Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 85: The long journey to Ningzhuo 1

Chapter 85: The long journey to Ningzhuo 1

Lu Yaozhu's study

In a well-lit room facing the small garden in Mingxi Pavilion, Lu Yaozhu stood facing the rectangular-shaped desk, next to the wall at the centre of the room, with his back to the door. While Yu Tao loosens up his belt and purple official clothes. 

Yu Tao loosen up the leather belt wrapped around his waist and helped him out of the purple brocade uniform for military officers. Lu Yaozhu changed into a white embroidered high necked, fitted Hanfu. He traded in the bold leather belt for a slimmer belt.

Lu Yaozhu walked around to the other side of the desk and took a seat, he began to sort through the piled documents on his desk. He was a few documents in when he heard the servants stationed outside greet Su Liya. Lu Yaozhu glanced at Yu Tao, who was carefully folding his official uniform, then at the door.

Lu Yaozhu leaned back on the seat and tapping the arm of the wooden chair asked, "Did anything happen while I was in court?" 

Yu Tao placed the folded dress on the tray, "no, nothing was reported by steward Lu. Second young madam must be here because of your new punish_ er I mean appointment". Yu Tao's expression was like he swallowed something sour.

Lu Yaozhu just glared at him and rolled up the report he was reading, he had expected her to react this way. Even his usually calm mother barely went on a rampage, he sighed, bent his elbow on the right arm of the chair. Testing his head on his open palm he closed his eyes and counted to 5, "go bring her in" 

Yu Tao nodded and left the room. Su Liya stood by a flower vase just outside the room, he bowed "sorry to keep you waiting. Young madam, please come this way" he gestures to the open study.

Su Liya nodded with a polite smile and walked in, Lu Yaozhu stood in front of his desk, his left hand rested just below his back at his waist, while his other hand was at his side. Su Liya saluted him "Young master".

"don't stand on such tedious ceremony, get seated," he said, pointing at the round table by the window.

Su Liya nodded, walked to the table and took a seat. Three maids came in from the kitchen with their lunch as she was seated. She instructed them to set the table and stood back to stay out of their way while they unpacked the food boxes on the round table.

The maids were very efficient, in just a few minutes they were done and stepped out. A small feast was set up on the table for them, Lu Yaozhu and Su Liya got seated and picked up their chopsticks.

Su Liya signalled her maids with her eyes to leave a few minutes into their lunch. At that point Yu Tao already left to air the court dresses, they were left to have their meal. Su Liya placed the wooden chopsticks by her small bowl and cleared her throat.

"If you are worried about the move to Ningzhuo, there is no need for that. You don't have to follow me to Ningzhuo, you can stay back in the capital" Lu Yaozhu said calmly without looking up from his bow.

Su Liya gazed at the seemingly unconcerned man and replied "why? So that you can come back with a beautiful white lotus maiden and then tell me that you married her to repay the debt of her caring for you, while I abandoned you in Ningzhuo?"

Lu Yaozhu nearly choked on his rice, he coughed relentlessly. Su Liya picked up a cup of water and handed it to him "Sorry, here have a drink".

Lu Yaozhu accepted the cup and gulped it down, two more cups later and he was back to normal. He glanced at his quiet wife "how does your head work exactly? Why would you even think of that?"

Su Liya opened and closed her mouth before continuing "don't mind the nonsense I sprouted, It was a mistake. I just wanted to say that I am not staying back here. Where you go, I go! We husband and I are a team"

Lu Yaozhu gazed at her reddened cheek, noticing his hard stare, Su Liya smiled brightly and continued

"were you expecting me to accept the offer and stay back? Please, I am smart enough to know that only a few days here alone and I will be begging to go to Ningzhuo. Honestly speaking, going with you is my best option. Your mother doesn't like me and while I am sure that she wouldn't make me suffer. It would be very awkward staying here with her, I think I will take my chances with you".

He laughed, "at least you are honest, I was expecting to hear you claim to be devoted to me for life".

