My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 190: Integrity

Chapter 190: Integrity

Although, he wanted to share this good news with everyone else, he didn't do it now as it would be overwhelming and he had to focus on safely bringing back Lucas first.

So, for the first time, he didn't even share this truth with David.

Chance somehow found a way to contact Giuseppe. 

Lucas was shocked when Chance contacted him but he was glad as he knew only Chance was capable enough to get him out of this place.

Then they made a plan to take down the Berlusconi gang but unknown to them they came across this new problem.

Marco, Flavio's right-hand bodyguard, got to know Chance is digging about them so he warned Flavio about it ruining Chance and Lucas' plan.

Flavio decided to kidnap the three women to trap Chance.

This decision was made immediately and therefore, Lucas did not get an opportunity to warn Chance about it.

Chance got worried when the girls got kidnapped and he assumed Lucas' truth was out and he is indeed going to die today.

During their flight journey, Chance requested David to have a word with him, privately.

That's when Chance told David about Lucas being alive, surprising him.

David got upset to know Chance didn't trust him with something so huge but this was not the time for such discussion, so he controlled himself.

Later, when Chance saw Lucas was safe and Flavio kept referring him as his elder brother, he sighed in relief, knowing their truth was not yet out.

Here, in the car, Jack kept crying as he feared losing Chance.

David too was worried about it as Chance informed him that there is a possibility of Lucas being caught and he too losing his life tonight.

David couldn't keep quiet, so as soon as they saw the women come out safely, David asked Abigail to take care of the three women and asked her to be ready at the wheel.

Mia was about to tell him that Lucas was alive but before she could say anything, David told her he knows and asked them to stay here as it is not the right time to talk.

He then asked Jack and Isaac to just keep an eye on the surroundings and he went inside with his gun but just then he saw a man threaten Chance and Lucas.

David swore in his life that he will never kill a human being but in that moment, he didn't care about anything else, not giving a damn about his integrity, he shot the man right in his head, killing him on the spot.

Chance, David and Lucas completed their story.

During this narration, Chance didn't mention Samantha and neither did he tell them that she is an assassin too.

Her truth was irrelevant here, so he didn't bother sharing it.

Seeing through Chance's intentions, other men too decided to do the same.

Lucas still had no idea about Samantha as Chance and he had only important conversations.

"Are you an assassin too?" Carol asked Isaac to which he shook his head saying no. She sighed in relief, "I don't want to date a murderer. I am glad you didn't kill anyone"

"Awe, isn't my baby sister so cute" Lucas proudly smiled and excitedly asked them, "Now, tell me, when and how did you two started dating?"

"That can wait" Abigail scolded Lucas, "How can you kill people? Don't you know it is illegal?" 

"It was our job" Chance said.

"I am a cop Chance; it is my duty to"

"Oh good! you reminded me you are a cop" Lucas cheekily laughed and took out a pen drive from his pocket, "Abi, this drive has all the information on the Berlusconi gang. Please, coordinate with your cops and end them legally"

"What the fuck, Lucas! How did you"

"Through a lot of hard work"

"Abi, Chance and Lucas will quit being an assassin, can you please let go of it and keep your work ethics aside for them?" Jack requested his fiance.

"No Jack, I can't" Abigail declared.

"Okay guys, you have my permission, you can kill her" Jack seriously looked at Chance and Lucas.

"Jack" Abigail glared at him in shock but the next moment everyone laughed.

"He is kidding, Abi. You anyway can't arrest us" Chance informed her.

"Why not?"

"My assassin organization was dissolved few months ago, as all these friends of mine made me quit it. Also, you have no proof against us" Chance told her.

"Also, because you love us" Lucas winked at her.

"Ahhhhhh, this is so frustrating. For these men, I am actually going against my integrity" Abigail cried in frustration as she indeed loves them so much that she can never put them behind the bars.

"What is that shining on your finger?" Lucas held Abigail's hand and saw the diamond ring.

"You two got married, already?" He asked the couple.

"No, we are getting married next month" Jack informed them.

Lucas sighed in relief knowing so.

"I missed David and Mia's wedding, right?" Lucas pouted sadly.

"You deserve it" David taunted him.

"Hey, I'll be giving an amazing gift to Jack and Abigail. You missed that opportunity" Lucas teased him back.

"Fuck you and fuck your gift" David was still in a bad mood.

