Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 300: Madam Zhou

Chapter 300: Madam Zhou

Easter China, on a desolate island. 

Akita Ohara and the old man in kimono looked ahead.




The island quaked, and its center crumbled to reveal an alluring woman flying out.

She looked very young, around 17. But those eyes lost their innocence, filled with devious charm and promise of pleasure.

The old man cupped his hands, Congratulations to coming out of seclusion!

The womans eyes flowed to him with a mirthless smile, Akita Fukuda, if we take age into account, you should be my great-great-great grandson. You dont seem to qualify, dont you think?

The old man smiled, I look like this, but this isnt my age.

Akita Fukuda, its been so long yet it seems your scrying improved. Not only did you figure out where I am in seclusion but also when Id be coming out.

The woman smiled, and the simple act of brushing her hair was enough to make even him lose self-control.

This woman had an undeniable charm.

Akita Fukuda took a deep breath and avoided looking at her, lest his heart would be overwhelmed with urges.

Akita Fukuda was shocked. At his age, he had long lost interest in women from that aspect. But this woman simply brushed her hair and flamed a desire in his otherwise dead heart.

Akita Fukuda bowed, Madam Zhou, Fukuda was rude. Please forgive me.

Nevermind. You came with good intention, bringing joy to this old womans heart. What rudeness? Madam Zhou giggled, making Akita Fukudas heartbeat spike again.

Then, a bloody cloud roamed and swiftly covered the island.

It morphed, turning into a white-robed youth, Zhou Mengxian.

Zhou Mengxian was stunned to see Akita Ohara and Akita Fukuda here.

Akita Fukuda cupped his hands, Immortal Zhou, Fukada greets you.

This is my granddaughter, Akita Ohara.

Madam Zhou said, Akita Fukuda is my old friend. But this is the first time I see her.

Zhou Mengxian nodded, Congratulations mother in succeeding and coming out of seclusion.

I can sense youve improved your cultivation, but why is there a thick sent of blood surrounding you? Madam Zhou frowned. In her case, even a frown could be turned into flirting.

Akita Fukuda had long stopped looking at her.

Zhou Mengxian smiled dejectedly, I cultivate the complete cultivation method of Emperor Jiang. I am now a living ghoul.

Madam Zhou was moved, The complete version? You mean the Everlasting Undying Art? Let me see it!

Zhou Mengxian held it for his mother to see.

Its true

Madam Zhou sighed, But this cultivation method is too flawed. It can increase ones power greatly and extend their lifespan, but the cost is terrible.

Zhou Mengxian sighed, Yeah, I feel it on my own skin. I am beginning to crave blood more and more often. It wont be long before I will become a mindless bloodthirsty ghoul.

Madam Zhou sighed, Child, your talent is one in a millennia. How can you not rein your urges?

Zhou Mengxian knew he had far more resolve than Yao Changsheng in controlling himself, but even he paled in comparison to Madam Zhou. 

Ive said to you more than once to be patient and wait for my return. No matter how strong your enemy is, you have to be patient and show caution in dealing with anything. Dont go despising anyone and neither make an enemy out of anyone.

Yes, mother.

I have to admit, the Everlasting Undying Art made even me covet it, but that was before my seclusion. Now, it is entirely useless to me.

Madam Zhou snapped her fingers, and the Everlasting Undying Arts ashes scattered in the wind.

In my three hundred year long seclusion, Ive witnessed Emperor Jiangs use of the Everlasting Art.

Madam Zhou pointed, and the pulverized Everlasting Undying Art reformed.

Madam Zhou then turned the Everlasting Undying Art to ashes again.

Is there even such thing as eternal in this world? No, nothing in this world is eternal.

Mother, what cultivation method is this?

Zhou Mengxian glanced at the Akita pair and Madam Zhou sealed their senses so that not even if they were face to face could they hear their talk.

This is the Ten Seconds Art I gleaned at the brink of death.

Eh? Ten Second Art? Zhou Mengxian was puzzled.

Yes, ten seconds. I am able to go back ten seconds in time.

Zhou Mengxian was stunned.

Dont underestimate it. It is thanks to this art that I could regain my youth. I am no different from a 17 year old girl. Pay close attention, no different whatsoever, even a virgin.

Madam Zhou giggled.

Zhou Mengxian was startled, Mother, if its only ten seconds, how then did you return to your 17th year yet still have all your power?

Only allowed on

I said that Id be going in seclusion for three hundred years, when in fact my body wasnt on Earth. Akita Fukuda helped me with that.

Him? What did he do?

He has the True Void Physique. He can open a Gate at will and I asked him to send me back to when Emperor Jiang experienced chaotic times. This led to me comprehend the Ten Seconds Art.

Madam Zhou had trained the Everlasting Art beyond Emperor Jiang ever could, because he once surmised that training Everlasting Art only needed one to focus on ones bearing in a time of chaos. 

He never realized however such a thing could be possible. Because only a Void Beast or someone with a True Void Physique could open a Gate to a time of chaos. 

Emperor Jiang searched all his life for a True Void Physique user but never found one. There was no way for him to prove his theory.

Madam Zhou had done it. On Earth, three hundred years passed, but there, every second took millions of years. She returned to her teen years because of this reason only.

If anyone in the universe caught wind of my art, it will stir quite the hornets nest. Mengxian, youre too impatient. If you had only waited for me and receive my art, you wouldnt be like this.

I was wrong.

Owing up to your mistakes is good. And its not too late to save you.

Ive been away for too long, tell me of the situation the world is in now.

Yes, mother.

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