Necromancer’s Evolutionary Traits

Chapter 365

[ Episode 365. temple]

“What is it?”

Vladimir looked at the man with a questioning voice. It was a difficult situation for him to imagine, so the judgment was delayed.

“What is it! I came to get your hair, Vladimir!”

Angela, who appeared late, appeared with an eerie smile. She was already armed with blood all over her body.

“Haa… I never thought he’d come to beat me.”

“What are you talking about after you sent the kids away first?”

“Right. Did you use that as an excuse?”

Vladimir sighed and shook his head.

There was no sign of nervousness or dismay in his appearance.

It’s just an annoying expression.


Subsequently, Bathory, whom Angela subjugated, also appeared, but Vladimir still watched with an unwavering face.

“The news was real. I hope you beat Bathory. I managed to think of using humans.”

“Are you scared?”

“Your frivolous tone is still human, brother.”

Vladimir spread his hands.

Then, magic power swirled around and created a vacuum.

“Anyway, I will kill everything and become the Vampire King. You can go and create a new one at that time.”

“I… I’m sorry I was talking…”

Adrias smiled softly as he looked at Vladimir, who was doing all sorts of things.

“We need to catch you before the others come, so let’s talk about it later. Even if you become Angela’s subordinate, you can chat a lot.”

“A cheeky human……”


A blade suddenly emerged from the darkness and pierced Vladimir’s body. The blade made of shadows extended from Galaksur in Adrias’ hand.

“Magic? Come on, rain?”

Vladimir looked at the blade passing through his body with a curious look at the attack in a form he had never seen before.

At that moment, the blades made of shadows spread out in various directions and soared.



Vladimir vomited blood as if thorns were protruding from his body.


Angela laughed at Vladimir’s spilled blood. She used the spilled blood to bind Vladimir tightly.

“Try tasting mine too.”

A thorn sprouted from the bloody string that bound Vladimir and stabbed the opponent once more.

‘End as soon as possible.’

Adrias had already dealt with dozens of times and knew that Vladimir was no ordinary vampire.

I had to finish it before he regained his senses now that he wasn’t showing his abilities yet.

“Now get ready…”

Adrias said to Angela, who clenched her fists as she approached Vladimir.

“please wait for a moment.”


As soon as Adrias finished speaking, a resonant sound began to resonate around.


uh– -Geuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh…

A dark subspace opened, and a low cry was heard. At the same time, Angela stared blankly at the new model of something gigantic that was gradually revealed.


Soon, the huge something snorted and opened its mouth.

“I’ll finish it in one shot.”


A thick, acidic breath poured into the bound Vladimir. A wave of powerful mana that could not be avoided or prevented from being shot in the face swept through the surroundings.

Koo Goo Goo!

Part of Lucifer Castle collapsed.

And where Vladimir had stood, not a speck of dust remained, everything was gone.

“What’s this.”

“Dragon Breath. It’s a bit weak compared to its heyday, but it’s still usable.”

“Heh heh…….”

Then Vivian, who had heard the noise and ran to it, appeared looking around.


“Oh, that’s fine. Have you finished tidying up outside?”


Angela, who watched the two casually conversing, slowly approached the place where Vladimir was.

Then he used blood magic to see if there were any traces of him.

“Did you blow it cool? There is nothing left.”

Vladimir also tried to subdue, but there was nothing left. I wondered how they got rid of it so cleanly.

“What are you really?”

Angela’s gaze naturally turned to Adrias. However, Adrias merely apologized as he inserted his sword.

“sorry. I didn’t expect to leave even a trace.”

“I didn’t say anything, but when I caught Bathory or the others, I wanted something. But how can you get rid of Vladimir like this?”

The bizarre dragon that had blown the breath had long since disappeared. However, the horrors created by the dragon were spread out in front of both eyes.


Looking at the building that is still melting, Angela laughed in disbelief.

“Heh heh.”

“The others will be coming soon. Let’s subjugate them all at this point.”

It was an absurd statement, but Angela unconsciously nodded after seeing the scene from a moment ago. It was a reflex action because it seemed that there would be nothing more surprising.

“Wait a minute…today?”

“It’s good to organize everything when the opportunity arises.”

“In one day?”


Adrias nodded, then hurriedly turned his head to ask Angela, who answered Adrias. And Vivian, who was watching, raised her sword.

“Stop talking and move, vampire.”


“There are still some guys left. He must be still wandering around because you couldn’t make this guy a subordinate.”

“Is it my fault?”

Angela, ever since becoming stronger with Adrias’ help, had never been surprised or thought there was a creature stronger than herself.

‘Did you use that ability on yourself?’

It was the best guess she could make, not knowing specifically about her evolutionary abilities.

“I might be queen today as early as possible.”


