Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 28: The second male lead is a little cute 3

Chapter 28: The second male lead is a little cute 3

Duke Lu residence

Su Liya watched the tall male figure standing by the fish pond and shooked her head. She didn't understand what he was playing at, sending her on such a strange errand. She didn't see Yu Tao around which proofed his excuse of sending his servant on an errand to be right.

Su Liya packed up the plates and left for the kitchen. She kept thinking of various methods she would use to convince the cook to give her another set of food. She couldn't just inform the cook that the second master had instructed her to get him some food.

That would just great a huge mess for her, the servants were all loyal to Big madam Lu. As soon as the words second master and lunch came out of her mouth, Madam Lu would dig her a very deep grave.

It is no secret that Madam Lu is very protective of her children, most especially Lu Yaozhu. She never lets anything damage Lu Yaozhu's reputation, Madam Lu was quite extreme in her actions. She once had a maid caned to death for trying to seduce Lu Yaozhu.

Su Liya felt that she was too young to die yet, to avoid getting Into a big mess she would have to tread carefully. Which meant that she needed to find a safe means of getting that food tray. Su Liya paused just outside the kitchen door and took a deep breath before going in.

Su Liya approached the cook a short plump man which read oily face and a screechy voice. Su Liya introduced herself as Zhu Fengyin's maid. Zhu Fengyin's name had a little weight even though she wasn't in charge of the household, she was still the Emperor's personally conferred wife of the Duke and the first daughter of the Minister of Finance.

As soon as Zhu Fengyin's name was mentioned, the cook's attitude changed. Zhu Fengyin was the new wife so it was only natural that everyone would try to curry favour with her. Zhu Fengyin had a very high reputation in the capital which also extended to the Duke's manor.

Su Liya noticing the sudden change in the cook's attitude modified her excuse. She whispered "uncle Li, my mistress liked the lunch box you sent over to us maid's this afternoon. She ate a bit of mine and requested for another set" Su Liya said with a straight face.

She silently thanked her good luck today, that there was no one from the main courtyard close by that would contradict her statement. The cook was overjoyed to hear that the young madam liked his cooking. He pretended to feel embarrassed but quickly accepted the compliment.

The cook instructed the kitchen staff to pack another set of lunch. This time he added some cakes and deserts to the set. Su Liya happily accepted the lunch box and walked back to the garden.

Lu Yaozhu smiled as he saw Su Liya coming over with a big smile on her face. He looked back at Yu Tao who stood in front of him, giving him a full report of the errant he had been sent on.

That was the scene Su Liya saw as she got closer, She had never met the general's manservant Yu Tao or had much of a conversation with him during her short time in the manor. She was surprised to finally put a face to all the rumours she heard.

Yu Tao was said to be very capable and swift in his actions. In the original novel, Yu Tao was praised as the perfect aide to the general in both politics and war. Unlike the previous owner of this body Su Liya, Yu Tao was loyal to Lu Yaozhu and the Lu family.

While reading the book she had expected Yu Tao to be a little older but was surprised to find out that he was a teenager of about seventeen or eighteen years of age. He was very respectful to her and treated her normally like it was every day he saw his young Master talking with a maid.

Yu Tao's presence gave her the opening she needed to escape from Lu Yaozhu. Su Liya made a move to escape when she was held back by Lu Yaozhu, who dismissed Yu Tao and collected the food box from her.

Su Liya could not question Lu Yaozhu's actions, she could only silently watch Lu Yaozhu as he took the dishes out of the food box and placed them on the stone table next to the fish pond. Lu Yaozhu looked up with one eye and said in a bored tone, "what are you standing there for? Have a seat, I don't need you to stand guard".

Su Liya nodded "oh..Yes Sorry", she said and sat on the stone tool next to him. Lu Yaozhu didn't pay her any mind again and began to eat silently. Su Liya didn't know what to do while she waited. She looked here and there finally settling on the fish tank.

She washed the colourful little fishes swim around the fish pond when she heard the man next to her say "why are you looking so intently on the fish, do you want to eat fish".

"Huh?!" Su Liya looked up, blinking twice. She had been lost in her thoughts and was shocked to hear Lu Yaozhu say that. Lu Yaozhu looked up eyebrows raised, his expressions said "What is up with you? are you dead".

Su Liya bend down her head shyly thinking "what is wrong with you Su Liya? I wish I could just dig myself a grave and bury myself underground".

Lu Yaozhu looked at her and smiled " no need to look at the fishes they were sent by the Emperor. no matter how much you like it, these things aren't meant to be kept for long".

Su Liya whispered, "These fishes are really pretty, it's a pity they aren't allowed to roam free".

She thought that Lu Yaozhu didn't hear her until he replied "Who is free in this world. We just have to make do with what we have". He brought out the plate of desert and handed it over to her "Here you go, I don't like sweet things", he said and continued eating.

Su Liya took the plate from him and smiled, she picked up a piece of cake and took a bite thinking 'This second male lead is a little Cute, like all second male leads. He knows how to treat people well.

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