
Chapter 223: Wanted by Court

Chapter 223: Wanted by Court

# 223. Wanted by Court

“Fushun Escort Agency?”

Zhu Guangxiao, who was standing not far away, asked for confirmation, attracting everyone's attention, including Inspector Zhang's.

Inspector Zhang frowned and asked, "Do you know this agency?"

Zhu Guangxiao replied, "Fushun Escort Agency is the same caravan that was massacred by bandits on our way to Yunzhou. Fushun Escort Agency is also known as Fushun Trading Company."

As he spoke, he glanced at the two blaggards, Song Tingfeng and Xu Qi'an. That day, these two shirked the responsibility, leaving him to handle the aftermath.

He was in charge of returning the belongings of Zhao Long, the owner of the trading company, to his family. Following the address, he found this Fushun Escort Agency.

"Maybe they know the Inspector General is back from an inspection and came specifically to express their gratitude," a Silver Gong speculated.

If they hadn't eliminated the bandits and retrieved the goods, the Fushun Escort Agency would have probably gone bankrupt.

Therefore, it was understandable that the remaining caravan escorts and Zhao Long's family members came to see the Inspector to express their gratitude.

This was the first good deed Inspector Zhang had done since arriving in Yunzhou. He stroked his beard and smiled, "Then let them in."

Soon, three middle-aged men dressed in thick blue cotton coats with matching belts, black boots, and fur hats were led in by the Huben Guards.

Their chests were embroidered with the red characters "Fushun."

The three men were empty-handed, having had their weapons confiscated at the entrance.

Xu Qi'an squinted his eyes and scanned the three men. The bearded leader was in the Refining Qi stage, while the other two were in the Refining Vitality stage.

"Commoner Zhao Rui, the new head of Fushun Escort Agency, greets Inspector Zhang," the bearded man bowed and cupped his fists.

In Confucian etiquette, one only kneels to heaven, earth, the emperor, parents, and teachers. A commoner only needed to bow to an official, not kneel, except in court.

*No wonder he is in the Refining Qi stage; he is the new head of the escort agency... Only someone in the Refining Qi stage could support a large security force...* Xu Qi'an withdrew his scrutinising gaze.

Inspector Zhang nodded and asked, "What is your relationship with Zhao Long?"

Zhao Rui replied with sorrow, "Zhao Long was my elder brother. Upon hearing of his passing, my family was in mourning. I thank the Inspector for avenging my brother."

With that, he knelt and kowtowed.

Inspector Zhang accepted the kowtow calmly, planning to say a few comforting words and some pleasantries before dismissing them.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Rui, after rising, said, "I came not only to thank the Inspector but also to make a delivery."

A delivery?!

Everyone was stunned and re-examined the three men, realising they were in escort uniforms, not casual clothes.

Inspector Zhang pondered, "What do you mean?"

Zhao Rui cupped his fists, “Yesterday, a mysterious guest came to our agency, saying he wanted to send a 'package' to the Inspector General. He also said that the package contained a wanted criminal of the court and that I must deliver it personally to the Inspector…

"This commoner knows this is not in accordance with the rules; a wanted criminal should be handed over to the authorities. But… he gave us too much money."

*A wanted criminal of the court...* Inspector Zhang turned to look at Jiang Lyuzhong and Xu Qi'an. Jiang Lyuzhong's eyes showed a mix of surprise and anticipation, clearly realising something.

Xu Qi'an's eyes, however, were cloudy, his pupils dilated, appearing somewhat distracted.

*Choosing to advance to the Refining Spirit stage at this time is unwise...* Inspector Zhang thought to himself, but then he remembered that for most people, ten days was the limit; Xu Ningyan should have advanced successfully upon arriving in Yunzhou.

Who could have predicted he would be so exceptional?

"Bring it in!" Inspector Zhang commanded in a deep voice.

Zhao Rui obeyed and, with his two companions, left the posthouse, heading straight for the carriage parked at the entrance. Around the carriage stood over a dozen strong escorts.

Seeing Zhao Rui emerge, the escorts understood and pulled a man with a sack over his head from the carriage, dragging him into the posthouse.

The man seemed to have an injured foot, limping heavily as he walked.

Once inside, everyone's eyes were fixed on the man with the sack over his head, especially Xu Qi'an and the others who knew Liang Youping's background.

Inspector Zhang stood up and, with a somewhat urgent tone, loudly said, "Quick, remove the sack…"

Without waiting for the Huben Guards, Zhao Rui swiftly pulled off the sack, revealing the man's face.

His face was thin, skin rough, and his light brown eyes sharp.

Liang Youping, the Clerk of the Military Command Office.

