One Punch of Justice

Chapter 73: Bakula

Chapter 73: Bakula

“In… Incalculable…” Speaking these words, Fukurou gradually shut his eyes, feigning unconsciousness. In that moment, he understood that his best option was to play dead. After all, he had just tasted the sheer force of Saitama’s punch and quickly concluded that he wasn’t remotely prepared to handle opponents of such monstrous caliber. Unfortunately, his acting skills fell far short of convincing. Some time later, both Lucci and Fukurou found themselves locked within the confines of a battleship’s prison, their bodies constrained by Seastone, and subjected to interrogation by Tashigi. Lucci remained stoically silent throughout the interrogation, hardly uttering a word. In stark contrast, Fukurou embarked on an incessant stream of consciousness, divulging details without any prompting. “Scholar, the covert operative of CP0… The covert mission orchestrated by the Five Elders and the shadowy assassin… The capture of Nico Robin… The enigmatic Pluton, one of the Ancient Weapons… …” The nearby guards exchanged bewildered glances, their faces etched with intrigue. “Hmm! Nico Robin… that name stirs memories,” Saitama mused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “She’s the woman from the Straw Hat Pirates, sir,” Tashigi confirmed. “Ah, the one with orange hair,” Saitama nodded. “Wait, no, sir, the other one. We encountered her in Alabasta,” Tashigi clarified, then, “Looks like we’ve got the right person here.” “Ah, that girl…” Saitama muttered, heading towards his cabin, with Tashigi trailing behind. The atmosphere in the room was tense, and Tashigi’s face bore a serious expression. “This time, it’s not just about dealing with pirates or thieves. The situation has gotten a lot more complicated. We’re facing off against our own allies, the Five Elders.” The relationship between the Navy and the World Government had always been complicated, but this situation had escalated far beyond their expectations. “But why are they doing this?” Tashigi wondered, her unease palpable. “It’s hard to understand why you’ve become their prime target, sir! Your reputation is built on unwavering strength and a steadfast commitment to justice. You’ve taken down countless pirates and protected countless civilians. Why in the world would the World Government want you dead?” Saitama replied in a nonchalant tone, “You’ve already touched on the answer, Tashigi.” “It’s what we call ‘politics,’“ he continued as he cleaned up his cluttered room. “Our mission is to protect the world and looming threats,” he said, holding a damaged box and considering where to dispose of it. He casually tossed it out the window and resumed, “But those in high-ranking positions have their own interests. They aren’t always focused on peace or noble ideals. While they may share some goals with the Navy, it’s mostly about safeguarding their own power and status. Nothing more.” “Assassination attempts, their grudge against me… I’m not bothered by any of that.” He paused and adopted a more serious tone, “But the tragic fate that befell innocent people in Alabasta, the manipulation of entire cities’ destinies, the permission granted to certain pirates to run rampant in various corners… and the countless other crimes that go unpunished. This is what I cannot tolerate. That’s why they’re after me.” In that poignant moment, Tashigi’s fascination with Saitama deepened, reflecting the keen insight that Garp had noted during their initial encounter. She had finally grasped what made him so intriguing. However, her newfound insight didn’t alter her demeanor toward Saitama. Instead, it deepened her connection to him and his choices. With determination in her gaze, she looked at him and, in a voice that was both respectful and genuine, she said, “Sir, no matter what challenges and obstacles come your way, know that you’re not alone. There are people who stand by you, no matter what happens. And I’m one of them.” Her cheeks turned a shade of pink as she admitted her feelings. Saitama glanced at her, trying to figure out who was truly helping whom, then waved his hand dismissively, saying, “Whatever! Now, can you stop staring and give me a hand with the cleaning?” “Oh, I’m sorry, Sir! Your words just caught my attention for a moment,” she replied, quickly refocusing her attention on helping him clean the room. ——————————- “Well said…” Outside the warship, concealed in the dimly lit alley, a couple stood quietly. One of them gazed at Saitama’s ship with genuine admiration, having eavesdropped on the conversation. At their feet, Scholar and Kalifa lay