Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 326: Yang Demon

Chapter 326: Yang Demon

Li Mo and Ye Li just got back to St. Laurent City and found it bustling with Mara people.

Out there in the universe, out of countless galaxies, it was out of the question who was the strongest, or the weakest. While in the God World, the strongest galaxies numbered five.

Dipper, Mara, Heavenly King, Barren, and Bestial were the five strongest galaxies in the God World. And between them and the Milky Way Galaxy, there was a huge gulf. 

Li Mo had met Mara people in his past life. They were a humanoid race, the only difference from humans was the insectoid head.

In the real world, Mara people were average. They werent even among the ten strong races.

Their gift was super breeding. Just a single couple, in the right conditions, could sire tens of thousands offsprings in merely a year.

Mara peoples reproduction was so horrifying that all their fighting amounted to ganging up on the enemy with their superior numbers. Fortunately, they werent so strong and against a truly strong opponent, one or ten thousand would hardly make a difference. This turned them into an average race in the real world. 

While in the God World, they were the masters.

Watching the Mara people milling about in crowds, Li Mo instantly realized this truth.


In the God World, all races were the same upon entry. No race could bring back their gift. But Mara people? 

They had numbers

With their breeding, they swarmed the God World, and it was obvious how high their chances were to get a good gift. If not one, then ten, if not ten then a thousand, ten thousand, a hundred million 

With quantity as their foundation, the Mara people needed but one instance of a high level gift and their destiny changed.

Dipper, Heavenly King, Barren, Bestial no wonder!

Li Mo exclaimed.

Brother Mo, what are you thinking? Ye Li asked.

On their way here she got closer to Li Mo, whether he liked it or not.

In the real world, a true mighty being can come from any galaxy. But here, all that changes. I didnt figure out at first but now I see it.

Numbers. Dipper, Mara, Heavenly King, Barren, Bestial, all these galaxies found strength in numbers. And now that I think about it, its only fair. With enough numbers they have a high chance of picking a great gift.

But it begged the question. Among the billions of Mara people, were they only able to get one or two good gifts?

Even a level 10 gift

Only allowed on

Then there was God Worlds age and how many from the five strongest galaxies entered that were unknown.

Li Mo didnt want to finish that thought.

Such a strange world. Theyre all cannon fodder in the universe but here they are kings.

Li Mo smiled dejectedly.

Brother Mo knows them?

In a way.


Li Mo up and stopped.

He noticed a familiar race on one side of the street.

It was humanoid, two-meter tall, and features just like a human, but exceedingly gorgeous. Although one couldnt tell their gender from their looks.

What separated them from humans was having nothing between their legs. Besides that, they had long legs, delicate waist, perky chest, fair skin basically anything and everything that could make a woman into a top model, and more. 

This outrageous beauty of questioning gender was selling herbs at a stall. 

Li Mo walked over in a daze, his tone filled with emotion, Are you a Yang demon?

The person looked up in shock.

Are you buying?

Li Mo was anxious, I asked you a question. Are you a Yang demon? One of the ten strong races in the universe?

What strong race? Can we survive in this world? The beauty mocked.

Im right, you are a Yang demon!

Human, Yang demons arent strong here. Theres no need to act like this. The outrageous beauty said. 

Ha-ha, you really are! Li Mo laughed.

The past him got friendly with many races, and one of them was the Yang demons.

Yang Demon Planet was an ancient planet close to humanitys Primogenitor Planet.

All Yang demons were genderless but each of them had sacred bodies. Thanks to their gift of growth, it allowed them to be among the strongest in the universe without even cultivating. But because their gift was too strong, Yang demons had short lives, 60 years tops.

Li Mo didnt mind the cold tone as he said, Have you heard of a Yang demon reaching a hundred years in the real world?

Then he left, just as he heard a shout, Stop!

W-what did you say? The Yang demon was clearly affected.

Ive seen a hundred-year-old Yang demon.


The best we can live for is between 40 and 60. Reaching a hundred is impossible. If we could, then no one in the universe could match us!

The Yang demon was clearly excited.

Yeah, a hundred-year-old Yang demon truly is invincible in the universe.

Li Mo said, But not here.

Each Yang demon was incredibly strong, but another weakness of their race was their few numbers. On the Yang Demon Planet of ten times the size of Earth, the Yang demons living on it were merely a hundred.

Low reproduction and limited lifespan were their faults.

Did you really see a hundred-year-old Yang demon? I-is he still alive?

You can say that. To be precise, he hasnt been born yet.

Li Mo asked the Yang demon, Whats your surname?


Li Mo laughed, You have the same name as he!

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