Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Chapter 1067

Necromancer School’s Summoning Genius Chapter 1067:

The Undead Parade lasts for two hours.

And according to Fitzgerald, the two most crowded events were currently underway at the Pentamonium.

A lecture on the future undead by Pentamonium’s greatest star, Ofariro.

Even the continent’s largest chemical undead exhibition.

Many tourists flock to these two locations, and these events end exactly one hour before the undead parade. In other words, there is only an hour left until a large number of people with tickets come out.

“The undead sent out at the beginning of the parade only serve to liven up the mood. They say you can use up to 3 undead, but in the end, each undead is evaluated individually. Since the number of jet-black flying undead is limited, it will be difficult to compete until the end. “Right now, those who are not confident in their skills are just trying to take advantage of the excited atmosphere to gain a certain amount of votes.”

After saying that, Fitzgerald raised his glasses.

“This is a complacent action without thinking about the future. “The audience will soon get bored, and it’s only at the beginning of the play that they give out votes like that.”


Simon, who was quietly listening to the story, nodded.

“Just from that explanation, it seems like the best way to take out the undead after an hour is.”

“Most necromancers would do that. But not us.”

Fitzgerald spoke confidently and raised his head.

“Look at the sky. There are no flying undead that are flashy but immediately grab attention. But the card we have is Behemoth. The moment it appears, it attracts all attention around it. The first impact is definitely overwhelming. “It is right to use this card during the most dramatic times.”

Eshu’s eyes sparkled.

“So that’s the ‘last 30 minutes’ of the parade?”

“Yes, that time is the highlight and when various events take place, such as glow-in-the-dark balloons coming up. Yudrey, Bibilon, and Bulgakar, who can be said to be the best candidates to win this Undead Parade, all announced in an official event that they would send out their undead 30 minutes before the end of the parade. The idea is that everyone in the audience will save up their tickets to see their undead, and the highlight will be the last 30 minutes. “Right then.”

Fitzgerald’s glasses sparkled.

“We steal their votes with size and mass.”

“just now.”

Simon and the group who were talking turned their heads.

“I thought I heard my name.”

A stranger was coming this way.

A man wearing a black coat, green tie, and a long neck that looked as if his body had been modified with black magic was laughing heartily.

When I opened my mouth wide and stuck out my tongue, the mouth that protruded from there was speaking.

“It is my name, Eudray.”

Simon turned his head and looked at him.

‘Yudrey, this person is one of the candidates for winning this parade.’

He was a man with a dangerous smell unique to a mad necromancer who was crazy about poison and drugs. He said, giggling.

“Looking at that school uniform, I guess it’s Kizen? If the opponent is Keygen, there is nothing lacking. But I heard something earlier that made me doubt my ears.”

In an instant, his eyes flashed.

“Who is stealing whose votes?”


In an instant, the surrounding streets turned red. Esuga Toto was startled and took a step back at the terrifying sight.

On the other hand, Simone and Fitzgerald were calm. Simon chuckled, putting his hands on his waist.

“Shall I solve it?”


Fitzgerald pushed up his glasses. Before he knew it, a magic circle had spread out behind him.

“It is not for the corps commander to step forward. “I will do it.”


In an instant, the red street disappeared like a window breaking, and people around me began to appear again. Yudrei moved his long neck and looked around. Soon Tongue’s mouth grinned.

“That’s pretty good! “Bahil taught me well.”

“Don’t curse others carelessly.”

Simon tapped my neck and laughed.

“Next time, my head will fly off.”


He slowly rolled his eyes down.

Without realizing it, a black mark like a perforation line had been drawn on my neck.

Curse resistance has been broken through. I don’t even know what kind of curse it is. Yudrei smiled, even though he felt eerie, thinking that Bahil’s disciple deserved it.

“As expected, the famous treacherous corps commander. “Many people are seeking your power.”

“I understand even without advice.”

“It’s okay for me to have an army or not, but you better be careful. Especially that guy-”

Ah. Yudrey smiled bitterly.

“You’re already here.”

The surrounding temperature suddenly dropped.

Simon slowly rolled his eyes and looked back. A pale-looking man dressed in a robe and with what looked like large tear stains under his eyes was looking at Simon.

“…Commander of the Army of Betrayal.”

A voice came out of his mouth.

“I’m glad you came to Pentamonium. “Don’t think the Death Witch will protect you forever.”

Simon tilted his head with a smile.

“Who are you?”


I had the illusion that the blue tear marks under my eyes were moving.

“This is a man who lost a close friend in the Legion of Betrayal incident.”

Eshu, who was watching quietly, said, unable to hold back his anger.

“no! Why did you do that to Simon…!”

“It’s okay, Eshu.”

Simon calmly stopped Eshu and looked at him.

“So, are you going to fight?”

“I wish I could, but I guess I can’t defy the Witch of Death in the middle of the Pentamonium.”

