Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 286: Jiang Jingsheng

Chapter 286: Jiang Jingsheng

One look at the jades had Li Mo frowning.

This batch of jades were so obviously fake that even someone of Huang Lixings level could see it.

Fakes, not taking.

Li Mo spoke before even Zhuge Yan could.

The driver said, I dont really care, Im just a driver. If you guys dont want them, give Chief Ma a call and Ill leave with the items once he agrees.

Zhuge Yan took out a magnifying glass and inspected a jade in detail, This is genuine!

Headmaster Xia stared at the two, Who am I to believe then?



Li Mo was set as was Zhuge Yan. but Li Mo didnt argue with her, only waved his hand over her eyes.

Zhuge Yan stared off for a second before coming to.

Its definitely fake! Zhuge Yan said.

Li Mo asked, Now you know why Teacher Huang appraised them wrongly?

What did you just do to me? Zhuge Yan stared at him.

Nothing much, just woke you up.

A practitioner left a subtle mesmerizing art on the jades. If a weak cultivator looked, theyd be had like Zhuge Yan. She looked at them for such a long time that the art took its effect, making her give the wrong appraising. 

That was so strange. I clearly knew it is fake yet I said the opposite without even meaning to.

Does that mean Teacher Huang was the same? If so

Zhuge Yan walked to Headmaster Xia, Headmaster, something is off about these ancient jades. In my authority as the student council president, I recommend you do not take them!

These jades come from the ministry of education. Its not just us, all the schools in the city buy them. But if you guys think they are fake, I wont accept them.

Headmaster Xia told the driver to call Chief Ma.

The driver then got the confirmation and left with his truck and jades.

Now I know Teacher Huang is innocent.

Zhuge Yan had her pride, but knew to conduct with integrity and admit her mistakes.

Then, little junior sister, this senior brother will go with you in getting to the bottom of this.


Without further ado, Li Mo took her hand and the next moment they were gone.

Li Mo had dragged Zhuge Yan straight on the pickup.

Zhuge Yans jaw quivered in shock.

Whats wrong? You want me to fly you around the city, perhaps?


Li Mo held her hand as they flew around in circles before landing back on the pickup.

Zhuge Yan paled, her lips shivering.

As the pickup slowly swayed in its drive, Zhuge Yan took a whole ten minutes to get over what just happened, Where are we going?

Then she covered her mouth, afraid the driver would notice them in this small car.

To find the perp.

Dont worry, I used Heaven and Earth Inverse so that even if he does look, hell not see us but the cars roof.

Zhuge Yan understood.

But one thing was certain, her senior brother was anything but average.

The pickup left Feng City and went towards Cangnan Mountain, to a run down factory.

Tens of other pickups were here loading up more ancient jades of various sizes.

Li Mo held Zhuge Yan as they jumped off. They were only ten meters away from the workers, yet no one spotted them.

Zhuge Yan was stunned.

Only allowed on

Heaven and Earth Inverse was a mystical art that affected everything and everyone. To the workers eyes they were as interesting as the next rock or tree.

Brother Ma, these goods werent accepted.

The driver went to a portly middle-aged man in a mask of rage. This guy was not just any driver, but Chief Mas right hand.

Thats strange. Mr. Jiang left his hypnosis art on these jades. No one under the third level can overcome it. Does that school hide an expert?

It wasnt that idiot Huang Lixing who inspected them this time, but his two apprentices. One was called Zhuge Yan, the other Li Mo.

Li Mo? Chief Ma cried.

Are you famous? Zhuge Yan watched Li Mo incredulously.

Of a sort.

Brother Ma, you know him?

Yes, damn it! Assuming its really him, then we cant mess with him. Ill go tell Mr. Jiang at once. You go tell the others all deliveries are off!

Eh? Brother Ma, is it that bad? Youre at the third level as well!

My level isnt worth s***. Not even the universes fierce races joined together can deal with that guy!

Chief Ma rushed into the deserted factory, with Li Mo and Zhuge Yan close behind.

Mr. Jiang, something big just happened!

Chief Ma panted from his run.

Inside there were no workers, only a middle-aged man in Daoist robe holding a sword made of peach tree. He was in the middle of applying his glamor over it. 

You mean the same Li Mo who killed Kaskk and Rosa? Ms. Jiang face sank.

It very likely. Who else could see through your skill?

Im afraid it really is him.

Mr. Jiang looked at Li Mo and lifted the peach sword.

Mr. Jiang, what are you doing?

Chief Ma was stunned, since he couldnt see Li Mo at all.

Li Mo undid Heaven and Earth Inverse, scaring the living daylight out of Chief Ma. 

Youre Li Mo? I am just a roaming cultivator, Jiang Jinsheng.

I only wanted to make some quick cash by selling ancient jades. I didnt hurt anyone.

Li Mo smiled, Then why are you so quick to justify yourself?

I am not your match and at your mercy.

If you have no ill will, I wont kill you. Though I do find it curious, how do you know of me exactly?

No one in the expert world knew Li Mo killed Kaskk and Rosa, yet this Jiang Jinsheng in the peak fourth level did. So how then could this cultivator find out what the entire expert world wasnt privy to? 

My sister, Jiang Qingshan is a Golden Child, a reincarnated lama. Zhou Mengxian paid my sister a visit not long ago. I was there as well when she made the revelation.

Li Mo nodded.

Its fairly easy to make money with your skill. Why must you resort to trickery?

Jiang Jinsheng smiled dejectedly, This is the fastest way with my skills.

And I dont do it for just money, but for my younger sister.

She fell ill after she scried for Zhou Mengxian and is unconscious. I am frantic in making money all so I can cure her.

Chief Ma shouted, Its true. We arent doing anything evil. You can see we arent hurting anyone, only making a bit of money.

Li Mo asked, Wheres your sister now?

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