My System: An Evolved Computer I Made With My Unique Ability—

Chapter 346 Black Tornado Of Death

While the challenge only came out of Satoshi's mouth by accident, Black Fog took it as an insult and was severely offended by it. Up until recently, he's never heard the name of the kid. And he underestimated him, thinking that there was no chance of him winning against his superb beast taming skill.

Turns out, he couldn't hold a candle against him. Satoshi's minimal power was far superior to his, and there was no denying that fact.

Regardless, he took Satoshi's challenge as an offense against him. In front of so many people, Satoshi was making fun of him despite it not being his intention at all. Gritting his teeth, Black Fog decided to hit Satoshi with everything he's got.

Grunting, Black Fog grabbed the photon greatsword from his back and equipped it on his hand. He didn't simply wield it, he attached it to his arm so it won't fly off if he let go of it. Since he was a full mechanoid at the moment, it wasn't hard for him to affix the photon greatsword to his hand.

Next was his shortswords. Upon attaching the photon greatsword to his right hand, He put the shortswords parallel to the greatsword's blade. To everyone's surprise, the shortswords floated and orbited the greatsword.

As if that wasn't enough, Black Fog also grabbed a cube from his back. This cube was black, and there was no shine to it at all. However, when he pressed it on the tip of the photon greatsword, the cube seemed to melt and coat both the photon greatsword and the short swords. Black energy emanated from the new weapon which was created from the fusion of three different equips. Satoshi gulped, this was more than he had expected.

"Don't chicken out on me now, Satoshi." Black Fog called out as black streaks of lightning sparked from the weapon. the orbiting short swords accelerated until it was merely a blur, and then a black orb began forming by the tip of the greatsword.

Another gulp, but Satoshi didn't move from where he stood. He braced himself, hoping that he'd be able to survive the attack. He asked for this, and it wouldn't look good if he backed down now after screaming out a challenge like that.

"Just in case, I'm' going to summon Ghast and teleport the attack. The Cloak Of Invisibility should do the trick. They won't be able to see the portal as long as the Cloak of Invisibility covers it." Satoshi muttered to himself.

​ 'No, I can take it!' Copycat called out in Satoshi's mind, almost as if she was referencing a certain musclehead superhero in a certain famous superhero franchise back in the day. She seemed more fired up than usual, much to Satoshi's bewilderment.

What Satoshi didn't know was that Copycat heavily relies on the opponent's power in order to become stronger herself. In other words, she was only as strong as the superpower she copies. That's why when she noticed that Black Fog was preparing such a powerful move, she just couldn't help but feel excited. It was another powerful move in her arsenal.

It didn't take long before Black Fog's attack was ready. He was confident that it would at least damage Satoshi. If it wasn't enough to make him kneel, then all he needed to do was shoot him as many times as he could. After all, Satoshi explicitly said that he was just going to stand there without attacking. And now that he's underestimating Black Fog, Black Fog took it as his chance to launch a surprise attack that would one-shot Satoshi.

"This is a tournament, Satoshi. Don't expect me to go easy on you even if you told me that you wouldn't dodge." Black Fog screamed. "Take this, black tornadoooooo~ of death!"

With his voice turning into a weird screeching noise, Black Fog shot the most powerful beam Satoshi had ever witnessed and it was really shaped like a tornado. The black tornado shot towards Satoshi with intense force, almost causing him to fly due to the wind pressure. However, he held his ground and brought his arms up. If he could tank this, then there's nothing he should fear.

In his preparation, Satoshi briefly caught a glimpse of Black Fog. He was smiling, smirking as if he had just preyed on his first prey. It was certainly not the expression of a sane person, but rather a murderous one with all the intent to kill.

"What is going on inside his head? Is he crazy?" Satoshi asked.

'Don't worry about this, Satoshi, I can handle this.' Copycat whispered in Satoshi's head almost as if she was whispering in his ear. Her voice was calm, like a gentle breeze on a winter morning, and it somehow calmed Satoshi a little.

"Sure, I'll leave it to you. I wouldn't have been able to tank that if it weren't for you." Satoshi muttered to himself.

'Who said we'll be able to tank this?' Copycat asked out of nowhere. Satoshi could only imagine her raising an eyebrow while she spoke.

Her words somehow made Satoshi nervous. If what Copycat said was true, then what could they do now? Where was all that reassurance when she said that she could handle it? Satoshi was flabbergasted. He almost wanted to jump out of the way.

The black tornado of death came closer, and Satoshi gulped for the fourth time while staring at the tornado himself.

"I'm gonna die, you're gonna die, we're all gonna die." Satoshi gritted his teeth as he tightened his core and all the muscles in his body. He had no idea why he was doing that, but he figured that was the only way to at least get out of the sticky situation.

"I'm kidding, Satoshi, hehe~ this much is nothing." Copycat chuckled after teasing Satoshi. The moment the tri-attack landed on Satoshi, he felt something weird in his stomach.

It was the same attack as Black Fog, but it was more powerful. Other than that, it was rotating in the opposite direction than Black Fog's black tornado of death. Satoshi had no idea how he was shooting such a beam from his stomach but since it looked identical to Black Fog's no one really noticed, much to his relief.

And the only one who noticed such an attack was he and the representative Copycat, who was the one behind the attack. As usual, Satoshi couldn't explain how he managed to counter that with the help of Copycat. He couldn't even believe the crazy amount of energy he expended just in that instant.

All's well that ends well however since Satoshi's energy was replenished thanks to his enhanced energy absorption skill granted to him by Copycat. He had no idea that he was granted a skill, and he still hasn't realized that Copycat had gotten stronger thanks to that.

What followed was another explosion, and then the gasps and cheers from the crowd started getting fiery. Some of them were expecting Satoshi to pull off a hat trick and defeat Black Fog in an instant. Some of them even thought that Satoshi would play underhandedly and snag the victory off of Black Fog's feet. The minority believed that Satoshi would forfeit the match.

But none of that options were available inside the auction, let alone the betting stations and casinos.

In any case, while the people watching were having mixed feelings about the match, the attack had finally faded away and Satoshi heaved a sigh of relief. He was barely scratched by the attack, much less badly injured. Even the audience was genuinely surprised since they'd already expected Satoshi to fall to the ground and be brought out of the Grand Stage via a stretcher.

Black Fog thought the same thing as well, that's why he was smiling from ear to ear when the attack was finally over. He expended over seventy percent of his remaining energy and he felt the attack hit Satoshi squarely on the stomach. He couldn't feel any happier.

His expression slowly shifted into despair and wonderment when he saw Satoshi standing in front of him, however. He didn't have a scratch on him, and it seemed like he didn't expend any energy at all. Even the cute white familiar he saw during the first round was nowhere to be found just like any of Satoshi's familiar.

Satoshi stood true to his word. Not only did he tank an attack without breaking a sweat, he also didn't use another tamed beast in the process.

"What the—" Black Fog clicked his tongue. He had run out of patience.

Before Satoshi could say anything, Black Fog prepared another attack. This time, he went plus ultra and expended more than a hundred percent of his energy (he only had a minuscule amount of energy left but he overextended himself, even going as far as to using his life force for the attack).

"Don't dodge, you hear me!" Black Fog screamed, shooting off another black tornado of death. This time, it was five times stronger than the original one.

The attack connected, and one of them fell on the ground, unconscious. The match was over.

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