Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 250: Ancestor Ao

Chapter 250: Ancestor Ao

Void Saint Ancestor Ao and Void Walker Ao Feili were one and the same.

In the time the ten sacred beast lived, their numbers were few, with even fewer Void Beasts, pitifully so. It was recorder to had ever been only a maximum of five Void Beasts at one time. 

To combat their extinction, Void Beasts evolved a peculiar trait, hermaphroditism. They could change their gender at will for the future of their species. 

Ancestor Ao glanced at Granny Lin, Youre Lin Yaos granddaughter?

Lin Yao was the first Lin who pledged loyalty to Ancestor Ao.

Yes! Lin Yunqing was overjoyed. Ancestor Ao remembered her.

Lin Yunqing had only seen Ancestor Ao once when she was very young. 

How long was that? And how did you aged so much?

Ancestor Ao, because of the dried spiritual qi on Earth, even those in the fifth level can only live two decades longer than normal humans. Only those clans and sects with longevity cultivation methods can hold out for centuries.

Your Void Physique isnt much, but your strength is adequate. I see, so this is the limit of this planet.

Thank you, Great Ancestor Ao, for your praise! Granny Lin was happy. She believed Li Mo was dead wrong about him.

That runt knows nothing! He is a despicable man trying to drive my clan and Ancestor Ao apart. Ill definitely kill him next time! 

Your constitution may not be much, but your power grows quite fast. Is this humanitys perception?

Uh, that

Ancestor Ao mulled, Yes, thats it. Youll be one, and the two the others.

Great Ancestor Ao, what will we be? Lin Yunqing was puzzled.

My mates.

Lin Yunqing was floored.

Lin Yourong and Lin Qingrou were scared.

Great Ancestor Ao, I-I do not fully understand your meaning. Lin Yunqing wiped her brow, recalling Li Mos warning.

Ancestor Aos tone dropped, When I saved your grandmother, she pledged undying loyalty to me while I do my part in always protecting your clan. Its been hundreds of years since then, and now you want to go back on your vows?

Lin Yunqing panicked, No, no, Great Ancestor Ao. I just do not understand what you mean by mates.

You three will mate with me, give birth, mate again, and give birth again. This is the only way for a pure Void Beast to appear!

Lin Yunqing recoiled from shock.

She no longer doubted Li Mo, but felt despair instead.

Despite her age, Ancestor Ao wanted not only Lin Yourong and Lin Qingrou but herself as well. It was far worse than even what Li Mo said

This matter is simple for you to achieve.

Ancestor Aos head, similar to a cows tail, straightened, Lin Yunqing, me and you grandmother mated at the time, giving birth to your mother. It was with great sorrow that your mother had not an ounce of Void Physique in her.

Lin Yunqing shuddered

Lin Yourong and Lin Qingrou were disturbed.

I had almost given up on your clan. Who knew that after a few centuries, youd give birth to a first generation Void Physique? This is a miracle on the same level as the creation of the world!

Ancestor Ao was so moved, his tentacular head swayed, his protruding eyes fixed on Lin Qingrou. 

Lin Qingrou looked at Lin Yunqing.

Great Ancestor Ao, are you joking?

I never joke about this. I always honor what I say.

Great Ancestor Ao, y-youre truly my grandfather? Lin Yunqings voice was tinted with sorrow.

We humans put emphasis on ethics above everything. Great Ancestor Ao

You speak a lot, Lin Yunqing. It looks like you do not want to abide by your grandmothers pledge.

Ancestor Aos heavy tone had the entire space ripple around them.

Lin Yunqing cried, Never, Great Ancestor Ao. We have always held our part of the agreement. I just didnt understand. But now I do.

The rippling settled down.

Great Ancestor Ao, for humans to marry, there is a ceremony we must

Only allowed on

What ceremony? Well mate right now. Im not in the mood to attend anything short of a ceremony.

Alright, well do it right away.

No sooner said than done. Ancestor Ao had his pants down as Lin Yunqing walked before the other two and pushed them into the void.

What are you doing, Lin Yunqing? Are you going to use the Void Art I taught you to have them run away?

No, Great Ancestor Ao. I feel that since you want to mate with us, its best we do it one at a time. Too many will make it harder

True. Ancestor Ao nodded.

Let me be the first to tend to you.


Lin Yunqing or Lin Qingrou was all the same to Ancestor Ao. He only cared about Void Physique. Age and looks had nothing on a Void Beast. 

As Lin Yunqing was undressing, she struck a palm attack.


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Ancestor Ao was sent three steps back.

Lin Yunqing, you really did betray me! Ancestor Ao was enraged.

I do not want to betray you. I just dont want to become your tool. If you had never spoken of this, even if you asked for my life, I wouldve had gladly offered it. But what you ask from me is taboo. I would rather die instead!

Lin Yunqing was resolved. She sent Lin Yunqing and Lin Yourong into the void then stalled. Even if Ancestor Ao chased, the two should be by Li Mos side by now.

For Li Mo to mess with Ancestor Ao showed he could defeat Ancestor Ao.

Lin Yunqing was quick to make a decision. If she hadnt done this, the Lin clan wouldve been doomed

You want to die? Easy, your Void Physique is poor, but your perception outstanding. In just a hundred years you reached the peak fifth level. Such a talent is a rarity even in the universe.

Ancestor Ao reached out and despite being twenty meters apart, the void swallowed Lin Yunqing whole.

The true Void Art could launch attacks with void itself. The hide and seek game Lin Yunqing was playing was just a poor imitation of it.

Lin Yunqing didnt stand a chance.

I truly regret it!

Lin Yunqing showed a bitter smile as her body blew up

She self-destructed.

You think its that easy with me around?

Ancestor Ao formed a claw and Lin Yunqings pieces knitted together, but the scars from the explosion remained. 

Yourong, Qingrou, run! Lin Yunqing cried.

Ancestor Ao threw Lin Yunqing into the void and vanished.

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