
Chapter 232: Moving Corpse

Chapter 232: Moving Corpse

# 232. Moving Corpse

The Jianzheng's aura?

Xu Qi'an was momentarily stunned, unable to question further as Yang Qianhuan's figure vanished before his eyes. Soon after, the desolate sound of birdsong outside ceased.

Then, the white-clad arcanist reappeared in the cabin, still with his back to Xu Qi'an, his head lowered as if examining something in his palm.

"My teacher sent me a Pill of Rebirth," Yang Qianhuan's voice carried a tone of confusion and bewilderment.

"A Pill of Rebirth?" Xu Qi'an asked.

"Oh, do you know the story of breaking out of a cocoon and transforming into a butterfly?" Yang Qianhuan said.

"That's not a story; it's an overused cliché, as common as a post-rain story. Senior Brother Yang, just get to the point." Xu Qi'an waved his hand, cutting off Yang Qianhuan's attempt at showing off.

Yang Qianhuan's display was awkward and uninteresting.

"Oh... well..." Yang Qianhuan didn't mind. He was actually a straightforward and gentle person, lacking the arrogance of higher-ranked experts, though he did have a tendency to show off.

“The main ingredient of the Pill of Rebirth is the pupa of the Nine-Winged Golden Silk Butterfly, refined with a secret formula into a pill. Taking it can extend one's lifespan and rejuvenate the body.

“It's not just a myth; taking this pill induces a state of deep sleep, like a pupa forming a cocoon. All vital signs are reduced, a person enters a state like daeth, and even the soul becomes still.

"During this process, the old body is like a cocoon, nurturing a new body. Hence, the name 'Pill of Rebirth.' However, this pill is a life-saving elixir, meant to be taken only when the body is severely injured and on the brink of death."

Xu Qi'an wondered if taking such a pill would mean he was a virgin again. He exclaimed, "That's amazing!"

"Marvelous indeed, but not very practical," Yang Qianhuan shook his head. "Anyone capable of killing me wouldn't give me the chance to take the Pill of Rebirth. High-ranked martial artists fight to the death."

"What about taking it normally?" Xu Qi'an asked.

"It would only extend one's lifespan and improve overall health. It's beneficial but not worth its high cost of production. My teacher has only managed to refine one batch, three pills, in sixty years."

Xu Qi'an nodded in realization, puzzled, "Why would Jianzheng send you this..."

As he finished speaking, Xu Qi'an froze.

Yang Qianhuan also froze.

After a long silence, they spoke in unison:

"Could it be for me?"

"Is it for you?"

Another silence ensued.

*My teacher sent me to Yunzhou to watch over Xu Qi'an, and now he's sent a Pill of Rebirth... But I don't need it, and even Sister Caiwei, a lower-ranked arcanist, wouldn't typically use it... If it's not for Xu Qi'an, then who else?*

Just as Xu Qi'an had recently returned from the dead and was troubled about how to explain his situation, the Pill of Rebirth arrived at this time...

Yang Qianhuan's thoughts flickered.

*This Pill of Rebirth seems tailor-made for me, perfectly resolving the current issue... But Brother Yang wouldn't need this kind of pill... But how did the Jianzheng know I needed the Pill of Rebirth?*

*Does he know my current situation, know I returned from the dead? Then, the Jianzheng must also know about the severed arm of Monk Shenshu inside me?*

In that instant, Xu Qi'an's mind raced, rapidly recalling many details of the Sangpo case.

The Jiaofangsi had hidden demons, yet the Jianzheng turned a blind eye.

Shenshu's severed arm escaped from Sangpo, but the Jianzheng feigned illness and did nothing.

Henghui wreaked havoc in the capital, destroying the Earl Pingyuan's mansion. Even with an artifact to conceal his aura, could it hide from a first-ranked arcanist like the Jianzheng?

*The remnants of the Wanyao Kingdom released Shenshu's severed arm and secretly sent it to my residence, letting it parasitize me and nurture the arm... This implies that only I can nurture Monk Shenshu in the capital... And the biggest secret about me is my peculiar luck.*

*In other words, the demons know about my peculiar luck, but I've hardly had any dealings with the demon clan in my life, apart from encountering a reptile and a gray fox.*


*Jianzheng knew about my peculiarity, gave me the Black Gold Longsword, and secretly sent me the ultimate skill "One blade from heaven and earth"... Damn, the more I think about it, the more terrifying it gets.*

Two speculations arose in Xu Qi'an's mind: First, the Jianzheng was colluding with the Yao. Second, the Jianzheng knew the Yao' plans but chose to do nothing for some reason.