"Dave, the reason I didn't share about all of this was because initially you were busy with your marriage preparations and then I got scared wondering what if Lucas would not make it alive. I didn't wish for you all to go through that pain again" Chance explained.

"Yeah, the situation was dangerous, David" Lucas too tried to pacify him.

"I HATE YOU TWO" David shouted at them.

"Dave, please I am sorry" Chance begged him.

"I don't think Chance ever had to pacify Samantha this way" Isaac made fun of Chance and David's situation.

"Who is Samantha?" Lucas looked at them.

"Chance's fiance"

"What the fuck! You are engaged?" Lucas looked shocked as their group's Casanova is engaged too.

"I have to meet this woman" Lucas requested Chance, who promised him that during Jack and Abi's wedding he will introduce him to her as she will attend that weekend wedding.

"Why can't you introduce her to me right away?" Lucas asked him.

"She is in college and has a busy schedule"

"Woahhhh paedophile. You are almost thirty and you are dating a college girl, shameless" Lucas laughed scolding him.

"She is twenty-eight. She is doing masters in MIT" Chance explained.

"Interesting" Lucas nodded his head.

"I'll tell you everything later" Chance planned to inform Lucas of Samantha's truth.

"Are you really over him?" Lucas shamelessly asked his sister, in front of everyone.

Carol, who looked lost in some thoughts got startled by her brother's sudden question but confirmed it, "Yes brother, I love Isaac"

"Ahhh, I always wanted a rich brother-in-law" He looked at Isaac and said, "Since, I gave you my sister, you need to pamper me with expensive gifts"

Isaac laughed and accepted his condition.

"Due to my sadness, I completely forgot how shameless Lucas is" Mia taunted him.

Lucas then noticed Carol, was still a bit disturbed, "Ol, what happened?" 

Carol deeply sighed and said, "I almost dated your murderer. How can I be so dumb?" she shared her concern.

"You are not dumb. It was not your fault" Jack consoled her.

Carol turned to Chance and thanked him, "Thanks for dragging Isaac into all this."

"Chill, don't be so formal" Chance patted her head.

"Chance, do you regret killing, Edwin?" Abigail asked him.

As Lucas was alive, killing Edwin was therefore a waste, is what she believed.

"No, I don't" Chance firmly declared and explained, "See, me and Lucas were secretly working together for the last few months but as soon as Flavio got to know, I am planning to kill him, within twenty-four hours, he kidnapped you three to trap me. If I wouldn't have killed Edwin, then to win Flavio's favour, he would have blurted out the truth to him and what happened today, would have happened months ago. But today, we were prepared. At that time, we wouldn't have been prepared and definitely one of us would have lost their life."

Chance explained why killing Edwin was the right thing in spite of Lucas being alive.

Everyone agreed with his reasoning.

Then whatever questions the women had the men cleared.

Chance warned the three women to never reveal his identity in front of Samantha, as she is not aware that he is an assassin.

The three women scolded him for deceiving a nice woman, but Chance was unaffected as he believed Samantha too was deceiving him by hiding her identity.

The eight people landed in New York after ten hours. They all went back to their homes.

Chance updated Bill of everything that happened, as the old man was anxiously waiting for his arrival.

Later, Chance informed Lucas of his love story with Danger-Ace, who was happily surprised knowing everything that happened and was happy for Chance.

During the next few weeks Abigail legally took down the Berlusconi gang amidst her wedding preparation.

During Jack and Abigail's wedding, Chance introduced Samantha to Lucas.

She was shocked seeing this man being alive but she didn't regret Grim Reaper killing Edwin as she was over his death.

The next two years passed away rather quickly and Samantha completed her Masters.


Author's Important Note (Please Read):

Dear all this novel would be ending on August 31st for last privilege tier and I'll be giving a mass release that day, for others it will end in September, so please think before you purchase privilege subscription next month.

Also, if you would like please check out my other two books:

1)    Sister, Back-off from MY MAN (It is my new book, ongoing): It is a dramatic love story, mixed with some revenge drama and siblings' rivalry.

2)    The Doctor and The CEO (This book too will be completed soon): It is a simple love story with multiple stories of other couples, no misunderstandings, no dragging and a feel-good love story.

I'll be grateful if you can try these two books and show them as much love as you have shown to my book 'My Wife is a Secret Assassin'

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