crown as if it were thinking about performing another skill.

“Assassin, destroy the BOSS’s skill now!”

“Shit! I missed it! Mission failed!”

“Run! The BOSS is about to use other skills!”

“Split up, bros! Why you jostled me?”

“Bullshit! It’s you that stood in my way!”

“Trap! Let’s set up a trap!”

In an instant, the team was in a mess. The close-fighters ran helter-skelter like aimless flies, and in the end, only Assassin made it out while other three warriors got killed. The shield warrior managed to survive because of his considerable Health Points.

“Get yourselves revived and back quickly! The entrance is not far. The shield warrior is still alive and can continue to fight. Healer, increase his Health Points. The BOSS is coming again!”

The captain shouted while the three corpses took their time to revive, bringing three white lights in the place.

Xiaofeng’s face looked increasingly terrible. If he had not increased the shield warrior’s Health Points, the warrior would have died under Calamity Treant’s attack. Yet, the warrior asked him for help again while his holy light would only cool down 20 seconds later.

“Draw the BOSS to the trap and buy some time for your Health Points to recover! We’ll attack later.”

Assassin shouted, telling the shield warrior to draw Calamity Treant to the trap.

“Where have you laid the trap?” The shield warrior asked, looking back while retreating backwards.

“Over here!”

An archer answered. The elf archers were good at setting up binding traps, similar to the Trap of Vine released by the Chomper that Xiaofeng and Su Tingting killed in Dark Land before.

“Good! I drew it here!”

“Damn! Control the hatred! The BOSS is coming at me!”

“I can’t! I’ve lost most of my Health Points, and approaching it will kill me! Can’t you have a try yourself?”

“What the fuck! You got me speechless. Do you know how to play or not?”

“Well, aren’t you ashamed of your words? You just stood behind and released DPS at ease. Don’t you know how to burden the pressure for us? As an archer, you actually know nothing about H&R! Do you know how to play or not?”

The battle turned into a mess, and the players almost got into a quarrel. They blamed each other, which made Xiaofeng speechless.

“Stop quarreling! The BOSS has lost half of its Health Points, so, let’s kill it first!”

At last, the captain stood out and stopped the quarrel. The quarreling voices died down but mainly because the target of killing the BOSS attracted most of their attention.

At the moment, Xiaofeng’s holy light had cooled down, so, he increased the shield warrior’s Health Points with it. The warrior immediately turned back and held off the BOSS, and the two began attacking each other. Health potion and holy light were used frequently during the fight.

The BOSS finally ended up with collapsing on the ground, and thanks to the captain and the Shaman girl, who carried 80 percent of DPS with the BUFF Xiaofeng gave them, the BOSS did not hold on for long though it managed to kill several more players during the fight.

Even so, it had taken them 10 minutes to kill the BOSS, which made Xiaofeng’s face turn as black as coal, because it would only take him two minutes to kill such a normal BOSS of level 15 on his own. “What a group of rookies!”

“Wow! There is rare equipment! A helmet! Useful for us all!”

“It’s a Heavy Armor! I should own it since I’m the only shield warrior in the team.”

“No way! Containing power of Constitution and Agility, it suits us archers better!”

“It’s useful to us Assassins too!”

Might because the BOSS had been killed so many times, only a piece of blue equipment was dropped, and the players began to fight over it.

“Since it’s useless to Shaman and healer, how about the one with higher points among us own the equipment?”

The players ignored Xiaofeng and the Shaman girl and started to compare their points. The Shaman girl remained silent towards their actions for she did not need a Heavy Armor but the equipment with an attribute of Intelligence.

Xiaofeng turned his nose up at the blue equipment, yet, he felt annoyed at their ignoring him in the distribution. Though he did not want to take credit for it, without him, these people could not have managed to kill the BOSS. However, now, they just ignored him when distributing the equipment, which made him mad a bit.

The fighting for the equipment lasted another 10 minutes, and these people even compared their points only to get some whiteboards, which really left Xiaofeng speechless.

“It went quite well during killing the first BOSS. Let’s move to the next one.”

After finishing the distribution of the equipment, these people headed to the second BOSS in the zone.

“By the way, healer, don’t you need any equipment? Why you kept silent when we distributed them?”

