One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 350

Chapter 350 - Eighth Elder Everyone Was Shocked

Although Soong Wanzhong was clueless about Jiang Hao's intentions, he found himself with no option but to play along at the moment.

Regaining his composure, Soong Wanzhong nodded to Jiang Hao and took his seat.

As Soong Wanzhong settled in, Jiang Hao remained fully immersed in the role of Uncle Hai.

“Master, these three are the elders of the Nether King's Hall,” he announced, turning his attention to the trio.

“Please, introduce yourselves,” Jiang Hao requested. His voice was soft, yet it carried an ironclad warning that brooked no argument.

Just then, the hot-tempered Eighth Elder, unable to tolerate Jiang Hao's successive threats—or perhaps the stifling atmosphere—slammed his hand on the table and abruptly stood up, ready to confront Jiang Hao.


But as Jiang Hao's expression grew stern, his gaze locked with that of the Eighth Elder, who had risen to challenge him.

The wrathful Eighth Elder's vision swirled into darkness.

“Bang!” He collapsed to the ground.

When the Eighth Elder's eyes fluttered open again, he found himself in a world of utter darkness and desolation, his heart seized by panic.

Initially, he managed to quell the fear, cautiously scanning his surroundings. Yet, no matter how hard he searched, he found nothing; the darkness was so absolute he couldn't even see his own hand before his face.

Time dragged on as he groped his way forward.

But no matter which direction he took, it felt as though he was merely marching in place, surrounded by an unrelenting blackness, devoid of sound or substance—as if the world itself had cast him aside.

Anxiety began to gnaw at him, his mind a whirlwind of fear, dread, and a host of dark emotions.

Time lost meaning. It could have been a day, a year, or even decades.

Throughout this ordeal, he continued to walk, to call out, to scream, but he never found a glimmer of light, a whisper of sound, or a hint of anything else.

Eventually, his sanity shattered.


Meanwhile, back in the real world, the onlookers watched in astonishment.

All they saw was Jiang Hao, in the guise of Uncle Hai, fixing the Eighth Elder with a piercing glare.

The Eighth Elder collapsed to the ground, blood streaming from all his orifices, life extinguished in an instant.

Onlookers gazed in stunned silence at the peaceful yet blood-stained visage of the fallen elder, his life force utterly gone.

It took a long while before they could wrench their gaze away, turning with trepidation to face Jiang Hao, fear evident in their eyes.

Yet, they shied away from meeting his gaze directly, as if the very sight of his eyes was too much to bear.

Their minds were roiling with tumultuous waves of shock that refused to subside.

The entire area was enveloped in a heavy hush.

The Fifth Elder was rigid with tension, not daring to make a single move.

In his heart, he realized that Jiang Hao, in the guise of Uncle Hai, possessed a strength that far exceeded his own comprehension.

Perhaps, within the Nether King's Hall, only the Hall Master or a select few Palace Masters could hope to match him in combat.

The Seventh Elder's prowess was certainly no less formidable.

In that moment, he was overwhelmed with relief.

Relieved that he had not acted rashly, and grateful he hadn't succumbed to the same impulsiveness as the Eighth Elder.

Soong Wanzhong, for his part, revered Jiang Hao with a fear that bordered on divine. In fact, his dread of Jiang Hao surpassed that of any deity.

To kill with a mere glare!

Jiang Hao was nothing short of a deity in the flesh.

Simultaneously, Soong Wanzhong was consumed with regret for his earlier foolish skepticism of Jiang Hao's capabilities.

Thankfully, Jiang Hao had been magnanimous enough not to hold a grudge.

Of course, Soong Wanzhong was well aware that his own status as the Jade King wasn't the reason for Jiang Hao's leniency.

It was all thanks to his daughter, Soong Wan—his saving grace.

Without her, Jiang Hao might not have been so approachable.

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