My System: An Evolved Computer I Made With My Unique Ability—

Chapter 371 Pillar Of Flame!

The faint rustling of the trees and the wake-up call of the birds frolicking in the yard was what greeted everyone's morning. The barbecue night was a success, and most of them who attended opted to accept the invitation of sleeping over. It was late at night anyways, and Satoshi's grandparents were more than willing to lend the unoccupied rooms to everyone.

Of course, Satoshi was forced to share a room with Hiroshi, Midori, Shoyo, and Yun Zhe. And to top it all off, they all had to share one large futon.

The girls had it better though. Since there were a lot of them, Satoshi's grandparents kindly gave them two rooms, and they shared them amongst themselves.

Satoshi's eyes fluttered open as the first sunrays shone through his window. Up until now, his room still felt a little different since he wasn't used to staying in here. It'd been two weeks or so, but the atmosphere of the room still didn't belong to him, and that's why he felt weird.

Adding to that, there were three other people with him. One of them, Shoyo, has his leg on top of Satoshi's stomach, and Hiroshi and Midori were both clinging to Satoshi as if their lives depended on it. In other words, they were squeezing him tightly.

That didn't bother Satoshi though, what bothered him was the drool that was on the corner of Midori's lips, and it was bound to fall on his shoulders any second now.

Then there was Yun Zhe, having a peaceful time by the corner of the room, his face planted by the corner where the walls and floor met.

"What a nice way to start the morning." There was sarcasm in Satoshi's voice as he spoke, and he shook his head as he tried to struggle from their grip. They were gorilla-level strong when it comes to their cuddles though, and that's why Satoshi had no choice but to go with a rather unorthodox way of freeing himself.

Summoning his familiar, Ghast, which specializes in dimensional portal creation, Satoshi didn't think twice about integrating with him and then teleporting out of there. He did so in a split second, and with such refine control that he didn't even touch both Hiroshi or Midori.

Satoshi heaved a sigh of relief. For a moment back there, he thought that he'd teleport a potion of Midori and Hiroshi's body... and it wouldn't have ended well if that were to happen. It would be a bloodbath, and everyone would be screaming and panicking.

After observing Hiroshi and Midori scoot closer to each other to hug themselves instead, Satoshi tiptoed towards the windows and opened them, letting in the fresh morning breeze as it blew on his hair. He smiled a satisfied smile as he watched the scenery in the distance. There were two mountains on the horizon, and the sun was peeking from its valleys.

Satoshi grabbed a phone from his pocket, taking a picture of the scenery... not really. The reason why he grabbed his phone was to take the embarrassing picture of Hiroshi and Midori who were hugging each other as if they were lovers. It took all of his being to suppress his laughter as he pressed the shutter.


A flash of light shone on Hiroshi and Midori. Apparently, the flash was on, and it woke them up in an instant. It took Satoshi a mere split second to realize that he messed up. He quickly pocketed his phone before Hiroshi and Midori realized what was going on.

"Um, good morning, you guys." Satoshi awkwardly said as Midori and Hiroshi opened their eyes and looked at each other.

At first, they were still half-asleep so they didn't realize what was going on. But seeing themselves hugging each other made them wake up in a snap of a finger, and they instantly let go of each other, even pushing each other as they scampered back to their feet.

They then realized what the flash of light meant, and their gazes fell on Satoshi who was guiltily averting his gaze from them. His lips turned into a snout as he tried to whistle his way out of the situation. Only empty air came out of his mouth.

"Satoshi, it's not every day I ask you for a favor... but this time I'm going to have to ask you for a favor... by force!" Hiroshi called out, grabbing Satoshi by the collar and pushing him out the window.

Since Hiroshi was a little bit enraged, Satoshi allowed him the push, and the two of them rolled on the ground. He could've easily dodged the surprise attack easily since he was currently integrated with Ghast, but he chose not to since he assumed that that little gesture would appease Hiroshi even if it was just a little bit.

"Come on now, can't we talk this out?" Satoshi held his hand in the air as he tried to reenact a criminal in front of the authorities. However, he couldn't hide the smile on his face after remembering the absurdity of how the two of them hugged each other.

"No, we can't. Negotiations are out of the window after that camera flash, Satoshi." When Midori hopped out the window, he was already twice his size, and his muscles bulged out of his shirt. There was a glint of anger in his eyes, and bloodthirst emanated from his body, seeping out of it like smoke from a chimney.

"Hiroshi, let's work together. We might not stand a chance against Satoshi alone, but right now, there are two of us and only one of him. There's no way he'll defeat us." Midori muttered to Hiroshi, to which Hiroshi responded with a nod.

Hiroshi licked his lips as he put his palms on the ground. "I've been waiting for this moment, Satoshi. This is a special move I concocted when you severely defeated me during that first day of school. I perfected this move with the aim of defeating you one day. And that day is today!"

With a grunt, Hiroshi pressed his arms deeper into the ground. The ground gave way to his hands, and lava started rising up from it.

Underneath Satoshi's feet, the ground started cracking, and he felt a tremor that shook his body violently.

Even with the obvious danger in front of him, Satoshi didn't move an inch. He stood still, like a scarecrow in a field, waiting for Hiroshi to unleash his special move. While he felt alarmed that Hiroshi was about to unleash such a powerful move, a part of him wanted to see it through, hence he didn't budge an inch.

"Feel my wrath! Hellfire!" Hiroshi screamed.

In an instant, the ground gave way and lava burst out of the ground. It's as if Hiroshi just created a makeshift volcano in someone else's yard.

"What on actual— oi, Hiroshi, you do know that Satoshi still has to fight in the Official Beast Tournament right?" Midori called out, but his expression said the opposite. He was actually celebrating deep within as he imagined Satoshi getting defeated by Hiroshi.

As the ground gave way and molten rocks poured out of the hole, the lava continued rising upward converging a couple of stories above and trapping Satoshi in the middle of it. Hiroshi let out bouts of laughter as he celebrated his foreseeable victory. "How do you like me now, Satoshi?" He exclaimed, cackling.

"Now burn!" Midori also joined in on Hiroshi's laughter as they watched the pillar of flame in front of them. They still assumed that Satoshi was in the middle of the pillar, and they continued laughing at the thought.

At this point, the intense heat was felt all over the house, waking everyone up including the two sleepyheads in Satoshi's room, Shoyo, and Yun Zhe. Half asleep, everyone in the house decided to walk out to the front porch to see what was going on.

The heat was certainly unnatural, but it didn't alarm anyone at all since Midoriyama Grado (Satoshi's grandfather), for one, has the element of water and he could easily get rid of the fire. There's also Midoriyama Tatsuki (Satoshi's father) who's got a couple of water-type superpowers in his arsenal.

When all of them came out, they expected pandemonium, but what they saw was something oddly different. While it didn't surprise them at all that two teenagers were laughing wildly in front of a pillar of fire, they considered contacting the mental institute for Hiroshi and Midori.

"Oh, Satoshi, I didn't notice you there. What are they doing?" Tatsuki flinched when he saw his son standing beside him.

"They're probably offering a sacrifice or something. I have no idea." Satoshi shrugged.

What Hiroshi and Midori didn't know was that the moment lava started coming out of the ground, Satoshi had already teleported himself out of harm's way, and he had been safely lounging by the front porch, watching the two of them and their idiocy.


Suddenly, a huge wave of water crashed onto the pillar of flame, extinguishing it in an instant. "What are you two doing this early in the morning?" The familiar voice of a girl asked as she stood by the front gate.

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