Xu Qi'an leaned more towards the first speculation because if the Jianzheng hadn't revealed the secret within him to the Yao, how would they know about his peculiarity? He hadn't had close contact with them.

While Xu Qi'an would be grateful for Wei Yuan's gifts and accept them with ease, Jianzheng's gifts made him think of a popular saying:

All gifts from fate have long been secretly marked with a price.

Yang Qianhuan flicked his finger, sending the Pill of Rebirth into Xu Qi'an's hands. “Take it, and you can safely return to the capital. If anyone asks, say it's a pill from the Sitianjian, and you took it preemptively, knowing your life was uncertain.

"Then the pill’s effects will kick in, putting you into a state of rebirth, resembling death. Inspector General Zhang and others thought you died in battle, but you were just in a deep sleep."

"This is the best solution for now. Please thank Jianzheng for me," Xu Qi'an picked up the orange-yellow, translucent Pill of Rebirth, holding it in his palm, not taking it, but instead taking out a few letters, smiling:

"This sleep might last until I reach the capital. A clever person like me won't let himself die socially."

After a pause, Xu Qi'an added, "At least not a second time."

He finished, releasing his qi, shredding the letters into fluttering pieces.

The official ship sailed through the curtain snow, breaking through thin ice, slowly heading towards the capital.


At ten in the morning, after snowing for a day and a night, the snow finally stopped.

The Crown Prince, draped in a fox fur cloak, walked through the snowy scenery. He was tall and handsome, with a very good appearance.

Although Xu Qi'an had once mocked the sons of Emperor Yuanjing, saying none of them were any competition... His comparison wasn't with himself but with his younger brother, Xu Xinnian.

In fact, the Crown Prince was very handsome. Emperor Yuanjing had been quite handsome in his youth, and Noble Consort Chen was a stunning beauty, resulting in a beautiful daughter like Biaobiao. Naturally, the Crown Prince, her elder brother, wouldn't be lacking in looks.

Arriving at Consort Chen's residence, the Crown Prince removed his fox fur cloak and handed it to the maid who came to greet him.

Entering the room, it was as warm as spring inside, with a faint fragrance permeating the air.

Noble Consort Chen, accompanied by two maids, greeted him with a smile, "Why didn't Lin'an come?"

The Crown Prince waved his hand and sat down, drinking wine and eating dishes served by the maid.

"Hmm... This wine tastes quite good."

The Crown Prince remarked in surprise.

"It was sent by the Empress, a 'Hundred Days of Spring' wine, good for health. Drink more," Consort Chen smiled warmly and instructed the maid to pour more wine.

The mother and son chatted and dined, the atmosphere pleasant.

Because Emperor Yuanjing was obsessed with cultivating immortality and distant from women, the harem had long become a stagnant pond, filled with loneliness and boredom. The concubines, even if they wanted to engage in palace intrigue, found no reason to start.

Thus, the Crown Prince and Lin'an often visited their mother, keeping her company and relieving her loneliness.

"Is Lin'an unwell? The people I sent to invite her reported that she was hiding in her room and wouldn't see anyone," Consort Chen frowned slightly.

"She... Sigh..." The Crown Prince sighed. "Mother, do you think Lin'an is of age to marry?"

Consort Chen was taken aback and reluctantly nodded, "His Majesty is engrossed in the Dao and indifferent to your marriages. As the stepmother, the Empress rarely leaves her quarters, indifferent even to the matters of the Fourth Prince and Huaiqing, let alone Lin'an."

The Crown Prince chewed his food and nodded, "I think it's time to arrange a marriage for Lin'an."

Consort Chen carefully observed the Crown Prince, frowning, "Why do you say that?"

The Crown Prince did not answer, downing his wine.

He was very sure that Lin'an had developed some feelings for that Bronze Gong. At her age, with her wilful and simple nature, she was easily swayed emotionally.

Ordinarily, no one dared to get close to her, so there hadn't been any signs. But once a man she fancied appeared, those feelings would grow and flourish.

Lin'an's recent melancholic demeanor was proof of this.

Fortunately, that Bronze Gong had already died in the line of duty, but the Crown Prince realized that Lin'an was at the age where she needed to be married.

"Drink less, drink less..." Consort Chen urged with a frown.