At the moment, the captain finally thought of Xiaofeng and asked him with embarrassment.

“As a healer of such a high level, he must think little of these types of inferior equipment. He only needs rare equipment,” said the shield warrior.

He had learned of Xiaofeng’s power, so, he knew that Xiaofeng’s equipment must be of high level, but he did not know that Xiaofeng only needed equipment superior to golden ones.

“Why can’t I find the information on healer’s equipment?” someone who failed to check Xiaofeng’s equipment list asked.

“Neither can I. I couldn’t find any information on his level or profession either.” Another man noticed it as well and said, confused.

Obviously, the Skeleton Mask Xiaofeng was wearing now, not only looked cool as a fashionable dress but also hid his personal information from others well as immortal equipment. Thus, even in the same team, his teammates failed to check his personal information from the team information.

“Healer, are you an expert from Hall of Fame? I remember that when an expert from Hall of Fame logs in to the game, the system would give him or her a fashionable dress to hide their personal information. Do you have one too, healer?” asked a man.

“Yes! You reminded me that when I met the great expert, Heaven Blade, I couldn’t check his personal information. Are you the great therapeutical paladin, healer?”

“Is that true, healer?”

The teammates surrounded Xiaofeng and looked at him with surprise and doubt, but Xiaofeng remained silent towards them.

“Hey… the great therapeutical paladin is a paladin, not a ritualist,” the Shaman girl said in a low tone.

“Oh yes, the great therapeutical paladin is a paladin. He couldn’t be a priest.”

In an instant, these people lost their interest in Xiaofeng and concentrated on heading where the second BOSS was.

Only the Shaman girl still observed Xiaofeng in secret. Suspicion crept onto her face but soon disappeared as she shook her head.

Before long, the second BOSS, Giant Tree Demon, came into their sight. The demon was a red tree over three meters high and could not move at will, but as an Elite BOSS of level 15, it was absolutely stronger than Calamity Treant.

Just like before, Xiaofeng added BUFF to the shield warrior, the captain, and the Shaman girl. The girl released three types of debuff on the Giant Tree Demon, which slowed its speed and weakened its attack and defensive power.

However, Giant Tree Demon was harder to deal with compared to Calamity Treant because it had higher Health Points and stronger attack power. Before the team could reduce the demon’s Health Points by 10 percent, someone at front-row was killed. With everyone fighting his own battle in disorder, the demon released a skill and killed everyone in the team except Xiaofeng when its Health Points was reduced only by 20 percent.

Seeing that the others all died, Xiaofeng was angry and speechless. He gave up struggling and took off his equipment, ready to follow his teammates and get revived at the entrance of the zone.

“What’s wrong with you front-row players? Couldn’t you hold off the BOSS?”

“I had no choice! The BOSS had such strong attack power! I’m no match for it!”

“Didn’t you know how to avoid it? Why you took its blows?”

“Aren’t you ashamed of your words? You were in the front-row as well. Couldn’t you hold on longer and buy me some time to recover my Health Points?”

“How could I succeed what you, a shield warrior, failed to?”

“Didn’t you guys in the front-row know how to take your turns to attack the BOSS since there were so many of you? A shield warrior should be the main force in a battle and you all should assist me.”

“While we were fighting in the front, what have you DPSers achieved in the back? A decrease in BOSS’s Health Points by 20 percent in five minutes!”

“How could we continue to cause it damage when you guys failed to hold on in the front?”

“Hey, Shaman, did you release debuff on the BOSS just now? Why was its attack power so strong?”

“Healer, didn’t you know you should keep an eye on our Health Points? Why you didn’t heal me before I was killed?”

“Yes! You should have added Life Blessing to us when the shield warrior was killed; otherwise, how could we manage to hold on?”

“Healer hasn’t increased my Health Points either! As a wild warrior, I don’t have many Health Points. How could I survive in such a situation?”

After getting revived at the entrance of the zone, Xiaofeng’s teammates started to quarrel with each other, which made the Shaman girl feel so wronged. Xiaofeng was involved in the quarrel at last, and some of his teammates even blamed him for the failure.

“Shut up, you a group of rookies!”

Xiaofeng was in a burst of anger and could not put up with these people anymore.

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