unconscious. The man, seemingly ordinary but exceptionally fit, would have been indistinguishable to Kalifa if she had glimpsed his face prior to the ambush. He was none other than Bakula, who had recently secured a position within CP9 through his grandfather’s influential connections. “You know, Nico Robin…” Bakula remarked, crossing his arms, his eyes fixed on Saitama’s distant warship. His words were measured and precise, “In the World Government, power isn’t solely controlled by the Five Elders. There are frequent disputes and tensions between the Commander-in-Chief and the Five Elders… But there’s one thing they find common ground on.” Robin stood quietly beside him. “The Annihilation of Ohara.” He paused for a moment before continuing, “As the Poneglyphs reveals, different motives can lead to the same actions… The Five Elders are afraid that Ohara’s scholars will unveil the hidden history of the past century, while the Commander-in-Chief worries that those with malicious intent might resurrect Pluton, plunging the world into chaos.” Robin couldn’t hold back her frustration any longer, and with gritted teeth, she exclaimed, “But they’re just archaeologists seeking historical knowledge!” Bakula sighed heavily and shook his head. “Crocodile claims to study Pluton out of curiosity; can we really trust him? Pirate Empress Boa Hancock insists she’s never robbed anyone; should we take her word for it? Nezumi, captain of the 16th Branch, swears he doesn’t conspire with pirates; can we believe him? Kaidou says he doesn’t take lives; is he telling the truth? Trust is a noble human virtue, but governing the world demands more than just trust. Knowing that a group of archaeologists is researching texts capable of world-ending destruction while the World Government turns a blind eye and treats countless lives as pawns in their games… Doesn’t that amount to negligence?” Robin retorted, her voice trembling, “But can wiping out all of Ohara’s people truly solve anything?” “Well, let’s not mince words,” he spoke somberly. “It’s a sacrifice we deem necessary for the sake of lasting peace.” His smile was bittersweet as he continued, “I understand the value of every life, and it’s never easy sacrificing a hundred to save a billion. Our mission is to protect the human soul’s integrity, but sometimes, we’re forced into difficult decisions. There’s rarely a perfect solution, and sometimes, we have to choose the lesser of two evils… Sacrificing a hundred to protect a billion. It’s the harsh reality of our world, Robin.” Robin responded with a hint of anger, “What if it meant sacrificing you and your family?” Bakula maintained a steady gaze, his tone resolute. “If it means ensuring world peace and safeguarding people from daily dangers, we’re committed, no matter the personal cost.” His words carried the weight of determination, sending a chill down Robin’s spine. “Rest assured,” Robin’s voice softened as she lowered her head, saying, “Even if it means risking my life, I won’t reveal the location of the ancient weapons.” “If your own life doesn’t matter much to you, then…” He declared, producing a Golden Den Den Mushi from his pocket, his expression deadly serious, “you recognize this, Nico Robin? If I press this button right now, it will trigger a Buster Call on this city… Everyone, including your friends, would be dead! Unless…” He held her gaze, “You share the location of the ancient weapons. Spandam is prepared for this.” He toyed with the Den Den Mushi while adding, “So, will you help to find the Ancient Weapons?” In that tense moment, Robin’s defenses crumbled, and tears welled up in her eyes. “Do you expect me to trust you… I’ll sacrifice myself and save everyone…” Before she could finish her sentence, Bakula smiled, a hint of bitterness in his expression, and casually crushed the stolen Golden Den Den Mushi. “If even the World Government isn’t trustworthy, then what are you, Robin? A pirate who’s spent her life deceiving everyone she’s met. The secrets of history will stay buried. Do you honestly think the World Government will crumble because of ancient history? In the end, it’s just history! What they’re truly afraid of is the return of those Ancient Weapons, plunging the world into chaos… You Devil Child!” —————————————————————— Hey everyone, I hope you all had a great time reading this chapter! I’m really excited to hear your thoughts and get your feedback. Don’t forget to drop a comment and let me know what you think!   Patreon: /Otaku_TNN   Instagram:
  • One Punch Of Justice
  • Otaku Tnn
  • Otaku_Tnn
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