With worries about his sister's feelings weighing on his mind, the Crown Prince unknowingly drank too much. He felt a burning sensation in his lower abdomen.

The nearby palace maids, with their delicate features, suddenly seemed quite alluring.

"Mother, I'm heading back," the Crown Prince said, belching slightly and rising to take his leave.

The cold wind hit his face as he stepped outside, refreshing him. He felt much better as the chilly air cleared his mind.

As he made his way back with his guards, he saw a palace maid waiting by the roadside. Upon spotting the Crown Prince's group, she immediately approached and bowed, saying:

"Your Highness, Consort Fu requests your presence."


In Shaoyin Palace, Biaobiao opened the window, gazing out at the courtyard blanketed in pure white snow.

Her eyes were red and swollen like peaches. She had been reading a letter from the "running dog" and couldn't help but cry.

The words in the letter were a mix of sincerity and playful humor, making her imagine the "running dog's" expressions and voice.

But Lin'an knew she would never see that smile again. That person had died in Yunzhou and would return silently in a cold coffin, traveling thousands of miles back to the capital.

What saddened her even more was that, as a princess, she couldn't even attend his funeral.

The cold wind stung her face, making her shiver. When she touched her face, she realized she was crying again.

"Why cry for just a 'running dog'? It's just a 'running dog' who died..." Biaobiao angrily wiped away her tears, but the more she wiped, the more they flowed.

"Your Highness, Your Highness..."

A frantic voice came from outside. Lin'an's personal maid burst through the door, her face blue from the cold, and her thick shoes covered in dirty water and snow.

Lin'an hurriedly turned away, hastily wiping her tears, but the maid's next words left her stunned.

"The Crown Prince has been imprisoned."

A bolt from the blue, Lin'an cried out in shock, "What?!"


In the Imperial Study, Emperor Yuanjing sat on the dragon throne, his face dark with anger. The Chief Justice of the High Court, Wei Yuan, and the Minister of Law stood in the hall, representing the highest legal authorities of the Da Feng dynasty.

Wei Yuan was the Left Censor-in-chief of the Censorate.

"Your Majesty, this is the coroner's report. Please review it," the Minister of Law handed over the autopsy report of Consort Fu.

The chief eunuch received the report and presented it to Emperor Yuanjing, who barely glanced at it before asking expressionlessly, "Was Consort Fu violated?"

"Well..." the Minister of Law hesitated, "The coroner only conducted a preliminary examination, not wanting to disturb Consort Fu's body. Perhaps we should have the elderly nannies in the palace verify it."

Emperor Yuanjing asked in a low voice, "Where is that beast?"

"The Crown Prince is confined in his palace, awaiting your decision."

"Send him to the High Court," Emperor Yuanjing ordered, glaring at the three officials, "I want results in three days."

"Your Majesty, this matter is of great importance; three days may not be enough," the Chief Justice said.

"You have three days," Emperor Yuanjing said coldly.

"Your Majesty, Lord Wei has many capable men under him who have solved major cases. Perhaps this case should be handed over to the Censorate," suggested the Minister of Law.

The Chief Justice agreed.

"And who, pray tell, are these capable men?" Wei Yuan asked calmly, glancing at the two officials and then at Emperor Yuanjing. "The one who could handle this case died in Yunzhou."

The Minister of Law and the Chief Justice exchanged looks. The bronze gong who had solved numerous cases had indeed died in Yunzhou, which they had secretly celebrated. But now, with no one to carry the pot, they felt conflicted.

Consort Fu had died. Perhaps after being assaulted by the crown prince, in a fit of despair she threw herself from the balcony, breaking the fence, and falling to her death.

The case seemed straightforward: the Crown Prince had drunk at Consort Chen's palace and somehow ended up at Consort Fu's residence. Then, Consort Fu, in disarray, fell to her death.

This scandal not only concerned the royal family's reputation but also the legitimacy of the Crown Prince, involving complex interests. Neither the Chief Justice nor the Minister of Law wanted to handle this hot potato.

Emperor Yuanjing frowned. He knew Wei Yuan was referring to Xu Qi'an, the Bronze Gong who had died in Yunzhou. He had always found the Bronze Gong annoying.

But now, facing a major case, Emperor Yuanjing suddenly realized the Bronze Gong's importance. It was a great loss.

Bang! Emperor Yuanjing slapped the table in anger, "Is my Greath Feng so bereft of talent that we can't solve a case without a Bronze Gong?"

