One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 175: Perspective of a Blind Man and General Meeting

Chapter 175: Perspective of a Blind Man and General Meeting

_________ POV Fujitora _________

It's hard to explain just how eventful the past few months have been...

Went from randomly wandering the world after taking away my sight, to being recruited in the Navy...

I thought that maybe joining the side of justice would allow me to repent for my sins. Becoming an admiral right away was a bit unusual, but it's not like there was no precedent for it...

The World itself being in a dire state certainly helped.

The Government's actions were quite weird, however... Even at the time, I had hoped to join them in order to stop their egregious actions against protests from the inside, but that didn't really go anywhere...

I guess it was a bit foolish of me to expect the Government that massacred so many to listen to my words, no matter the position of power that I occupied...

Alas, one can't exactly expect foresight from a blind man, right?

The main issue was that we had no influence... But that could be fixed. The Marines just needed to prove themselves once more, and get the situation back to the norm.

We could do it. Akainu also seemed confident that we could turn things around... We just needed to win a few battles.

I was not expecting my very first mission to be my last.

It was my first time fighting an Emperor, and I must say... It was a lot different from what I expected.

Enel is a fighter that mainly relies on his devil fruit from what I was able to sense, much like myself. His Observation Haki also advanced to the point where he managed to fight all of us while gaining very few injuries.

However, throughout the fight, I couldn't help but get the feeling that he was not being serious. Purposefully avoiding seriously injuring the marines.

That was my first hint that his relationship with the Marines was a bit more complex than outright hatred, although Sengoku still seemed a bit mad at Enel.

The Sky King's devil fruit's powers are, at the end of the day, extremely lethal.

Any one of his attacks could kill, and his speed could also only be matched by Kizaru, who was almost taken out of the fight right at the beginning...

Regardless, what happened happened. We somehow managed to trap him at the time... Only for the Government to destroy Baltigo.

So I went from vagrant to Marine Admiral to Revolutionary Army Member in the span of a week.

And from the Revolutionary Army, to find out I am technically working for, or with, the Sky King that I was fighting before.

We haven't exchanged all that many words, but even without eyes, I can see that we are all gathered in this place because of him...

He is the glue holding everything together, sky people, pirates, revolutionaries, marines, even old legends that I didn't think I'd ever get to be in proximity of... An alliance so bizarre that it was likely far beyond the expectations of the government.

Enel does seem to have some talent, gathering this many powerful people in one place. Be it sheer luck, charisma or cunning, he has achieved more than any other...

But would this be enough to actually stop the World government's tyranny?

I sure hope so...

It's times like this that I wish I hadn't taken away my own sight... To see this gigantic army grow with my own two eyes... And to watch the leader they all gathered under...

But my sight was taken for a reason. My sins were great.

But maybe it's here that I can actually repent. It's on this side that I can actually make a change...

Whatever happens in this upcoming war, I'll make sure that the one holding all of us together survives.

Since it's because of him that I am given a chance at redemption. Then I will gladly lay down my life for him.

I just hope it will be enough... For now, only time can tell.

_________ POV Narration _________

The destroyed Holy Land was swiftly reconstructed.

The dwindled forces of the World Government getting to work, now low on slave labour, but still having some agents to throw at the project.

The site was to be rebuilt, but the Celestial Dragons needed to remain in hiding, as the Elders knew they couldn't afford to allow them to run wild and die.

They were at the point where simply going on the streets would be dangerous, especially since the protests hadn't been exactly quelled.

The more the Elders thought it through, the more they realised just how much of the world they'd have to reform.

History itself would have to be rewritten. But it wasn't like they hadn't done it before, they already had experience...

Even now, they stood in the middle of a room, all 5 of the elders, alongside a few other characters.

One of them was a bandaged-up Kong, both of his arms were in slings, and he had certainly seen better days. The bitter look in his eyes hadn't subsided ever since he had woken up.

Alas, no one could really blame him. Facing both Francisco and Shiki was not something anyone would normally be able to do.

Aramaki was certainly nowhere near as capable. But he had survived as well, and he was present.

His torso was completely covered up in bandages, and his entire body was healing much faster than that of normal humans, but even then he had almost died.

The Wooden Fleet Admiral knew that he only had himself to blame. He had greatly underestimated Shiki, and had lost miserably.

He was now also present in the meeting, with the elders discussing their failure openly.

"Not only were the slaves freed... But we've also lost plenty of men in that mess." Saint Ogata, the blind swordsman, spoke out as he recounted the events of that day.

"Kuma being freed is a bit concerning as well..." Saint Noda, the most influential elder, was quick to point that out as well.

"He was the prototype for the Pacifistas, it's regrettable, but I doubt they'll be able to do much with him..." Saint Ogata shrugged as he tapped his fingers on the tip of his hilt.

"I'd say the most concerning thing here is the force that is obviously rearing its head over the horizon..." Kong spoke out as he looked down thoughtfully, narrowing his eyes as the elders turned to look at him.

"Francisco, Shiki, the Revolutionaries... Who knows how many others are working together currently... And it all seems to tie together to one person..." Kong scowled as he spoke, turning his head to the side before looking back at the Elders.

"Emperor Enel..." Saint Hirano, the shortest one, said as he audibly hissed for a second. His words were containing enough hate to kill a man.

