Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 328: Viper Mountains

Chapter 328: Viper Mountains

Its very simple.

Linnard was an universal class trainer. All classes could learn skills from him but limited at two. 

Warrior had Shield Use(passive), Heavy Strike(active). Learning Shield Use the warrior could wield a shield. While Heavy Strike was a single target damaging skill. 

Li Mo was an assassin. His skills were Flurry and Stab.

An assassins skills were active. Flurry increased attack speed by 15% and movement speed by 50%. Stab caused 50% damage used from the front and 200% from the back.

With Linnard here, they could learn them with white ores instead of gold.

After Li Mo and Ye Li finished, Linnard closed his skill window and turned into your average blacksmith.

There are plenty of powerful skills out there, but no trainer can teach them. Just like in school, where the teachers give you only the basics. True knowledge will depend entirely up to you to learn it!

I had a dream once, to learn all the class skills in the world. Only a decade later I understood how ridiculous that dream was.

Linnard hammered the metal while talking.

Ye Li asked, Grandmaster, then do you know any uncommon skills?

Any class can only learn one or two, ha-ha-ha.

Can you teach us?

Linnard eyed Ye Li as he banged the metal, Bring me blue and red ores around 90% purity and Ill reconsider.


Ye Li glanced at Li Mo.

This had the signs of a quest!

Ye Li was sharp. Rather than leave it at that, she kept asking Linnard where to find the ores.

Viper Mountains have an abandoned mine. You can look there.

Linnard and Ye Li fell silent.

Viper Mountains were filled with vipers. Without enough antidotes, it was a death sentence.

Ye Li was uneasy, and she kept on asking, but Linnard was of no more help.

A real pity. With me from the front and you from the back, it would be a cinch. Anywhere but Viper Mountains that is. Ye Li grumbled.

Well just have to see. Li Mo frowned. He wanted to get stronger fast. Du Fei and co were still captured and the more power he had, the easier would be to deal with it.

Ji paused then said, I wouldnt be able to go anywhere else. But Viper Mountains are fine.

My gift is Abnormal Status Immunity. I can use it on anyone and lasts for five minutes.

Ji said to the shocked duo, I got the white ores from Viper Mountains as well.

The two now knew why Ji found a hidden trainer. With how few antidotes there were around, not even a high level player would venture in the Viper Mountains. While Ji had her gift turning a players hell into his personal paradise.

Although, if you wan my help, you need to tell me everything about that hundred-year-old Yang demon.

Li Mo smiled, No problem. Im sure youre going to like it.

Ji said, Then lets be off.

Five hours later, the trio arrived at Forest of Ruin.

Along the way, Li Mo didnt hide anything from Ji when he asked about his Yang demon friend.

My friend is also a Ji, but unlike you, he has another name beside his first.

His name is Ji Lan.

Li Mo met Ji Lan when the man was merely ten. To humans, hed be a child, but to Yang demons, he was an adult.

After being heavily wounded by his enemy, Li Mo fell on Yang Demon Planet. Ji Lan saved him and the two became friends.

Why must all Yang demon have short lives? I vow to be the first Yang demon ever to live the longest!

At forty, I became an elderly but my Yang demon body can still hold it.

At fifty, I have lived longer than the vast majority.

At sixty, I cant hold much longer. Li Mo, it has been my honor to meet you. Im dying, brother, yet I hate to do so!

Dont worry. I wont let you die!

At a hundred years, I am the first Yang demon to have lived for so long

Brother, I am so old I cant even move

But its not your fault. I only need one breath to crush the planet we both loathe.

My mind is fading, brother. I cant help you. Dont waste your effort on me farewell

Ji paused, Youre saying he had yet to be born, but why does it feel you experienced it? A time-space paradox?


I believe you, absurd as it is.

Li Mo, going by your words, Ji Lan has yet to be born. That means he had to die as well!

Li Mo nodded, Yes, in this life I vow to save him!

All I want right now is to know if leaving this world will kill me or not.

I wasnt afraid before, but now, I wish to see Ji Lan and live together with him.

My God Prison is lacking a spacial stone. With it I can make God Prison have the same rules as this world. We wont need this world any longer at that point and can dilate the time flow as well.

Ji laughed, Great, from now on, we are true comrades!

Passing Forest of Ruin, the trio entered the Viper Mountains.


Vipers of all kinds and colors were everywhere. In the bushes, on the ground, in the trees, enough to freeze anyone in place. 

Dont let them surround you. I can only use my gift for five minutes and need half an hour to do it again.


Li Mo lifted his sword and activated Flurry.

Ji jumped, I told you not to go too far, you


In a blink, hundreds of vipers came at Li Mo from all sides.

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