"Forgive us, Your Majesty."

The three officials bowed in unison.

At that moment, an eunuch hurried to the entrance of the Imperial Study, bowing low without crossing the threshold.

This indicated that there was something important outside, and since Emperor Yuanjing was seated facing the door, he could see the eunuch but would only summon him if he wished.

"What is it?" Emperor Yuanjing's voice was thick with suppressed anger.

The chief eunuch quickly called the eunuch inside.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Princess Lin'an requests an audience," the eunuch announced.

Princess Lin'an coming at this time was obviously about the Crown Prince.

Emperor Yuanjing pinched the bridge of his nose, "Send her away. I won't see her for the next few days."


The eunuch relayed the order outside the Imperial Study. At the foot of the high steps, Princess Lin'an, draped in a red fox-fur cloak, waited anxiously. Her face was round and delicate, her demeanor charming and passionate.

She was accompanied by two personal maids.

"Second Princess, His Majesty will not see you. Please return," the eunuch said softly.

Lin'an bit her lip, stubbornly refusing to leave.

She waited and waited outside the Imperial Study. Soon, the heads of the three judicial branches emerged. The Minister of Law exclaimed, "Your Highness, it's freezing cold, you mustn't be stubborn. Take care of your health and avoid catching a cold."

The Chief Justice added, "The snow is melting; it's the coldest time. Your body can't withstand the cold. Why are you standing there? Quickly, take Her Highness back."

Lin'an shook her head, unwilling to leave.

Her two maids were at a loss.

Wei Yuan wrapped his robe tighter and approached Lin'an. Her nose was red from the cold, but her fair skin made it appear a soft pink, giving her a rather cute look.

The senior official spoke gently, "I have a few questions for Your Highness."

Wei Yuan was one of the few courtiers who dared to use "I" when speaking to royal family members.

Lin'an's slightly dazed eyes moved, "Please ask, Lord Wei."

"Does Your Highness and the Crown Prince often visit Noble Consort Chen?"

"My brother and I often accompany our mother," Lin'an replied, sniffing.

"Do you drink there?"


"Does the Crown Prince often get drunk?"

"Not often, but my brother does enjoy his drink."

"Has he had any interactions with Consort Fu? Does he often visit other parts of the harem?"

"Of course not," Lin'an said loudly, "My brother knows he is a consort’s son and has always been cautious. How could he possibly do something so outrageous?"

Wei Yuan bowed, turned, and left.

The Minister of Law and the Chief Justice followed.

The cold wind howled, and Lin'an shivered, biting her lip. Her shoulders were thin, and her red cloak, contrasted against the pure white snow, made for a beautiful yet melancholic scene.

She waited there for two hours.

Her body gradually froze, her legs numb, and her lips turned blue. Lin'an's heart felt as if it had frozen too.

"What are you still doing here?" A familiar voice sounded behind her.

She stiffly turned her neck to look back. It was the annoying Huaiqing.

Huaiqing was dressed in a beautiful white palace gown, embroidered with vivid red plum blossoms. She had a slender waist and a cold, ethereal demeanor that blended perfectly with the snowy landscape.

She looked like an immortal untouched by the mortal world.

Even without a mirror, Biaobiao knew she looked like a pitiful quail shivering in the cold wind.

The difference between them was stark.

"You came to laugh at me?" Biaobiao turned her head away, holding back tears.

Huaiqing looked coldly at the two palace maids and said, "How dare you serve the Second Princess like this? Men, drag them out and beat them to death."

"Yes Your Highness!"

A guard stepped forward from behind Huaiqing.

"Stop!" Lin'an turned her head sharply, intending to intervene, but she overestimated herself; her legs were numb from the cold, and she stumbled, falling to the ground.

Lin'an, panicked, cried out, "Huaiqing, you dare kill my people?"

Huaiqing walked over, looking down at her, and said indifferently, "If I kill these negligent maids right now, Father wouldn't say a word against me. You have two choices: either continue standing here, and I'll have them killed, or go back and stop disgracing yourself."

Biaobiao stood up with the help of the palace maids. Perhaps out of a desire not to lose in front of Huaiqing, she wiped away her tears, pushed the maids aside, and stared at Huaiqing:

"I don't believe my brother the Crown Prince would do such a thing."

"What does that have to do with me?" Huaiqing said coldly.

