New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 69 Preparation

Eli let out a heavy sigh, looking at Leon whose eyes were expectantly waiting for her praise.

"Come inside and freshen up.." Eli helplessly said.

Leon, hearing Eli's gentle voice obediently put the axe down on a safe place and went inside to freshen up.

After a while, Leon came back to the kitchen, seeing the usual busybody Eli preparing breakfast.

Upon realizing that Leon was already there, Eli placed down a cup of coffee for him and warm milk for herself.

She looked at Leon silently, her intentions couldn't be deciphered.

She just closely looked at Leon intensely for a long time, watching his every move.

Leon on the other hand, became conscious and nervous of Eli's sudden attention.

He started to feel weird and out of sorts when she just stared at him for a good few minutes without saying a word.

He thought that Eli would just stare for a few seconds, but what is this?

He was already feeling bad and nervous after being subjected to Eli's piercing stare.

"You're weirded out right?" Eli finally said something, still looking at Leon with seriousness.

"Y-yes." Leon answered with honesty. He had long felt that he couldn't lie to Eli's dark midnight eyes.

"You don't like it? Being stared like that for nothing?" Eli asked yet again.

"I don't feel comfortable…" Leon replied meekly. It's too ironic to see the cold blooded prince act like a reprimanded child in front of Eli.

"That's what I felt with your advances since yesterday." Eli calmly declared.

Upon realizing Eli's message, Leon hung his head low in disappointment and embarrassment. Too speechless to reply, he just pitifully held the cup of coffee.

"It's not that I am pushing you back, I do appreciate your efforts." Eli gently confronted Leon, her voice tinged with concern and honesty.

"I just felt that you are presenting yourself to me in the most unnatural way." She looked at Leon sincerely.

In truth, Eli was trying her best not to hurt Leon's feelings while saying her concerns, she was actually nervous if her approach would step on Leon's pride.

But she needed to say it.

"Leon, you are you. You do not need to do frivolous things to make me happy, especially if it causes you to go against who you really are." Eli said straightforwardly.

"I am a simple minded person. I am not that hard to please. I do not need some frivolous favors coming my way in order for me to feel at ease."

"I'm fine with seeing you as you are, just like before. Helping me when it mattered, being with me when I needed company. That's all I need from you."  Eli continued to pour her heart out.

"I would love not because I needed flowers, gifts, flattery or favor…

I would love, because I cherish the person so much that I wanted to be by his side as much as possible. Loving all of him, including his flaws and weaknesses."

Leon looked at Eli and saw her sincere bright smile as she stared past the window.

Her face was gently kissed by the morning light, exuding a beauty that is full of wisdom and sincerity.

"Leon, that's the kind of relationship I wanted to have with someone. How about you?" Her bright face gracefully turned towards Leon, making his heart skip a beat.

"I like that too…" Leon replied as he stared straight to Eli's face.

This woman had only shown shock and bashfulness in his presence during that time in the flea market. Now, she seemed to be so immune with his presence that he was really having a hard time thinking of how to get her affection.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable…" Leon followed with an apology.

"It's fine. It's obvious that you listened to the wrong person, that's why you acted like that." After Eli voiced out her concern, she brushed off the issue fully, hearing Leon's apology.

Eli was already comfortable with Leon as to how she would interact with a colleague. But she was really in panic when he suddenly decided to pursue her romantically.

It made Eli see things in another perspective. Yet she finds it right to voice out her feelings to the person who wanted to be her lifetime companion.

Just as Leon learns how to woo her, she also has to learn how to appreciate his advances and discern through his feelings.

Because as of now, she was really sure that Leon does not look at her romantically, but more of a moral responsibility.

Now, Leon understood that he had to work his way to break Eli's mindset and let her accept what his heart truly felt.

"Thank you for being honest with me." He said with a smile.

"Thank you for listening to my concerns." She also replied with a smile.

These two people didn't know, that the way they look in other people's eyes was like husband and wife making up after a huge quarrel.

However, it will take time for them to realize that…

After their serious conversation, Leon helped Eli prepare breakfast. Initially, Eli was surprised that he as a prince would know how to do these things.

But Leon very naturally explained that these were just one of the things he had to do, living in the battlefield. While they were busy preparing, Eli had the chance to get to know Leon more especially during his life in the warzone.