The one from the Qi Clique who handed the ledger to Xu Qi'an.

"So easy to find after all this effort…" Inspector Zhang murmured, taking a deep breath and ordered, "Verify his identity!"

A Bronze Gong stepped forward, pinching Liang Youping's face to examine it carefully. He reported back, "It's him."

The common disguise techniques used in the Jianghu usually involve human skin masks, which were easily detected by sharp-eyed observers due to their stiffness and lack of expression.

More advanced disguise techniques often involve high-level experts and were not easily attainable by ordinary people.

Phew… Inspector Zhang exhaled lightly, looked at Zhang Rui and his companions, and smiled, "This person is indeed a wanted criminal of the court."

He then glanced at Xu Qi'an. The latter understood immediately and hurried upstairs to drag out the three reclusive arcanists.

"Keep an eye on the three escorts downstairs and confirm if they are lying."

"Yes, Master Xu."

Downstairs, Inspector Zhang asked, "What is the identity of that mysterious guest?"

"I don't know," Zhao Rui shook his head. "He was wearing a cloak with a hood, so his identity was hidden."

"He's not lying!" The white-robed arcanists' eyes flashed with light.

This answer made sense. Regardless of the guest's purpose, he would have disguised himself when entering the escort agency. In those days, there were no regulations requiring identification for sending parcels.

As modern-day couriers without benefits or insurance, if the escorts didn't understand the unspoken rules and dared to ask for identification, they might have met a swift end.

As couriers of the day, without any benefits nor insurance, if they didn’t know the rules and asked: Please give your identity and sign for the parcel — then they might have been presented with a dagger to the stomach.

"Escort Zhao!"

Xu Qi'an suddenly shouted from upstairs.

Everyone in the hall looked up.

Xu Qi'an pondered and asked, "Did that mysterious guest say anything specific?"

Zhao Rui cupped his fists and replied, "He just asked us to deliver this person to the posthouse and hand him over to the Inspector, saying he was a wanted criminal of the court."

"Anything else?" Xu Qi'an prompted, "For example: 'Picking the stars with the moon in hand, there are none like me upon this land.'"

Zhao Rui looked puzzled, "No."

"Did he turn his back on you?"

"No," Zhao Rui felt a bit frustrated. "What kind of strange questions are these?"

Xu Qi'an nodded, indicating he understood.

Xu Qi'an suspected this was all the work of the Posturing Master Yang Qianhuan, but he had no evidence.

Despite the denial of his questions, it didn't rule out Yang Qianhuan. Because once Liang Youping was delivered to the posthouse, they would certainly probe the "sender's" identity.

Although the Posturing Master seemed to have some quirks, he wasn't foolish and wouldn't leave such obvious clues.

What puzzled Xu Qi'an was why he didn't reveal himself. By rights, this kind of heroic opportunity was what Yang Qianhuan craved most.

Imagine, just as the case hit a dead end and the Inspector and others were at their wits' end, Yang Qianhuan suddenly appeared, dramatically declaring:

"Picking the stars with the moon in hand, there are none like me upon this land."

Standing proudly, with Liang Youping at his feet!

Instant fame.

The best of the best, MVP!

"Was there a compelling reason preventing you from revealing yourself?"

Inspector Zhang continued to ask probing questions before instructing the Huben Guards to see the guests out.

"Bring him to my room. I want to interrogate him personally," Inspector Zhang said with his hands behind his back, as he ascended the stairs to the second floor.

As Inspector Zhang passed Xu Qi'an, he asked, "Did you discover anything?"

"No," Xu Qi'an shook his head, then added, "They weren't lying."

Inspector Zhang nodded and said, "Follow me into the room."

Xu Qi'an, along with the three white-robed arcanists, followed Inspector Zhang into the room. Jiang Lyuzhong dragged Liang Youping in next, throwing the cripple on the floor like garbage before shutting the door behind him.

Liang Youping, with his hands bound, didn't get up. He resignedly sat on the floor.

"You are Liang Youping?" Inspector Zhang sat behind the desk, glaring sternly at the crippled former official.

"Inspector, it seems you know me quite well," Liang Youping sneered.

"You killed the butcher at Ding No. 15 Huangbo Street, disguised yourself as the contact, and handed the ledger to us to frame Yang Chuannan. Who is behind you? Confess everything," Inspector Zhang demanded in a deep voice.

"If I confess, will the Inspector spare my life?" Liang Youping sneered again.

"Death is unavoidable, but we can make your death less painful," Jiang Lyuzhong, sitting on one side and holding a cup of tea, smiled coldly:

"Otherwise we could introduce you to all the ways the Nightwatchers have of extracting information out of officials."

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