Biaobiao was momentarily speechless, biting her lip. She staggered a few steps forward, paused, and without turning around, said unwillingly, "If he were still here, he would definitely clear my brother's name."

The figure in red stumbled away.

Watching Lin'an's retreating figure, Huaiqing Princess exhaled.

"Your Highness, the Second Princess did not appreciate your gesture; was it worth it?"

The guard captain sighed helplessly.

"Do I need her gratitude?" Huaiqing snorted coldly.

"His Majesty is truly heartless, leaving the Second Princess standing outside for so long," the guard captain commented.

Huaiqing's eyes suddenly sharpened. "Go back and receive fifty lashes."

The guard captain, realizing his mistake, felt a cold sweat break out on his back despite the winter chill. "Your servant deserves punishment."


When the snow melted, the official ship transporting the corpses of the deceased Nightwatchers arrived at the customs checkpoint outside the capital. After inspection, the ship entered the capital via the canal and docked at the city pier.

Three Bronze Gongs from the ship unloaded the coffins containing their colleagues' bodies, hired a few carts, and some labourers to transport them.

Silver Gong Min Shan squinted, standing at the pier, gazing at the still-bustling capital, feeling a profound sense of change and nostalgia. This round trip to Yunzhou had claimed the lives of several colleagues.

The shifting fortunes of the world and the changes of fate were beyond control.

Returning to the constabulary, they handed over the five coffins to the department responsible for handling the deceased Nightwatchers. Silver Gong Min Shan entered a side hall and poured himself a cup of hot water.

In the inner hall where the coffins were placed, several clerks opened the coffins, releasing a faint smell of decay. Although the cold weather had preserved the bodies relatively well, they had begun to decompose.

The clerks, accustomed to handling corpses, had taken antidotes to ward off evil and poison and wore cloths over their mouths and noses. As they verified the identities of the deceased, they chatted casually.

"Losing three Silver Gongs at once is quite a heavy loss."

"With Yunzhou in rebellion, this is actually a minor loss. But it's a pity about Xu Qi'an."

"Yes, though he only joined recently, he had become quite the figure in the constabulary. Everyone knew he was favored by Duke Wei, and now he's gone."

"Sigh, what do you think the Jiaofangsi courtesans will do when they hear Xu Qi'an is dead?"

"What kind of sentiment can you expect from women in the pleasure quarters?"

"But Fuxiang was Xu Qi'an's lover."

"How does everyone know about Xu Qi'an and Fuxiang?"

"Who in the capital doesn't know?"

"Eh? Xu Qi'an's body is the best preserved, with barely any odour."

"Let me see... Ah, the skin breaks with a touch. Cover him back up!"

A stick of incense later, the clerks, having washed their hands and faces, found Min Shan and said, "Silver Gong Min, the number of belongings matches the list, and the identities have been verified. You may leave now."

Min Shan nodded slightly and left.

Tower of Noble Spirit.

The sound of footsteps echoed as a black-clad clerk climbed the stairs. After whispering a few words to the colleague guarding outside, he turned and descended the stairs. The guard entered and respectfully reported, "Duke Wei, the official ship from Yunzhou has arrived. The bodies of the three Silver Gongs and two Bronze Gongs have been returned to the constabulary, verified without error."

Wei Yuan looked up, was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Deliver each to their families."

He did not mention the matter of belongings, though he knew the shattered piece of the Earth Book was with Xu Qi'an.


Stargazing Tower, Bagua Platform.

A figure in white appeared on the platform, accompanied by a clear and long chant: "Picking the stars with the moon in hand, there are..."

The voice suddenly faltered, unable to continue.

A few seconds later, Yang Qianhuan said weakly, "Teacher, I'm back."

"Mmm," the Jianzheng did not turn around.

The master and disciple stood back-to-back, with no embrace.

"Xu Qi'an has safely returned to the capital. This trip to Yunzhou was fraught with danger but ended without incident," Yang Qianhuan said. Seeing Jianzheng remain silent, he asked, "What's the matter with Xu Qi'an? How can he come back to life, and why do you value him so highly? And also, there's a third-rank arcanist in Yunzhou—at least third-rank. But where else in the world could such an arcanist come from besides our Sitianjian?"

Jianzheng chuckled, "You needn't concern yourself with Xu Qi'an; I will handle it."

*Junior Sister Caiwei was right, you're just an old man, rotten to the core...* Yang Qianhuan thought to himself.

