Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 51: Something nasty is brewing

Chapter 51: Something nasty is brewing

Xu Mansion.

Xiao Chu stepped out to make the arrangements, minutes before the guests were led in by madam Xu. The guests were led to a widespread wooden pavilion opposite a temporary stage. The female guests took their seats under the pavilion, separated from the male guests by a screen.

Zhu Fenfang was seated next to Madam Xu, Xiao Chu to Zhu Fenfang's side minutes after she was seated. She whispered into her ear " Everything is set, young Miss".

Zhu Fenfang glanced at Su Liya with the side of her eyes, her lips curved up. "Good" she replied feeling giddy. The thoughts of finally wiping the smile off of Su Liya's face made her happy, she could barely keep calm.

Not long after, a long line of maids carried trays of food and placed them carefully on the table before stepping aside for a new set of maids who delivered the jugs of wine.

Zhu Fengyin was seated next to Madam Lu and Lu Yiling at the opposite end of the table from Zhu Fenfang. Which gave Zhu Fenfang a full view of Zhu Fengyin and Su Liya. She watched as a maid holding a jar of wine topped off everyone's cup of wine.

Zhu Fenfang caught the maid's eyes when she was only a few steps away from Zhu Fengyin and nodded. She watched as the maid pretended to slip pouring wine all over Zhu Fengyin. "Ah!" the maid screamed mouth opened slightly. 

It happened so fast, no one saw that it was staged. Zhu Fengyin and Su Liya stepped back as soon as they heard the maid exclam. Their quick movement made the maid miss her target as the wine plastered on the spot Zhu Fengyin's seat was previously located. 

The wine missed Zhu Fengyin by a hairs distance but a few droplets fell on her white shaw. The maid fell to her knee, she low towed multiple times hitting her forehead on the ground multiple times while pleading loudly "sorry madam, I was wrong. I deserve to be punished!".

Madam Xu stood and instructed the maid "What is this, quick go check of First Madam Lu is hurt. Sorry for this First madam, I didn't teach my servants properly. I will discipline this unruly maid" she looked to the steward and nodded towards the kneeling maid.

"No no, it is alright madam Xu there is no need for that. It was an accident, I don't mind", Zhu Fengyin said folding the stained Shawl and handed it over to Su Liya. 

Su Like took the shawl and bowing rushed out to get her mistress another shawl. Madam Xu was impressed by how can and collected Zhu Fengyin was in the face of such a horrible mistake that her impression of Zhu Fengyin improved.

She looked at the shivering made and said "Go away".

The made turned to madam Xu still kneeling, kowtowed and replied "Yes!" She picked up the pitcher and left the room while the other maids did a quick work of cleaning the spilled wine and replacing the stained seat with a fresh seat.

While the maids cleaned up, Su Liya ran to the carrier and placing the stained Shawl in a basket by the seat in the carriage, she picked up. a clean shawl and ran back into Xu Mansion. She ran straight into a flashy chest and took a step back.

She looked up while gently rubbing her forehead, to relieve the slight pain from the collision. She looked down almost immediately, she had ran into one of the young masters. She bowed as she was thought and said "sorry Sir, I didn't pay attention to where I was going". 

All the hours of intense training these past few days seem to work because the young master accepted the apologies as opposed to sending her away to be punished or so she thought. His next words soon made her breathing still.

"Why are you acting so different, It's hasn't been that long. Surely you recognize me Xiao Liya"

Su Liya blinked twice and thought 'Xiao Ya? That is strange. Does this young master know the original owner of this body? This can't be good! if he knows the original owner, he might notice the difference between us. I have to find out who he is.

The Young Master must have taken her silence as anger because he quickly continued speaking

"you must be mad because of the events of that year Xiao Liya but please don't take that to heart. I didn't wish to stand you up back then, my mother four out about our plans to elope and grounded me at home. She then arranged to send me away without anyone knowing, so please don't be mad. I still want to marry you"

Su Liya could identify who he was until she heard the last few words. She rolled her eyes while cussing her horrible luck in her mind. "oh Lord no! Don't tell me I ran into one of the original Su Liya's previous scum ex-boyfriends. Once I get out of this book, I am going to visit the temple and check my Feng shu. I think I am going through my years of bad luck", Su Liya thought trying to maintain a straight face.

Xu Jingting didn't notice her change in attitude because he continued attempting to "appease her". He placed his hands on her shoulder but she quickly brushed him off and took a step back.

"Xiao Liya don't be unreasonable, you know I couldn't avoid getting sent awake but don't worry, I am back now. I will take part in the next imperial examination. Mother has promised me that I would be married once I pass so wait for me. Okay" he said trying once more to place his hands on her shoulder but she stepped back again.

Su Liya noticed some movement behind Xu Jingting, she heard faintly the sound of a group of women discussing getting closer. The women should have been busy watching the opera they're coming here suddenly was normal and was obviously orchestrated by someone.

Her money was on Zhu Fenfang being the mastermind behind this, she was the only one that would benefit from this. The Lu family would also be affected by a scandal such as this so madam Lu and Lu Yingjie wouldn't take the risk but Zhu Fenfang would Since she had nothing to lose 

Although she did enjoy any of the etiquette lessons she had been given by Zhu Fengyin, she had paid attention to each lesson. Even without the lesson, she was aware that one of the most important to any woman in ancient times was her virtue. 

Once that is lost, it could never be returned, a scandal of any kind affected everyone related to you. As she was Zhu Fengyin's maid if she was caught meeting a man alone in secret her reputation and that of Zhu Fengyin and the Lu family would be destroyed.

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