Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 193: Uchiha Clan...

Chapter 193: Uchiha Clan...

Title: Uchiha Clan..


-General POV-

Itachi looks at Heisenberg, he can't help but be a little intimidated by him. There are no public files on him so that means that Heisenberg is most likely not his real name. 

'But one thing is for sure he has most likely killed so many people that the whole Uchiha Clan wouldn't even make that much of a difference on his body count.' Analyses Itachi as he looks at the man in front of him.

"In case that Shisui's plan doesn't work I think that poisoning is the best idea. Of course we will save your brother as long as you agree to take the blame." Says Heisenberg, his body language is absolutely cold, not expressing anything.

And he is terrifyingly smart, there are rumours of him killing people with poisons and chemical weapons.

How Yami can have someone like him under his thumb, just shows to the people who know of Heisenberg's existence, that Yami is a strong Hokage. He doesn't allow any of his subordinates to stray away, like the 3rd Hokage did.

At least that is in Itachi's view, the 3rd Hokage (Hiruzen) has approached him to join some type of secret organisation. But he obviously refused, Yami isn't someone you wanna cause trouble for.

His Clan is already so close to being exterminated and he doesn't want to take the risk of angering Yami. Because he knows that Yami will exterminate the Uchiha Clan if even one of them steps out of line look at what happened with Danzo and the Shimura Clan.



Just like this two months pass, and during this time Shisui is getting ready to use his Kotoamatsukami, and gathering his chakra, after all to put such a huge number of ninja under the effect of a Mangekyo ability isn't that easy. 

So today Shisui has been called by Heisenberg to meet up with him. So that is where he is going, to the meeting place outside of Konoha. As Shisui is walking at the meeting place, he notices that there are a lot of ninja hiding around him.

'Heisenberg isn't stupid enough to assassinate me. That could spell civil war within Konoha... he KNOWS we can't have that.' Contemplates Shisui, but still he gets ready just in case Heisenberg does something.

After all, Konoha is in a tense situation, really the only thing stopping the Uchiha from attacking is the Hokage Yami Inuzuka some of the Uchiha clan members are absolutely terrified of him, so they are thinking if they should really go with the Coup. Most of the elders are against it, but a dozen reckless people and everything is over.

As he gets closer to the meeting destination, the more nervous Shisui feels nervous. He knows that people who know of his Mangekyo's ability, look at him differently but he still hopes that doesn't cloud Heisenberg's judgement.


He finally arrives at the old shrine on the side of the Hokage mountain. There was no one there until suddenly out of the shadows comes Heisenberg, with his signature sunglasses and fedora hat. He is also wearing civilian clothes like usual.




Before Shisui could even say anything Heisenberg rushed towards him. He was about to react when


He felt an electrical current behind his back


-Yami POV-

I am currently in the trees as I see my shadow clone go behind Shisui and knock him out. Pretty easily, but I still had to be careful because of Kotoamatsukami.

After that, I have my clone pull out both of Shisui's eyes as I get closer, doing dozens of checks  to make sure I am not under a Genjutsu.

As I get close my clone named 'Heisenberg' dispels himself. I will make another one soon. I do need someone to take the blame for bad things happening, in a way I need a scapegoat that won't resist or anything like that. And THAT is who Heisenberg is my little pet Danzo, who actually listens to me.

Anyway I modify Shisui's memory, making it seem like Heisenberg only took one of his eyes and he was able to escape Heisenberg and his Anbu. 

Pretty much making it like it was in the canon timeline, but instead of the dead Danzo, I make it Heisenberg. This way I can predict his actions and I also take some of his blood. To make me some Kotoamatsukami Clones hehehehehe


-General POV-

One week later this night the moon is red. Mikoto is there with her husband, Sasuke is at the Academy so she should find relief in that. She and her husband know what is going to happen more specifically they know what is already happening.

As she thinks of this, she can't help but cry at this. "Why why is this happening to us."

Fugaku on the other hand is calm. He looks at his wife with a pitiful look on his eyes. "We no I took a gamble and it seems like it didn't work. But who would have thought that Yami would do something like this put our own child against us."

Even more tears swell in Mikoto's eyes. Fugaku sees this, he can't help but sigh inside of his heart. "Mikoto, we will need to be strong in front of Itachi. We don't want us being in despair, the last image Itachi sees of us."

Mikoto takes a deep breath and uses her ninja training to stop herself from crying. 'Yami was what we had nothing important to you. I guess it was just me then, waiting for you to come and save me. I guess I was just your plaything then wasn't I How could I be so stupid and naive!'


On the other hand, Yami is in his house. Tonight they are having a celebration, everyone of his family is there from his mother, Kiba , Hana, Tsume, Yoruichi, Shiori and his last child with Shiori Nari Inuzuka. He is the same age as Kiba. Nari has straight black hair and blue eyes, he also looks very girly which is weird, but whatever. 

Kiba is running around with his puppy, Akamaru. Nari on the other hand is reading a medical book. He wants to be a medical ninja just like his father Yami.


-Yami POV-

I drink a little sweet orange juice with my kids. The Uchiha massacre is at the back of my mind. I have clones all over that place, so it isn't a problem if the Massacre will succeed or not. Obito also made contact with Itachi so Itachi will be my spy against the Akatsuki.

I really don't respect Itachi at all. The guy who betrayed his family, someone like that is beyond trash to me. Hmm.. I really am hypocritical. But if someone asked me to kill my family in my first world, the first thing I am doing to that guy is r*peing his daughter, wife, mother and sister in front of him. Then I would brutally torture them all in front of him but that wouldn't be the end, as I would dig into his balls with a rusty spoon. 

But I guess Itachi didn't really love his family as much as he thinks. He loves a village who shuns him, more than his family what a dumbass no wonder people use him as a tool. Because he IS one. 

I just take another sip out of my orange juice. 

Then again, I am glad that not a lot of people are like me or I would have to kill them. So in the end I am thankful to Itachi for sacrificing his family so I can feel safe.

I take another sip of my orange juice.

This is some good juice...



We see that the MC doesn't respect Itachi at all. He thinks that someone killing his family is trash. But really he just sees a lot of himself in Itachi, with a little brother who is not as good as him. But as expected of Yami he is as hypocritical as they come.?

P.S: In the last part it was during the time the Uchiha Clan was getting massacred and I wanted to show you how Yami is feeling towards it he is drinking orange juice.?

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pa /HolyJoker

(23 chapters in advance)


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