"As for that person in Yunzhou, you don't need to worry about it. Even if I tell you, you wouldn't hear it," Jianzheng said.

Yang Qianhuan was about to leave when Jianzheng's voice, tinged with helplessness, came from behind, "Release Song Qing for me."

"What did Song Qing do this time?"

"He made a person."

"..." Yang Qianhuan clicked his tongue in amazement. "To have developed alchemy to this extent, Song Qing is indeed the first in history. However, his personality is deeply flawed—stubborn, unwilling to advance."

*As if you're much better...* Jianzheng's mouth twitched.

"Keep an eye on him for me, don't let him do anything stupid. In a few days, your Fifth Junior Sister will come out of seclusion. Since Second Brother is not in the capital, look after your junior brothers and sisters," Jianzheng said.

"Fifth Junior Sister is out of seclusion? Has she successfully advanced to the fourth rank, becoming a formation master like me?" Yang Qianhuan asked excitedly.

"Not yet."

"In that case, isn't Fifth Junior Sister risking her life?" Yang Qianhuan was startled.

"Her opportunity to advance has arrived," Jianzheng said, with a profound look.


Xu Manor.

A white mourning banner hung above the gate plaque, and the red lanterns had been replaced with white ones. After receiving the compensation, the Xu family began preparing for the funeral, though they still did not know when Xu Qi'an's body would arrive. The household had not yet donned mourning clothes.

These past few days, the atmosphere in the mansion was heavy. The master became silent and reserved, the lady wept frequently, Erlang tried to remain composed but often stared blankly, Miss Lingyue lost her vitality, and little Miss Lingyin had grown thin and gaunt.

In the first couple of days, Little Pea often woke up crying at night, calling for her big brother.

A child's world is small, consisting only of a few family members. When one is suddenly gone, the world becomes incomplete.

This morning, the Xu family finally received Xu Qi'an's body. He lay in a coffin, brought back to the mansion on a cart.

Xu Pingzhi, upon receiving the news, rushed out, but seeing the coffin, he hesitated to approach.

He walked to the coffin, placed his hand on the lid...

The Bronze Gong who had delivered the body glanced at him and said softly, "Master Xu, let's go inside first."

Xu Pingzhi snapped out of his daze and took a deep breath. "Yes," he responded hoarsely.

Upon seeing the body, the family would likely be overwhelmed. Crying and mourning at the gate would be unseemly for both the living and the dead.

The coffin was carried to the mourning hall. The atmosphere there made the Nightwatcher feel suffocated, unwilling to stay longer. He cupped his hands and said, "Master Xu, I will take my leave now."

Xu Pingzhi responded hoarsely, "I won't see you out."

In the mourning hall, Auntie, Erlang, Miss Lingyue, and her sisters silently stared at the coffin, as if waiting for something.

Xu Pingzhi knew that as the head of the family, certain things had to be done. For instance, he had to be the first to face the body of

In the mourning hall, Auntie, Erlang, and the Xu Sisters silently watched the coffin, as if waiting for something.

Xu Pingzhi knew that as the head of the family, there were certain things he had to do. For instance, being the first to face his nephew's remains and confront the overwhelming grief.

The coffin lid was slowly pushed open, revealing Xu Qi'an lying inside. His skin was shrivelled, dull, and his lips had lost their color.

He had been dead for some time.

The faint hope in their hearts shattered. Despite being mentally prepared, an overwhelming surge of grief enveloped the family.

Auntie and Xu Lingyue clung to the coffin, wailing uncontrollably. Uncle Xu staggered slightly, his lips trembling. Xu Xinnian turned his head away, refusing to look at his brother's face, his hand clenched into a fist inside his sleeve, knuckles white.

Xu Lingyin leaned forward slightly, her small body leaning towards the coffin, hands behind her back, making "waah, waah" crying sounds.

*So noisy... Who the heck is disturbing my sleep...* Xu Qi'an thought in frustration.

He felt like he was floating in an endless void, unattached to heaven or earth, with nothing to hold onto. The only sound was the noisy crying around him.

*I should be home... This crying, is it Aunt's? Huh, Aunt actually cries for me? Isn't her usual saying: "Xu Ningyan, you little rascal, you're my nemesis from a past life, here to collect a debt in this life..."* Xu Qi'an thought drowsily.

He could distinguish the cries of his aunt and his two sisters from the rest.

The crying lasted a long time, then turned into sobbing and sniffling.