His eyeballs rolled back.

“But I’m interested in ruining your plans. Whatever the reason you came to the Pentamonium and the public-”

His voice turned eerie.

“I will stamp and press it thoroughly.”

“I sincerely apologize for what my corps did in the past. but.”

Simon raised his eyes and spoke confidently.

“That is that and this is this. “I will win.”

The gazes of the two people crossed fiercely.

Soon Bulgakar turned his back.

“I’m looking forward to it.”

Bulgkar slowly disappeared, leading the cold air, and Yudrei, the long-necked one, also chuckled and walked away.

As the two people stepped back, the suffocating feeling disappeared, and Eshu, who was behind them, let out the breath he had been holding.

“I thought my heart was going to explode.”

After saying that, she raised her head.

“How can you be like this while fighting an active necromancer? “I heard that prayer is really powerful.”

Although they were the same age, Eshu was keenly aware of the difference in experience as a corps commander at times like this.

Simon answered, looking back at her.

“You have to accept the fight. Now that things are like this, I need to win more clearly.”

“Simon, there are still eyes watching.”

Fitzgerald said, holding on to the frames of his glasses. This place is full of necromancers. The eyes in the darkness that had come to look at the treacherous commander were flashing.

“Not while Lorraine was with us. While I went to buy some snacks, something like this happened…”

“That’s right. “Cowards!”

At that time, the eyes that had been watching in the dark suddenly began to look away or disappear one by one.

I wondered why he ran away like that.


At that moment, Lorraine, who had brought bread in a bag from a nearby street vendor, was approaching with her black hair flowing. Simon laughed as he saw the necromancers around him disappearing as soon as Nephthys’ daughter appeared.


Lorraine blinked.

“what’s the matter? Simon. “Is there something on my face?”

“never mind.”

“Lorraine Niim! Strange people keep arguing!”

Eshu immediately clung to Lorraine’s body and whined. Lorraine comforted me with a smile.

“Don’t worry about the tramps. “You just have to show it with your skills.”

Lorraine admonished in an adult manner and then turned to Simon.

“Looking at the atmosphere, it looks like a fierce fight between summons could break out. Are you fine?”

Simon smiled, showing his teeth.

“Of course it’s okay. “It may be a weight class that is impossible to fight in.”

* * *

-The undead parade is reaching its end with cheers and joy! There are now 30 minutes left!

On the Mana screens spread throughout the city, the festival host was announcing the remaining time with a bright smile on his face.

-It will get even more intense in the next 5 minutes, right? I’m looking forward to it!

In front of the undead exhibition hall.

This was currently the most crowded place in the Pentamonium as people who had seen the exhibition left.

Since the visitors at the exhibition had never used a cast wand yet, there were many necromancers crowding around trying to get their votes.

Everyone knows that this place is a famous place. However, if you have mediocre skills, it would be better to go somewhere else. That’s how much this place was filled with all kinds of powerful people.


“Lord Bulgakar!”

“Look here!”

Bulgakar, one of the strong candidates for the undead parade, was standing in the middle of the street.

Just his appearance had people surrounding him, taking pictures with magical shooting devices or waving cast wands to cheer him on.



Unrivaled recognition. At this level, it seemed natural that people’s attention and votes would be focused even if Bulgkar brought out just one ordinary zombie.

Bulgakar closed his eyes.

‘It took two years to produce, but it was completed.’

I was confident that I would receive high praise from the judges. Because his undead were functionally the best.

However, in order to completely win first place, one cannot neglect popularity with the public. He held a loudspeaker crystal ball in one hand.

“…Thank you for gathering. “I’ll show you an undead Garuda made from Gritten Frame.”

The crowd on the street applauded and cheered and looked full of anticipation. Finally, Bulgkar checks the time on his watch one more time and opens subspace.

-I will win.

For a moment, Simon’s face and voice glimmered. Bulgkar exhaled and spoke.

“Before we begin, let me express my belief: I think this society and the Dark Alliance should be on high alert. I value unchanging values. No matter what happens, the sin of betrayal is-”

His voice rose.

“This should not be tolerated.”


People watching around tilted their heads or had question marks on their faces. Most people couldn’t understand what was being said because it was somewhat random and out of context, but some people were nodding their heads in agreement.

Great love!


A clock chimes, indicating that there are 30 minutes left in the parade. Competitors began to open subspace, and Bulgakar also moved.

“Then I will go.”

He spread out the magic circles he had prepared in advance and used ‘Graveyard’. A tombstone rose from the floor, and the surrounding magic circles stuck to the tombstone one after another.

Soon, red flames flew up in a straight line above the tombstone. As it reached the sky, it spread out four pairs of huge wings.

The eyes of those watching widened.

“Undead Garuda!”

“It was real!”

“Isn’t this the first time it’s been implemented as undead?”

