My System: An Evolved Computer I Made With My Unique Ability—

Chapter 340 Against All Odds

Sniff sniff~

The moment Sassu took over Sakura Cherry's body, she immediately scanned the entire American Dome, hoping to find Satoshi's life force. (Sakura Cherry has two identities, herself and Sassu. While Cherry is usually gentle and soft-spoken, Sassu is wild and erratic, almost always causing trouble wherever she goes and pleases.)

It didn't take long before she detected where Satoshi was. And without prior warning to her classmates, she headed alone, rushing through the crowds of people so that she could get to Satoshi's location in record time.

Now that she thought about it, it's been so long since she last saw Hajime. She missed her a lot, evident in her excited expression as she quickened her pace. At the very least, she wanted to be alone with Satoshi, even for a couple of minutes, before their classmates found their whereabouts.

She had already shown her interest in Satoshi, even straightforwardly telling his parents that she liked him. However, she was well aware of the fact that Satoshi liked Shiroi. That didn't stop her from liking him, though. So far, she still hadn't heard about their relationship advancing— she was fairly certain that she had a chance, seeing that Satoshi and Shiroi weren't dating yet.

"I'm almost there." Sassu excitedly muttered to herself.

She didn't even care about the group of people who were busily checking out the stalls. Without hesitation, she plowed right through them, even knocking a couple of people to their feet, causing their food to fly all over the place and making a mess out of everyone in the vicinity.

Angry complaints filled the hallway, but Sassu couldn't care less. Right now, the only thing foremost in her mind was seeing Satoshi and catching up with him. While she still had no idea what they were supposed to talk about, she still went through the motions as if that was the only thing she could do at the present.

The nearer she got, the more excited her expression became. And once she reached the end of the hallway, she finally saw what she was looking for.

Satoshi was right there, sitting across the table with another girl. Based on his expression, he seemed to be having a difficult conversation with her. 'No way, is she threatening her? How dare she!' Sassu said in her mind as she clenched her fists in utter frustration.

Based on observations alone, she could tell that the girl was bothering Satoshi (such was not the case, though, Sassu was just overreacting since Satoshi was in the presence of another girl she didn't know). And now that that conclusion planted itself in Sassu's brain, she reacted instantly to it.

Notwithstanding the fact that there were many people there to witness the events, she still decided to cause a scene. The nearer she approached Satoshi, the faster she got, shoving people out of the way as she gritted her teeth. At this point, she had already reached the conclusion that Satoshi was in danger and that she was there to save him in the off-chance that he wouldn't be able to defend himself.

But she knew. She knew that Satoshi could more or less stand up to everyone with how powerful he's gotten. Even his normal tamed beasts could go head to head with legendaries if Satoshi integrated with them. However, her delusions got the better, and she attacked without thinking twice.

Once she reached a safe distance, she jumped up and sliced the air with her fingers. The life force she had carefully sucked out of every person she met came out at once, and it cut through the air as she went with the motions. "Hyah~!" She exclaimed as the energy cut through the table, causing both Jana and Satoshi to jump out of the way for fear that they were being attacked by something far more sinister.

"What was that all about?" Satoshi exclaimed as he stared in the general direction of where the attack came from. At first, he couldn't tell whether there was an enemy attack or not since the attack caused panic, and people started running out of the way. However, when his gaze finally landed on Sakura Cherry, who was standing there like a menacing beast, he finally understood why.

A sigh left Satoshi's mouth as he concluded that it was nothing serious. Then again, she attacked the two of them out of the blue so he figured that there was probably some sort of misunderstanding.

"Master, are you all right? I'm sorry I wasn't able to detect the attack before it happened. I thought that she was just rushing towards the toilet, but as it turned out, her aim was to attack you. Unacceptable." Ryu Ryoko, the Black-Winged Dragon, gritted her teeth as half of her face became covered with crystal armor. She was ready to engage Sakura Cherry (Sassu) right then and there.

Without further ado, Ryu Ryoko's arm then transformed into a dragon's limb covered in diamond scales with a darker tone. "I think that's not a good... idea..." While Satoshi was talking, Ryu Ryoko had already left his side, and she could be seen charging at Sassu without the slightest hint of hesitation. Her eyes turned a nice dark red color as she brought her arm towards Sassu.

"How dare you attack master," She growled.


The moment her hand touched Sassu, though, her transformation was undone in an instant. She had no idea how Sassu managed to do that, but it certainly caused her to take a couple of steps back. Sassu didn't move an inch, yet she completely canceled her transformation as if it were nothing. "What on... how did that..." Ryoko muttered to herself as she turned her head towards Satoshi.

'No, this time I'm going to protect Satoshi. This is only a small gesture in return for his kindness. I should not fail on this undertaking.' Ryoko said to herself, transforming her hand a second time and imbuing more energy into it. She assumed that her attack probably had weak energy, which was why Sassu easily got rid of it.

However, she didn't know that no matter the attack, Sassu could always cancel it thanks to her life force superpower. She could absorb every ounce of energy poured into the attack with just one touch. And in turn, she would use that energy to fuel her superpowers.

For the second time, Ryoko charged at Sassu.

'If you want to win, Ryoko, then you have to get around Sassu's life force superpower. She can suck the life force out of anything she touches. Once she touches you, it's game over. Right now, she's just playing around, but if she gets serious, you can get deleted in an instant.' Left with no choice since he couldn't really stop Sassu at the moment, Satoshi decided to give Ryoko some advice since she was currently fighting with her.

Upon hearing Satoshi's advice, Ryoko didn't stop rushing. Instead, she changed her direction the moment she got a wee bit closer. And while Sassu was trying to figure out what her next move might be, she fired an energy beam from her mouth, aiming it at Sassu.

It was a point-blank shot, and Sassu shouldn't have dodged it. Nevertheless, Sassu pulled through and dodged the attack by a hair's breadth in a split second. As soon as she jumped in mid-air, she shot a couple of slashes toward Ryoko. The slashes seemed to be wind slashes, but after a second look, Ryoko realized that they were condensed life force energy shooting from the palms of her hands and manifesting into slashes in the air.

The slashes came at incredible speeds, but Ryoko managed to dodge them thanks to her response time. As the last slash approached her, she twisted around and then shot another beam at Sassu.

Sassu who wasn't expecting Ryoko to attack as soon as she dodged was caught off guard and the attack connected. It wasn't enough to knock Sassu though. With her patience running thin, Sassu jumped the gun and dashed towards Ryoko using her life force. In a snap of a finger, she disappeared and reappeared in front of Ryoko, determined to touch her and drain her of her life force until she lost consciousness.


"You all right?" Jana asked as she blocked Sassu's touch. After watching their fight unfold, she realized that Sassu's superpower revolves around some sort of energy. That's why she interfered when Ryoko was about to be touched. She figured that Sassu intended to drain her energy away, prompting her to defend in her stead.

And yes, Jana had already integrated with her Representative, the Scarlet Scythe. But as soon as Sassu touched it, her Scarlet Scythe lost all its energy, canceling out her beast integration and leaving her defenseless.

A smile formed on Sassu's lips as she reached toward Jana. This time, she aimed to drain Jana and Ryoko's life force and get the fight over with.

"That's enough, Sassu," Satoshi called out, appearing in front of Sassu. Instead of Jana and Ryoko, Satoshi was the one touched and drained of his life force.

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