Time passed, and night fell.

Xu Qi'an learned this from the conversation between Second Uncle and Xinnian.

Friends and relatives of the Xu family would come to pay their respects to Xu Qi'an tomorrow; tonight, the family would keep vigil over his body.

*This should be the second time I've died. The first time was from alcohol poisoning... fuck, I didn't delete my 120GB wife... How embarrassing... Fortunately, this world doesn't have computers or phones. Oh, there are brothels and the Jiaofangsi here, so no use for a hard drive wife.*

*Tomorrow the whole village will come to my house for a meal... Huaiqing and Lin'an are princesses, so they probably can't come due to their status... Caiwei will definitely come. If she doesn't, I'll divorce her when I wake up... Will Fuxiang come? Oh, she probably doesn't know about my "death" yet.*

"Mother, you should go back to your room and rest. Second Brother and I will stay here to keep watch over Big Brother," Xu Lingyue said tearfully.

Then Auntie spoke, "Your big brother floated on the river for so long, but he's finally home; we can't leave him alone. Mum’s fine; Mum will stay here."

"When your father handed him to me, he was just a baby. I had no experience taking care of children at that time. Your father was a soldier, and we had no money to hire a wet nurse. I fed him goat's milk, clumsily taking care of him day by day..."

At this point, Auntie was overcome with sadness.

Xu Qi'an suddenly realized that his aunt actually loved him, despite the later tension and unpleasantness between them.

He felt touched.

"The older he got, the more annoying he became. Of the three of you, he was the ugliest and the most troublesome. Whenever I showed you and Erlang some care, he'd get jealous, thinking I didn't like him and that he was a motherless child..."

"Stop talking," Uncle Xu said angrily.

"Why can't I say it?" Auntie screamed, "I raised him with all my heart, and now he's gone. If I'd known, I'd have raised a rat instead."

She burst into tears.

"Master, Madam," Old Zhang from the gate hurriedly ran in, standing outside the mourning hall, "A young lady is outside, saying she wants to keep vigil for Dalang."


This question flashed through Xu Qi'an's mind and the minds of Second Uncle and Auntie.

"She says her name is Fuxiang," Old Zhang said.

Uncle Xu and Xu Qi'an's faces turned dark at the same time.

*Xu Qi'an, who avoided brothels, the gentleman Xu Erlang, and the devoted husband Xu Pingzhi...* Xu Qi'an bitterly smiled.

Uncle Xu glanced at his wife and nodded slightly, "I'll go see her outside."

Auntie wiped her tears and asked her son, "Erlang, who is Fuxiang?"

From the name alone, she didn't seem like a girl from a respectable family.

Xu Erlang, his voice thick with emotion, said, "Fuxiang is the top courtesan of the Jiaofangsi. She supposedly greatly admires Big Brother's poetry."

Xu Lingyue, perceptive as she was, frowned. Coming so late at night to keep vigil hinted at a relationship more intimate than she had imagined.

In the front hall, Uncle Xu met Fuxiang. She was dressed in a simple white dress, with a small white flower on her head, looking very plain.

At the sight of her, Uncle Xu's anger dissipated. The woman was visibly grief-stricken, her eyes red, with genuine sorrow etched on her face.

"Miss Fuxiang, what brings you here at this hour?" Uncle Xu asked in a deep voice.

"Master Xu, I wish to keep vigil for Master Xu..." Fuxiang stood up and bowed.

"That's not appropriate," Uncle Xu refused immediately.

The Xu family, though not a scholarly family, was respectable. Fuxiang, having no official status in the family, had no right to keep vigil.

"When I entered the mansion, I dismissed the Jiaofangsi attendants. Now I can't return to the inner city, and it's unsafe outside the city. If you insist on turning me away, I'll leave," Fuxiang said softly.

... Xu Pingzhi sighed. This woman truly had deep feelings for Dalang.

Arriving at the mourning hall, at the sight of Xu Qi'an's body, Fuxiang, who had been holding herself together, broke down. She had learned of Xu Qi'an's death just today from the madam of the Jiaofangsi.

She fainted on the spot, and after waking up and crying for a long time, decided to see him one last time.

Xu Lingyue, listening to Fuxiang's wailing, suddenly understood the nature of her relationship with her brother.

Fuxiang did not stay at the Xu residence for the vigil and sensibly left. Xu Pingzhi had thought to let her stay overnight, but Fuxiang's earlier words had been a lie. The Jiaofangsi would never let a courtesan out of sight.