They were not able to see that everyone had already woken up and were dumbfoundedly staring at them.

Their faces say 'something's fishy about these two..'

After everyone had breakfast, Olivier, Kayden and the Granpas see Leon off.

He had to go back to prepare for the Emperor and Second Queen's visit next month.

By the time of their arrival Eli would be on her eight month of pregnancy. Knowing this Eli, became nervous.

However Leon just gently patted her head and looked at her with a smile saying, "Everything will be fine."

Eli returned Leon's words with a trusting smile.

Saying his goodbyes and reminders, Leon smoothly went back to the capital.


Leon immediately went back to the familiar bedroom.

Realizing that he still had enough time to visit the Crimson Blade barracks he immediately set off.

Arriving at the Crimson Blade's training ground he found that several of them had already returned.

"Greetings! Wielder of the Blade! His Highness, Third Prince!" The blades saluted solemnly.

"At ease, any results from the investigation?" He replied.

Blaze stepped out and diligently reported what they had found in the investigation of the south territory.

"It is as you have expected, Your highness… There were high rates of activity in the southern territory."

"Since this territory were both located in the far end, where the forces seldom reach, there has been more occurences of abduction even if they were under the jurisdiction of the duchy and march factions."

Blaze summarized the findings of the group and handed the written report to Leon.

"Also, we have found multiple requests related to this matter in the mercenary guilds. Noble houses and middlemen asking for protection or search requests for their pregnant relatives."

"Thank you for this report. Continue with the investigation, the focus now is to find clues on where the abductors convene. We might be able to find out their secret lairs within the territory." Leon gave his final instructions and commended the blades.

"Job well done, blades! Always stay safe and alert."

"Yes! Your Highness!" The blades brightened up hearing the praise from their leader.

Leon bid goodbye and immediately headed to his study.

Studying the report given by the crimson blades and the reports given by his palace aides, he worked his way to find out something that might help apprehend the Spectres roaming in the empire.

He was hoping to finish the job before coming back to the Silver Dew, yet from the reports of the palace aides of the progress from the first and second prince's side, it would be a far fetched goal.

Rubbing his temples in disappointment, he heard a knock on the door. It was his palace aide, informing that the Emperor wanted to summon the three princes to join tomorrow's council.

Realizing that his father emperor was also equally agitated as him about resolving the matter about the Spectre, he nodded in acknowledgement.

"It was only the second day from the announcement of this assignment for me and my brothers, yet Father already wanted results."

He could already visualize the faces of his two brothers upon knowing that he already had some results after only two days of going out.

Well, this was all thanks to his blades, both the Crimson and Roaming blades. He planned in his heart how to appreciate these two teams after the endeavor.

He was about to go back to his reports when he heard the voice of his aide, frantically announcing,

"H-Her Highness Second Queen enters!"

Soon Leon saw the door open, with her Queen Mother Tehila smiling brightly and excitedly.

"Son, it's good that you have already come back! Come and take a look at the items I bought!~"

She adorably dragged his son out of his study and excitedly led him by the hand, to her palace - the Wisteria Place.

Leon helplessly took his documents into his space pouch and followed his mother dotingly.

Soon they reached into the beautiful looking palace, a huge array of wisteria blossoms lined up around it, giving it a magical vibe.

The mother and son hastily walk towards the pavement, where the breeze gently blew away the lavender petals, beautifully showered the two.

Entering the palace hall, she dragged Leon excitedly towards the lounge area.

What Leon saw next left him in shock.

"Son, look! I bought the most beautiful baby items for my grandchild and dresses for my future daughter in law! Isn't it wonderful?"

Queen Tehila proudly waved her hands to the hundreds of luxurious items neatly lined up in the spacious lounge.

From diapers made with the gentlest fabric, to bassinets, swaddle cloths, baby outfits, baby hats, baby socks, maternity dresses, support belts, and tonics for a rearing mother. They were all bought and prepared by Queen Tehila!

"Oh! I hope you don't mind that I initially bought gender neutral designs! Do not worry I'll buy more when my cute grandchild is out~~~" She said while smilingly clapping her hands in excitement.

It is now Leon's turn to have his eyebrows twitch.

Carefully, he replied to his mother, "Mother, all these items would not fit to Eli's house…"

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