Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 238: As a King

Chapter 238: As a King

This case is abominable. But thanks to our quick response, all hostages were rescued. My only regret is that the perpetrator is still at large Liu Yuxuan spoke to the reporters on the television.

She had earned a great commendation. Liu Yuxuan was going places, that was for sure 

Li Weiwei stayed the night and the Li clan fetched her the next morning. But before leaving, Li Mo gave her ten talismans, ten earth qi jades, and a defensive magic weapon.

Experts Alliances headquarters.

Lan Yue stood with a frown before the door. He had been waiting for an hour already.

Vice-chief Lan, please return. Chief does not want to see you.

Did chief really say that?

Yes. They were his explicit words.

Please tell chief this whole incident is suspicious. But the fault does not lie with me, nor the Zhuge brothers. It is all that mystery mans fault.

Is there anything else?

Does the offering still need to be prepared?

No, chief said he will handle it personally.

Lan Yue nodded and cupped his hands to the door before leaving.

Mobei Provinces great desert.

Two hideous humanoid bugs stood before the ruined Gate. Their hands glowed blue in an attempt to restore it.


Only allowed on

A stable Gate soon appeared.

Kaskk, youre something alright. The Gates been destroyed for so long yet couldnt learn anything about it?

Rosa, how dare you talk to me like that? You are an Experts Alliances elder. Who was it I wonder that brought the culprit here? It goes the same to you. The Gates been destroyed for so long and what have you been doing all this time?

I am handling an important matter right now.

Enough excuses. My Cricket race hates those like you the most, the ones trying to shift responsibility. I always acknowledge any mistake I make.

Fine, this ones on me, alright?


Kaskk snorted and entered the Gate. But the next second he came out screaming bloody murder. His face was filled with blood and wounds.

Whats wrong?

That man does not do things half-measure! Kaskks tone was icy.

Its not just this Gate destroyed, but all of them

And they cant be restored.

Who did this? Rosa roared.

I never imagined the Experts Alliance could hide such a dreadful man

Impossible! The Nine-headed race, the countless other races as well, wouldve noticed someone destroying the Gates and wouldnt just stand and let him do it. Theyd never let that happen!

Thousands of years of hard work gone, just like that?


Rosa shrieked, releasing a sonic wave that rattled the sand half a mile high in ten-mile range.

We must catch that bastard and rip him limb from limb!

Kaskk shouted, Hows being belligerent going to help? How are we going to draw in Earths cultivators now?

What are you scared of? Did you see anyone on this planet stronger than us?

Rosa got silent, recalling precisely the man who ruined the Gate.

Not even Rosa, the strongest of his race, could destroy all Gates in one go. 

The Earths limit is the fifth level. We are invincible in this level! Rosa believed it.

In this world, strong beings are everywhere. Dont think too highly of yourself, Rosa. If we were strong enough, wouldnt the ten strongest races of the universe include ours as well? Do you think we can compare with the likes of them?

We toiled thousands of years, and for what? To pave the way for those powerful races and reap our rewards?

Rosa fell silent.

We have an opportunity here.

What opportunity?

With the Gates in shambles, without a Void Beast magic weapon, not even the five strongest will come to Earth. Not when the journey will take ten thousand years.

Rosa, where are you going with this?

Our lives can go for ten thousand years at most, right? So you tell me, is it better to be someones dog, or your own king?

Kaskk, what say you? Rosas eyes shined. They really did, in a fluorescent light.

Even with the Gates restores, wed be nothing more than another races lap dogs. So why dont we settle here, as kings?

We will rule this planet for ten thousand years. And, who knows, we may even find that sacred treasure. Then, we will need not fear the ten great races, nor the five strongest.

Kaskk, youve got my attention.

Ka-ka-ka Kaskk let out a creepy laughter, Its decided then, my friend?

Thats right!



They both burst out laughing.

A team came to investigate the cause behind the sandstorm when a huge hand pressed them into the ground

From now on, I am the king of Earth! Ka-ka-ka Kaskk cackled in the air.


Thousands of fluorescent lights shot for a village at the edge of the desert, razing it off the face of the Earth

As of now, Earth has two equal kings. King Kaskk, and me, King Rosa!

Rosa shouted from above the ruined village.

Let us begin. We shall show the weak humans of Earth the horrors of the fierce races of the universe. This is the only way to make them submit!

I will lead my Glimmer race west!

I will take my Cricket race east!


Kaskk and Rosas genocide had begun.

They wanted to rule Earth, to establish their might.

Kaskk took his races warriors, leaving a trail of destruction through a city. No gun and no missile could scratch him, not even a nuclear warhead. 

Puny earthlings, kneel! Shout the name of your kings, Rosa and Kaskk or die like maggots!

Evil spawn, cease this savagery!

Ten figures flew over, barring Kaskks armys path.

The humans cultivators and gifted steeped in.

Here is the 13th on Chinas Heaven Board. Die, beasts!

Death to all who oppose me!

Kaskk grew ten kilometers big in a blink, swallowing the ten people whole.

Anyone else? Kaskk roared.

Kaskk led the Cricket race all the way to the capital. The national armys aircrafts intercepted him, but nothing worked.

Kaskks army was unstoppable

Beast, die!

A hand sized turtle shell flew at Kaskks army. Before it hit, it grew to a hundred meters, killing tens of Cricket warriors

The shell then spun back in Daoist Kames hand.

Daoist Kame was unable of flight, but his shell wasnt just for defense but attack as well.

Old Kame, how can you forget me when it comes to hunting demons and defending the nation?

Boss Boar was riding his boar next to Daoist Kame.

Us as well.

Xin clans siblings came.


A blue light went for Kaskk. He used his claw to stop it, but it passed right through instead.

The blue light was about to make another pass. Kaskk jerked and used a nearby Cricket warrior as shield, who died on the spot. 

The blue light flew away, in the hands of a youth in white on the ground.

A flying sword!

The 1st on Heaven Board, Zhou Mengxian!

Everyone cried out in shock.

Friend Boar, its been a while.

The youth in white, stepped forth. Despite the miles between them, he crossed them in that instant.

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