My System: An Evolved Computer I Made With My Unique Ability—

Chapter 406 Representative Face-Off

The gigantic outline of the Quasar Lightning Snake was threatening enough even when viewed from the foot of the mountain. Coming face to face with the monstrosity was indescribable to Satoshi. There were plenty of chances for her to get out of the mountain and just back down from the upcoming head-on match against the Quasar Lightning Snake. However, it's not every day that Satoshi got to meet a Representative, that's why he didn't hesitate at all.

An intense thunderstorm surrounded the mouth of the volcano, giving it an even hellish picturesque. No one who stood here and saw the thunderstorm got to come out alive, thanks to the Quasar Lightning Snake's good eyesight and an exceptional sense of smell.

Even with all these cards stacked against him, Satoshi didn't back down at all. The dimensional portal that Ghast had set up was still behind him. There were plenty of chances for him to go back, but not once did he turn around.

Bolts of lightning poured forth from the dark gigantic cloud, hitting the mouth of the volcano and disturbing the lake of lava that almost overflowed from its mouth. Scorching heat could be felt even from a distance, and yet Satoshi moved forward. Thanks to his familiar, Droplet, Satoshi didn't have to worry about burning to death, or drying up and withering away. He was well hydrated, and the heat didn't bother him the least bit at all.

A sinister aura filled the air, coupled with the appearance of the Quasar Lightning Snake's body sections. It was twisting around the cloud which provided him with ample cover from Satoshi's sight. It was obvious that Quasar Lightning Snake had taken interest in Satoshi, that's why it didn't drive him away.

Satoshi had also taken an interest in the Quasar Lightning Snake. The two of them had taken an interest in one another, and they could feel it in their bones. Even though Quasar Lightning Snake could easily get rid of Satoshi, somehow it felt a little different when it came to Satoshi.

What Satoshi didn't know was that the Quasar Lightning Snake had a strong instinct, and its instinct was telling him to take it easy since he was a powerful beast tamer. Of course, Satoshi had no idea about this since he couldn't feel it to himself.

The sky darkened, and when Satoshi glanced up, a huge shadow had covered the sky. It wasn't as noticeable to summon if they were located by the mouth of the volcano, but Satoshi immediately felt the heaviness in the air. The huge shadow belonged to none other than the Quasar Lightning Snake, and Satoshi couldn't help but roll forward to avoid the shadow. It would have been easy for the Quasar Lightning Snake to stop flying, flattening itself on the ground and burying anything on it with its body.

This was the reason why Satoshi had to roll forward and get out of the way. Nothing was stoping the Quasar Lightning Snake from letting gravity take over its body and slamming its body on the side of the volcano.

Upon dodging, Satoshi didn't have that much of a choice but to integrate with one of his tamed beasts. Since he had no idea how strong the Quasar Lightning Snake was, he didn't think twice about integrating with Amy. That way, he'd be able to copy how powerful the Quasar Lightning Snake was before it even attacked. This would also provide him with a better way of counterattacking before everything went out of hand.

Satoshi didn't show it that much but he was scared. The Quasar Lightning Snake was larger than he had thought, and no one was stopping it from becoming ruthless. It's a Representative, after all, and there's just one of him who was trying to stand against the gigantic snake.

A muffled growl was heard from the sky as Satoshi stopped in mid-air. For the umpteenth time at that point, the Quasar Lightning Snake had disappeared from view, hiding in the thick cumulonimbus cloud like a coward trying to make the first move. Deep inside, Satoshi felt the urge of screaming at the mad snake, but he figured that doing so would probably just rile it up and so he decided against it.

At the moment, the Quasar Lightning Snake was giving him mercy. He didn't want to overextend and challenge that mercy by throwing insults at the powerful being. There were plenty of opportunities to do so, but Satoshi's instincts told him otherwise.

All these years of fighting those stronger than he had honed his instincts to the point where he could sense danger. Right now, his instincts told him that he shouldn't do anything to the Quasar Lightning Snake. In fact, his instincts were screaming at his mind to get out of there and turn the other way. But how could Satoshi do that when the fate of Emma's home planet was in his hand.

Even when his instincts decided against it, there was no way he could back down from this challenge. After all, if the Quasar Lightning Snake was left unattended, history would repeat itself and Emma's home planet would undergo another end-of-the-world scenario.

It had already taken Satoshi many sleepless nights just to return this world back to normal (with the help of Emma and Shiroi as well) and now that the final obstacle from peace was right in front of him, he was going to back down? Satoshi wasn't letting that happen.

He had already steeled his resolve to defeat the Quasar Lightning Snake no matter what, and he was going to follow through with it even if it meant getting seriously injured.

After calming down his mind a couple more times. Satoshi slowly formulated a plan to take down the wild beast. At teh end of the day, the Quasar Lightning Snake is just a tamed beast, nothing more, nothing less. It may be a Representative, but Satoshi had faced his fair share of Representatives in the past. This would just be another win on his belt...

... or maybe this was his last conquest, and he'll gloriously lose in front of the majestic beast. Satoshi shook his head. There was no point in thinking about such negativity. He had already gotten this far, and two days from now, the new semester of school starts.

"I shouldn't think about any of that... otherwise I might trigger my death flag and die," Satoshi said to himself, shaking his head as he stod by the edge of the volcano's mouth. At this point, he had already come up with an ingenious plan to trap the Quasar Lightning Snake and force it to surrender. It was a crazy idea, but Satoshi was more or less inclined to think that it would work.

If it didn't, then there's nothing else left to do but get out of there and do a tactical retreat. On the off-chance that happens, Satoshi was well aware that Emma's home planet would reach the point where no one would be able to save it. He was certain of it.

After much preparation and a lot of instances were Satoshi was going in circles, he finally settled by the edge of the volcano's mouth, overlooking the beach at the foot of the volcano. From afar, the expansive blue ocean could be seen, and Satoshi didn't stir as he stared at the view while focusing on the midday sun that sat still in the sun.

One moment, the sky was clear, the next moment, a thunderous clap was heard, and the Quasar Lightning Snake had finally appeared in front of Satoshi. It was white, pristine white, and its scales seemed to sparkle and shine at the sunlight that it was bathed in. It had clear red eyes, and a red gem was on its head as if resembling a third eye.

The Quasar Lightning Snake hissed, and Satoshi remained unmoving as he stared back. This was a staredown, obviously, and Satoshi didn't want to break his eye contact at all cost since that would be the decisive moment. Once the Quasar Lightning Snake did the slightest of movements, Satoshi decided to strike in that instant.

And that one strike would be the difference between life and death. If the Quasar Lightning Snake gave him mercy, or maybe it acted not as aggressive, then he would win.

But if not, then a full-blown fight would ensue, and Satoshi feared for the people living in this world. Of course, with the amount of Representatives he currently has in his arsenal, there was no way he was at a disadvantage against the Quasar Lightning Snake.

However, the more he thought about it, the more it made sense that he had all the right to be nervous. No one could defeat this beast. Not even the best fighters nor beast tamers could defeat it.


Letting out a snarl, the Quasar Lightning Snake formed a powerful beam on its mouth, aiming it at Satoshi. Seeing the massive preparation for the attack, Satoshi got back to his senses and went with his plan. This was the moment he was waiting for.

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