"Devoted to who ... For what. Okay, I have only known you for a few weeks. I think that it is too soon to be devoting myself to you for life" 

"Since you are not here to pull at my heartstrings to get what you want, why are you here?"

"Oh, I am here to pull on those flexible heartstrings for my gain_ well technically you are also involved so it could benefit you"

"What is it?" He asked setting his bow and chopsticks aside 

"I found out who was responsible for tge scheme that got us married"

Lu Yaozhu gave her a sharp gaze as soon as the words left her mouth. He hadn't informed her of his suspensions, so how would she have this figured out or did the Empress tell her_"

"It was Zhu Fenfang and the Sixth Princess consort Zhu Feifei"

Lu Yaozhu Was shocked to hear that "eldest sister-in-law's sisters? Why would they do that?" He was curious about the answers, she would give him. In the royal family, anything was possible. 

Breathing in heavily and then letting out her breath. Su Liya replied "I found out yesterday that it was all planned by Zhu Feifei to make Fengyin and I suffer. It all happened because of me, Zhu Fenfang lied to Zhu Feifei that I got close to the sixth Prince during the last daughter's da_"

"And did you?"

"No!, why would I get informed with a married man? Even if I am a servant, I have my principles", Su Liya replied with a disgusted expression. 

Lu Yaozhu nodded "I had to ask, so to punish you for getting close with her husband she sent you to my bed. That wouldn't be possible for a newly married princess consort like Zhu Feifei. At least not without some help"

"Yes, I think she got help from Imperial consort Shi. The Imperial Consort wanted to stop you from marrying Commandery Princess Xia Ying so they joined hands together. I am so sorry for getting you in trouble"

Lu Yaozhu laughed softly "don't apologize, I think that it was the other way around. Why would the Imperial consort get involved in a fly to hurt a small fly maid like you? I think that Zhu Feifei got lucky with her big plan. However, I am a little bit curious as to why Zhu Fenfang would frame you like that".

Su Liya down at her hands and replied in a low voice "I was a little disrespectful to her and said a few hurtful words to her".

Lu Yaozhu leaned back on his seat and rubbed the top of his lips "it must have been some very hurtful words for her to do something like this. You must be telling me this for a reason"

"I can not do anything to hurt them on my own. I don't have any power yet so I just want to borrow your power a little bit"

"Don't worry, I will handle them. Leave it to me"

"No!" Su Liya said, which made him look up quickly. 

"Why, are you having cold feet or something. I can deal with them without getting you involved if that is what you want"

"I am not having gold feet, I_ I have a way to handle Zhu Fenfang"

"Oh, okay"

"I don't think you would like it cause it involves the crown prince"

His eyebrow twitched at the mention of the crown prince but he still nodded.

"The Empress must be looking for a new groom to appease Grand Princess Ni'an and tge Xia family after your marriage fell through" Su Liya paused when she noticed Lu Yaozhu's troubled expression but since she had already stood the first steps, she decided to soldier on. 

Su Liya decided to go big, "you suggest a union between the Crown Prince and Commandery Princess Xia Ying. That will appease the Grand Princess"

"It would" he nodded, "I was thinking you were going to request for something impossible but this is a great idea. Seeing as you suggested this, the younger mistress Zhu must have been hoping to be the crown princess consort. With what I just found out about her... I can't let her gave her way. Framing someone because of a few bad words can only be described as malicious. I will go with your plan"

Su Liya sat straighter "really, you are not going to investigate everything yourself?"

"Oh, I will but I doubt I will find out anything different. I had my suspicions about the Imperial consort involvement but you cleared my doubts. Did you think I thought you were the mastermind behind everything? Please you are not that smart and even if you were, you can't order a palace maid to do anything if it couldn't be your doing. Even if it was I doubt you would choose a mere general like me, that would be too low for you".

"Your right. if I was the mastermind behind that, I would go for someone more powerful" Su Loya replied.

Lu Yaozhu burst into laughter. "You are so funny, you will make things interesting in Ningzhuo. Go prepare, we leave in five days".

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