Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 123: Treason 4

Chapter 123: Treason 4

The Emperor's Study, Northern Wei

Prime Minister Shi, Minister Zhu and Minister Sheng stood next to the table by the Empress right, listening to Mu Yitze give a detailed report of the previous Questioning of the Lu brothers. 

"Your majesty, this official has been unable to find evidence of General Lu Yaozhu's treason_"

Minister Sheng dived in immediately, without waiting for him to finish. He pointed at the kneeling Mu Yitze with a sour expression, "What? How difficult is it to find evidence of his treacherous act or is it because you are in league with him? Mu Yitze, you had better remember who is the Emperor of Northern Wei because his surname isn't Lu!"

Prime Minister Shi glanced at the shorter male next to him and shook his head, You could take a man out of a village but you couldn't take the village out of the man. This fishmonger's Son still hasn't learned to be tactful and behave like one in his station.

Even after decades in high society, this man was a good example of why these low born peasants shouldn't be allowed to take the Imperial exams. Such opportunities should be left only for people of noble birth. 

He grabbed the arm of the little fool by his did pulled him back and walked forward.

"Ah_" Minister Sheng turned to his side when he felt a hand wrap around his arm and pull him backwards. He met Prime Minister Shi's cold expression and kept quiet. He didn't like this old geezer but after his grandson made a full of himself mouths ago at the royal banquet, his daughter had lost the Emperor's favour.

Minister Sheng had just joined the ranks of the nobility and didn't have a solid backing like Prime Minister Shi. He was forced to depend on Prime Minister Shi, who was too full of himself. He always liked to treat him like a slave just because he wasn't born into an old noble family. Minister Sheng bit his lip as the Prime minister stepped forward.

Mu Yitze frown stretched out his hands higher and bowed, "Your Majesty this lowly official has no ulterior motives but is trying to follow all standard procedures to avoid punishing the innocent"

Minister Sheng said angrily while pointing at him with his index finger "The innocent ... You_ Your Majesty I request that Mu Yitze be removed from the case. He is sympathetic to the criminals_" 

Prime Minister Shi couldn't longer hold out his anger for this blatant full, "Minister Sheng!" 

Minister Sheng jerk back sharply and looked at Prime Minister Shi with bulging eyes, his most opened and close a few times before he turned around and looked down at his bit silently. 

Prime Minister Shi glared at him until he turned around and gazed down at his foot. He sneered and then turned around to Mu Yitze, he came forward and said

"Chief investigator Mu Yitze, When you requested that the evidence from Deputy Sun be dismissed, his Majesty accepted your request because you promised you would get to the bottom of the case. Yet here you are a week later reporting that you found no evidence. Do you know how suspicious that seems, I can not help but question your capabilities or is it because you are co-conspirators?"

Mu Yitze looked at the older man with narrowed eyes, was his trying to threaten with treason? He knew that the prime minister was corrupt but to say something like this and in the presence of the Emperor. Prime Minister Shi has grown too big in his position, he glanced at Minister Zhu who remained silent till now and received a nod.

Mu Yitze kowtowed, "Your Majesty, or is not my intention to set a criminal free but if Prime Minister doubts my sincerely. I am willing to step back from the investigation".

Emperor Zhong nodded, "this must be a misunderstanding. We understand that loyal officials like you are difficult to find. Chief investigator Mu, shouldn't take the Prime Ministers's words to heart. Treason is a capital offence to commit and must be handled swiftly to prevent other officials from getting ideas. You have worked hard, investigator. Leave the rest of the investigation to Prime Minister Shi and Minister Shi"

"Yes, Your Majesty" Mu Yitze replied bowing. The Emperor said a few more words before dismissing them.

Minister Zhu didn't say anything throughout the meeting and just watched the two men like monkeys in a circuit show. Prime Minister Shi and Minister Sheng's lack of patient would be their undoing. He had suspected that they had a hand in the Lu Yaozhu and Duke Wu's treason charges but never found any clues to that until now.