The initial flame disappeared, but the jet black of Garuda formed ten spheres and spun around. Black magic created by condensing flame and gravity. It was a special move that only Garuda could use.

The audience all raised their memorial crystal balls and cast wands with excited faces.


Bulgkar was confident in his summons. I am happily watching the blue light gather on Garuda.


A loud cheer was heard from behind.

When I did something, I saw a long snake-shaped undead in the sky coming towards me, leading the clouds.

Bulgkar frowned.

‘Yudrei’s summoned beast! ‘Are you trying to get my vote!’

It seems that his competitor, Yudray, also brought out his most confident undead here. But I couldn’t lose.

The time is evening. High above the city, an Observer artifact was shining a light. Garuda flew to the place with the best lighting.

When people saw that, they pointed to the sky.

“Look at the Garuda over there!”

“Do you think you’re up to something?”

The Undead Garuda increased its heat even more and continued to create jet-black balls around it.

‘ruler! Everyone, open your eyes wide and watch!’

The secret technique is ready. The moment when Bulgakar was about to give an order to Garuda.


Suddenly, the surroundings became dark, as if a candle had been extinguished by the night wind.

A huge shadow covered Garuda and the snake undead. The lighting in the sky was obscured, and the surroundings suddenly became dark.

The mouths of those who raised their heads opened.

“What is that


Coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo!

It was truly overwhelming.

It was a huge flying whale that appeared, burying the presence of Garuda and all the flying undead nearby.


The audience was completely mesmerized by the cries it made. Everyone felt a shiver run through their bodies.


It’s huge.

Such fragmentary impressions come in, and something bigger than that comes into sight.

The huge body, the remaining sharp teeth and horns, the massive jet-black core, and even the emerald-colored something visible inside. Even though this is my first time seeing undead, I am simply overwhelmed by its scale and size.


The audience cheers from all directions, and the sound of the magic shooting device being activated can be heard.

“What is that? “Is it like a nether whale?”

“I don’t know! But it’s amazing!”

Questions about its identity poured in from the audience. Opinions were divided even among necromancers who valued function and performance.

‘This is a big deal! People…!’

Bulgkar felt that things were going strangely. All the people around were looking at that huge whale.

Something has to be done.

At that time, Bulgkar was holding his hair and thinking.

-ruler! The surprise event starts now!

The voice of the festival emcee rang out.

With 30 minutes remaining, glow-in-the-dark balloons that were clearly visible even at night popped into the air in various parts of the city. The number was over hundreds.

-It’s time to show off the power and speed of the flying undead! The flying undead who pops the most balloons will have all the spotlight in the city on them until the parade ends!

Bulgkar suddenly came to his senses after hearing those words.

‘This is an opportunity!’

Bulgakar immediately ordered Garuda to attack the glow-in-the-dark balloon.

Garuda’s jet-black ball had the overwhelming advantage of being able to attack multiple targets at the same time.

‘You can win with this! It must be hard for an undead that big to pop even a balloon!’

Not only Bulgkar but other necromancers were rushing their undead towards the nearest balloon.

The moment when Garuda’s jet-black ball moves forward to burst the balloon in front.


Suddenly, an emerald line was drawn in the air and the balloon burst.


Bulgkar’s eyes widened. The other necromancers also opened their mouths.


“It didn’t even look right!”

Pow! pop!


Not only Garuda, but also other undead who were running towards the nearby balloons were all having their balloons taken away before their eyes. All the balloons around here were bursting.

‘Undead that fast! ‘Who’s controlling it?’

Bulgkar quickly turned his head.



It wasn’t just one or two. Like a spectacular space show, countless emerald flashes were decorating the night sky.

It whipped around all around and burst all the balloons in the air.

At that moment when everyone in the city focuses their attention.



The unidentified emerald flashes that swept the sky suddenly turned their heads and headed in one direction.

Their destination was the Behemoth, floating still as if reigning in the air.

‘That bastard! no way!’

Bulgkar’s expression froze.

On the Mana screen, the ranking of balloon pops was being tallied in real time.

[8th place Pirone – 14 items.]

[7th place Landros Kiromon – 15 items.]


[1st place Simon Pollentia – 124 items.]


Pot! Pot!

Surprisingly, the number of balloons exploded by numerous emerald flashes was converted into those caught by ‘a single undead’.

All lights, including the spotlight at the top of the glass tower, were focused on Simon’s Behemoth battleship.


What is that? Did that whale launch it?

It’s fast!

Noisy cheers shook the city.

Following its overwhelming size, it was the pinnacle of splendor and precision. Everyone around was looking at Simon’s Behemoth.

‘Watch it, Sasha.’

Top of the battleship.

Simon, who was riding on Behemoth’s head in the cool night breeze, grinned and waved his arms.

‘You’ll probably see it everywhere.’

Once again, the emerald flash of light fired from the Behemoth battleship spread out in all directions and brightly illuminated the entire city.

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