"He's been a thorn in our side ever since he reared his ugly head..." Saint Ogata also seemed just as angry.

"... A variable that not even Lord IM was able to foresee..." Saint Noda muttered as he closed his eyes and nodded in a sagely manner.

"Calling him a mere variable at this point is no longer enough!" Kong scowled as he spoke out, making the Elders nod in agreement.

Kong was one of the few people that could openly talk to them, being the one exactly under them.

"You are completely right... He is clearly more than that.

A man who singlehandedly did more against us than anybody else ever since the Void Century. A true enemy... The only other possible contender for that title in recent history was Rocks D. Xebec...

Everything somehow seems to begin and end with him... He somehow even emboldened Morgans to release the dirt he had on us..."

Saint Noda nodded as he opened his eyes and looked at Kong with a calm gaze.

Kong looked to the side and sighed. "His power is even more concerning than what Xebec had gathered... Even the slaves they freed can form a fighting force since plenty of them were battle slaves."

"Inconsecuential at best... I can end them all in one slice." Saint Ogata just scoffed at the notion as he slightly adjusted his round glasses.

The other elders seemed to agree with him. They weren't exactly concerned about a few runaway slaves.

The authority of the Government couldn't be undermined more than it already was, so they hadn't lost much in that department either.

"Maybe... But it's still concerning... Why weren't we allowed to use any of the Ancient Weapons?" Kong still seemed dissatisfied.

"Well... The Pluton Canons were all moved to act as extra insurance and protect the World Nobles.

Francisco of all people should know what they are and how to avoid them so they wouldn't have made much of a difference..." Saint Noda simply shook his head as he spoke out, calmly explaining their reasoning.

"And the Recording of Poseidon is not something we can use casually... Not that it would've been too useful against the two men that attacked us.

Mere Sea Monsters wouldn't have been able to do more than paint the seas around the Holy Land red in their own blood.

By the time something 'more' responded, everything would have been over anyway..."

His younger brother, Saint Sonobe, was the one to continue. Talking a bit more about the other Weapon in their hands.

Kong just sighed, as he couldn't exactly argue with the elders. Though he still felt there was more they could have done.

"All will be well in the end. Our Lord is already slowly regaining his vision... The future is becoming clearer and clearer.

Soon he may give us a prediction once more... One to include this 'Variable' turned enemy, that spawned on the world seemingly out of nowhere." Saint Noda simply closed his eyes once more.

The trust and confidence of the elders seemed to be unshakable, it seemed to somewhat inspire Aramaki, who had been merely listening patiently up to that point.

Kong wasn't quite as hopeful... 'Some prediction... If it's as good as the last one, then we're well and truly doomed...'

"A war was predicted to come regardless of that outsider's interference... So we already are prepared for it." Saint Ogata said as his bald head shined in the light.

"Vegapunk's research is crucial to our preparation... Yet it is still debatable whether or not he can truly be trusted." Saint Masutani, the youngest among them, said as he rubbed his short blonde beard thoughtfully.

"We shall prepare for all eventualities... The most recent reports say that the Sky King tried to pay a visit to the mad doctor..." Saint Ogata said as he scowled a bit.

"They are currently in a blackout... It's either the result of that attack, which was routed from my understanding, or it's Vegapunk trying something behind our backs..." Saint Noda's calm expression seemed to also morph into a scowl when speaking about that.

Vegapunk was someone they were keeping up to date with constantly. He was an extremely important person to the World Government at the end of the day...

"We still have plenty of leverage over him... For now, he'll do as told, build the Seraphims... We must get rid of him as soon as possible after they are built." Saint Noda continued speaking, the other people in the room seemingly nodding in agreement, even Aramaki.

The Fleet Admiral was already brought up to speed on Vegapunk's situation, and he knew that it was a rather fickle agreement between him and the world government.

"For now, this is a waiting game... Unless Enel decides to speed things up a bit, which is unlikely in my opinion..." Saint Ogata said as he slowly took off his glasses and started cleaning them with a cloth.

"... He's already shown he's more than willing to openly attack us..." Saint Masutain spoke out, reminding everyone of the possibility that the Emperor would attack them any day.

"Yet... He didn't come to the Holy Land himself..." Saint Noda spoke out as he smirked slightly.

"He didn't bring his army, he didn't actually attack us at all... He was seemingly after the slaves.

We can tell he's a cautious person already since none of our attempts to bait him has worked in the past.

Our Lord's display on Baltigo is likely enough to make him hesitate to attack us anytime soon."

Saint Noda was quick to dissect the situation and come to the conclusion that the attack wasn't going to happen soon... But there were still plenty of doubts in the room.

In the end, Noda just sighed and shook his head.

"Let's just wait till our Lord reaches out to us with a revised premonition. All should become clear at that time..."

In the end, that was the conclusion the Elders managed to reach in that conversation. Kong remained the only person still sceptical in the room.

'... Maybe I should have left with Z and Tsuru... Or at least tried harder to convince them to stay...'

The old man just shook his head at that thought. It was already too late anyway... He had picked his side.


Hope you liked the chapter!

Kinda felt like giving a bit of POV for Fuji, his life's taken quite a few turns in a rather short time :)) 

He's also one of my favourite characters, so yeah

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