It seems that the Emperor had joined hands with these two to do this without informing him. He didn't like that thought but there was nothing he could do about that. 

Minister Sheng chased after the Prime Minister as he walked down the stone stairs leading down the Imperial study, "Prime Minister Shi! Hold on_"

Prime Minister Shi heard him but didn't pay him any mind. He walked quickly to catch up with Minister Zhu who was up ahead. Minister Zhu had gotten down from the last stair when he finally caught up with him

Below the stone stairs a short distance away from the open doors of the Emperor's study. Prime Minister Shi hastened up his steps and finally caught up to Minister Zhu. 

"Brother Yawen!" He called out softly.

Minister Zhu pulsed his lips and stopped walking. He held both of his hands below his ack and turned around. "How may I help you, Prime Minister Shi?"

"Brother Yawen shouldn't be so serious all the time, we have known each other for decades now. You are also my senior, there is no need to be serious. About the young general's case, I would like to question him today. That is if you are okay with that?"

Minister Zhu nodded, "okay, you can make the first move, all we want is results. If that is all then, I will take my leave"

"Goodbye, big brother Zhu"

Zhu Yawen replied an mmm and walked away. Prime Minister Shi's lips curved up as he watched the senior minister leave. 

Minister Sheng rushed forward after Zhu Yawen left. He has stepped back to give them some privacy, after getting the feeling that Prime Minister Shi didn't want him close to them. He knew that the Prime Minister looked down on him but pretended otherwise since he didn't have a very stable footing.

"Eh, Prime Minister Shi. About the evidence submitted by Deputy Sun, why are we not making use of it? It is so detailed, isn't it?"

The smile fell off his face and his lips turned down as Minister Sheng's voice got closer. He regretted working with Minister Sheng because he was always explaining things to this idiot. it was like irritating at best, 

"Minister Sheng, his Majesty is only trying to ensure that no ins questions his judgement down the line. Mu Yitze was right when he pointed out that Deputy Sun's evidence couldn't be used because it was submitted by a man suspected of fraud. If his Majesty should make a judgment just based on that evidence, his judgement can be challenged because the evidence was submitted by a suspected felon. We need a signed confession from Lu Yaozhu himself and if we leave it to Mu Yitze we may not get it".

"Oh, that is true. I didn't think of that"

"How could you, now if you excuse me. I need to go get a confession out of the young General," he shock Minister Sheng's hands away from his and walked away.


The Ice Prison deep under the palace.

Zhu Fengyin had lost track of how long they had been locked in the ice prison, it was difficult to keep track of time when there wasn't a single window in the prison. Based on how often the guards were rotated, it could be close to a week already. 

Lu Yaozhu and Lu Yingjie were dragged away a few times for questioning. Her heart stopped beating every time they were brought out in chains and every time they were dragged back into the prison they looked worse to wear.

The women were safe from the questioning since it was assumed that they had nothing to do with the crime. Apart from the next morning after the arrest, the women haven't been brought out of the prison. 

Zhu Fengyin woke up a few minutes earlier and after stretching, walked to stand by the iron bars of the prison cell and looked out. She caught Lu Yingjie's eye from the opposite cell and smiled. She was about mouthing the question 'are you okay?" 

When the door was pushed open and a group of unfamiliar group of soldiers marched in led by Prime Minister Shi. 


At a small room at the royal guard's command centre in the palace, Mu Yitze stood by the window overlooking the training grounds when there was a knock on the door. 

"Come in," he said without looking away from the training ground.

An average hieghted Imperial guard in dark soft armour walked in and fell to his knee, "teacher, Prime Minister Shi just badged into the prison with some guards and took the general out for questioning".

Mu Yitze kept quiet for some time before finally replying, "there is nothing that can be done, just let it be. Our master already predicted that I fear that our peacefully days are no more"

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