She had said that only to ensure she could see Xu Qi'an one last time.


The next day, friends and relatives of the Xu family came to pay their respects.

Xu Qi'an's grandfather only had two sons, and the eldest had died in battle twenty years ago. Now, his son had also passed away, leaving no descendants.

The Xu family relatives lamented.

Apart from the Xu family, Xu Qi'an's former superior, County Magistrate Zhu of Changle County, and Head Constable Wang, along with other colleagues, also came.

After viewing the body, Magistrate Zhu sighed, "Ningyan died young, such a pity, such a pity."

Head Constable Wang and the others looked sorrowful, sighing.

"Did Ningyan leave any last words?" Magistrate Zhu asked.

Xu Pingzhi shook his head.

*If possible, I'd like to experience a Nigerian coffin dance...* Xu Qi'an joked to himself, his consciousness gradually returning, though his body was still in a death-like state.

"Miss Caiwei, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, Xu Erlang's voice, tinged with anger, rang out.

Then Chu Caiwei's voice followed, "I just wanted to confirm..."

She sounded sad.

Gold Gong Nangong Qianrou and Zhang Kaitai also came to pay their respects. Viewing the body, Old Zhang sighed, "Such a talented individual dying young, no wonder Duke Wei has been in a foul mood lately."

Zhang Kaitai was one of the few who knew Xu Qi'an's talents.

"Bad person."

Xu Lingyin shouted at Nangong Qianrou, but was quickly taken away by Lü'e.

At that moment, Xu Qi'an suddenly heard a gasp, "Your humble servant greets Princess Huaiqing."

Inside and outside the mourning hall, there was a brief silence, followed by a chorus of "Greetings, Princess."

The Xu family was stunned. What's going on? The funeral of Xu Qi'an had even attracted a princess?

At that moment, the Xu family's sense of loss and regret was more intense than ever. It turned out that Dalang had connections with a princess. If not for this tragedy, he could have risen to great heights in the future.

The Xu family might have become a prominent family in the capital, perhaps even elevating the entire clan's status.

*My Lotus girls, gathered here... Three of them...*

Xu Qi'an suddenly remembered a joke from his past life: A *fu’erdai* died unexpectedly, and at his funeral, all his girlfriends came. One had had an abortion for him; another was pregnant with his child; this one was only eighteen but had been with him for three years; another had left her husband for him...

Gradually, the funeral turned into a roasting of said *fu’erdai*.

Fortunately, the *fu’erdai* had actually died.

*Don’t talk about the letter, don’t talk about the letter, else I’ll have no face to live any more…* Xu Qi’an thought anxiously.

But fate decided to have fun with him that day.

Chu Caiwei said sadly: “In Qingzhou, he even wrote me a letter, telling me about all the delicacies there. When I finished reading, I was so angry I wanted to stab him to death with my chopsticks, but I never thought… that he would actually die.”

Hearing this, Xu Lingyue looked at her in surprise, sniffling slightly: “Big brother wrote me a letter too.”

Huaiqing said calmly: “I also received one.”

Afterwards, the three girls simultaneously fell into silence:

Xu Qi’an: …

Huaiqing suddenly had a thought, her eyes flashing, asking: “Then did he…”

Just then, a blood-curdling cat’s shriek echoed, attracting the attention of everyone in the mourning chambers.

A ginger cat with its tail raised ran through the crowd, into the chamber, and launched itself towards Xu Qi’an’s coffin.

A member of the Xu family shouted: “Grab that cat! If a cat jumps over a corpse, the corpse will move!”

The expressions of the other family members turned.

Those nearest to it being Huaiqing, Lin’an, and Chu Caiwei, did not believe in such superstitions, and so did not immediately react to catch it.


The ginger cat flew towards Xu Qi’an’s head, making a horrendous noise. A voice exploded in Xu Qi’an’s consciousness: “Xu Qi’an, wake up!”

*It’s Daoist Jinlian…* Xu Qi’an’s spirit shook, as he felt his soul and body begin to come together and merge.

The next moment, his senses returned to him, and he felt in control again of his body.

*I can move…* Xu Qi’an thought with delight, and sat up from the coffin.

The chamber became deathly silent.

*H- h- h- he sat up!?*

In everyone’s eyes, this was both hair-raising and petrifying.

“H- h- holy shit! It’s moving!”

Someone screamed.

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