I experienced firsthand that there is a monster within a monster, not a sky within a sky…

Angela had nothing more to say.


Gentle –

The sand that flows endlessly spread out like the sea. The appearance of sparkling and scattering with the scorching sun was beautiful on the outside, but it had an unknown danger.


A desert where no one seems to live.

A small procession was passing through the middle of that harsh environment.

The identities of the party, who were wrapped in long cloths to prevent the sandstorm from penetrating into the body, were not identified. They just walked in silence without even a little conversation.


At that time, the one who was walking first stopped slowly and looked around. It was a landscape no different from the deserts he had passed before, but he looked closely as if he could see something.

“Is it arriving?”

someone who followed asked. Then the guide, who had stopped walking, quietly removed the hood that covered his face and said.

“Let me check for a moment.”

His exposed face was sun-tanned skin. It looked as if he had been with the desert for a long time, but what was even more surprising was his behavior.

hooked! hooked!

He poked the floor a few times with the stick he was holding, then fell on the floor and put his ear to it. It was an unusual action, as if he was trying to hear the sound coming from the ground, but no one in the party looked at him as strange.

“Looks like we’re almost there.”

The man finally got up and covered his face with the cloth again as he spoke to the person who had questioned him.


“Look around here. It’s probably located within 30 minutes.”

It even sounded quite welcome to say that we had almost arrived at our destination. However, no one showed emotion except for the man who spoke excitedly.

“Go away.”

“Kuhm yes.”

The man in charge of the directions moved on again, hiding his embarrassment.

After walking for a long time, they soon stopped at an empty field after 30 minutes, just as the guide said.

“I think this is the right place.”


When the guide stopped at a place where there was nothing but a sand dune and said that, a chilly silence enveloped them. But after a while, one of the party came forward and took out a magic wand.


Gathering his mana, he soon turned around and nodded as he looked at his companions.

“Magic power is not gathering. It seems to be certain down here.”

“How do I get down to the basement?”

The guide shrugged at someone’s question.

“I only received a request to find a place that might be underground, but I don’t know how to go down.”

“is it.”

Someone who spoke slowly walked out. At his waist, a sword that spreads a bewitching light was hidden in the cloth and was glimpsed.

“I expected it because it was a desert clan, but it turned out to be nothing special.”

“Well, I’m just a guide.”

“Do you know the story about the demons?”

At the sudden question, the guide tilted his head. However, he quickly nodded and replied.

“Don’t you know. Most tribes living in the desert probably know. Isn’t it because of the demons of the ancient era that this land became such a desert?”


An immediate answer came out.

The guide cleared his throat at the other person’s answer and said.

“This is an oral tale, so I don’t know if it’s right or wrong. I just grew up listening to it since I was young, so I’ve been saying that.”

“Are you curious about the truth?”

“Are you telling the truth? Knowing something is better than not knowing.”

As the guide shrugged his shoulders, the man with the sword slowly approached him.

“Yeah, I’m going to die anyway, so it doesn’t matter if I die knowing that.”


“There was a reason, of course, that this land became a desert. But the reason was not the demons. It was because of only one existence.”

“Oh no…….”


The sword was pulled out and purple energy spread around.

“A great being has been sealed away on this land. A being feared by everyone and, ironically, a person who could not transcend that.”


The guide hurriedly turned around and started running away. People just watched him quietly.

“Exactly, the demon king. His body rests here.”


A huge purple sword cut the guide in two. The guide’s corpse, lying on the floor in vain, was soon buried in the sand and disappeared in an instant.

yes! yes! yes!

The bewitching sword that cut people began to resonate. As if there is something around here.

“This is right.”

“I’ll dig underground.”

Even though it was a place where mana could not be used, people were nervous seeing the emperor, a man who killed an opponent with a sword.

“Not required. This guy will guide the way.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a purple aura surged from the sword as if he understood. The aura, shaped like a demon that had risen from hell, made a grotesque noise.

– Kkeiui profit!

The sound, with its strange pitch and beat, soon stopped the sandstorm around it. Soon there was a sound from the floor and the ground began to sink.


A phenomenon called Sand Hell occurred around them. However, people looked at the emperor with admiration when they realized that their destination was underground.


The emperor couldn’t even feel that kind of gaze and felt his body gradually sinking downward with an ecstatic expression on his face.



Giving themselves to quicksand without resistance, they naturally fell underground. In the meantime, someone accidentally fell from a high position and lost his life.

“iced coffee……!”

However, the emperor did not see such trivial things. He could only see the huge building standing majesticly in front of his eyes.

“I finally found you.”

The reason why the emperor was not so greedy even though he knew the existence of original sin.

“The temple where the demon king was sealed.”

He found out where the master of sin was sealed away.

[ Episode 365. Temple ] End

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