My System: An Evolved Computer I Made With My Unique Ability—

Chapter 315 There Are No Accidents

Day of the Official Beast Tournament

The first light peeked into the horizon, shining through the clear glass windows of the room where Satoshi was staying. It was a normal room with a bed, a bookshelf, and a desk. Even though this was his dad's old room (this is where his dad stays whenever he visits his parents), Satoshi felt as of he was home, and he was able to sleep soundly despite the fact that it was almost the Official Beast Tournament.

Ow that the fated day had come, Satoshi couldn't help but feel all the more prepared. He had received intense training from both his grandfather and dad, and all those preparations had given him the confidence boost he needed.

While he had no idea how strong the other contenders were, he knew that he could at least put up a good fight. Besides, he could integrate with all of his familiars. Even Jean Grey and White Mist, who were both beast masters, couldn't even integrate with two tamed beasts

Satoshi got out of his bed and stretched a couple of times before dropping down on the floor for a couple of push-ups. He wanted to wake himself up before he got out of his room, and push-ups proved to be a great way to do just that.

With a grunt, Satoshi got up and inhaled and exhaled a couple of times before he headed toward the door. He pumped himself up as if he was already backstage at the stadium where the Official Beast Tournament would be held.

However, as soon as he opened the door, he saw his grandfather Grado standing before him. Satoshi almost fell on his rear side, but he caught himself. He had no idea why his grandfather was waiting for him behind the door, though.

"Good morning, my grandson!" Grado greeted as if it was normal for him to stay behind his grandson's room.

"Good morning." Satoshi let out as he yawned.

Even though Satoshi had already stepped forward, his grandfather didn't move an inch. He just stood there as if he was expecting something from his grandson.

Not knowing what to do, Satoshi moved forward and gave his grandfather a hug. He didn't know if that was what his grandfather was expecting, but he seemed rather delighted about it.

"No, I'm here to give you something," Grado muttered, but he reciprocated his grandson's hug nonetheless. The smile he wore didn't leave his face even when Satoshi had already let go of the hug.

"Here you go, something that will probably help you win the tournament. I went through thick and thin I side the Beast Dimension just to catch that beast. Your dad helped too, and he was the one who provided me with the Green to catch it." Grado enthusiastically said.

That's when Satoshi noticed that his grandfather's arms were actually bandaged up, and even his chest area had a couple of bandages. "What kind of beast did he fight for him to get those injuries?" Satoshi muttered to himself, accepting the Gren with utmost gratitude.

After saying his thanks, Satoshi headed into the living room, realizing that breakfast was already prepared. No one ate by the table, though, and his parents were packing the food as if they were going on a picnic— and they were. They planned to eat the feast while they were watching Satoshi fight in the stadium.

As per usual, the fight will be happening at the best stadium in America. That much was to be expected. And for the past few days, updates about the Official Beast Tournament continued circulating in the news while many workers improved the stadium before the upcoming day. They made sure that the American Dome is at its peak performance since there will be hundreds of thousands of people attending. At the very least, they wanted the American Dome to be more welcoming than before.

"Are you ready? You should probably take a bath before we go. Your grandmother will fix you right up so you look dashing in front of the camera." Grado asked after catching up to his grandson. He placed his hand on his shoulder, prompting him to go take a shower before anything else.

As discreetly as he could, Satoshi glanced at his dad, wondering if they'll approve of his dad's decision. To Satoshi's surprise, his dad nodded, implying that his mother was actually pretty good at making someone look good. As he turned around to head toward the bathroom, Satoshi decided to believe in his dad, fully trusting him that they won't embarrass him in his moment. Besides, he didn't detect any lie from his dad.

Satoshi mindlessly walked towards the bathroom, opened the door, and headed inside. Before he got to the bathtub, he was already wearing his birthday suit. He exhaled with satisfaction as he submerged his entire self. "I've already mastered everyone's skills and abilities... now I only have to wait for them to unlock their special skills so I can get even more powerful."

Before Satoshi could completely relax, however, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. It was a girl wearing nothing but a bath towel. Satoshi couldn't even tell where she came from, and due to the fog that conveniently covered the shower area, he couldn't tell what the girl was up to.

Even from behind the steam, Satoshi could tell that the girl was fidgeting. She then grabbed something by the sink and approached Satoshi, who was in the bathtub. Satoshi didn't waste any time submerging his head in the bathtub since he didn't want the girl to notice him. Also, he had no idea what to do in that certain situation so his first impulse was to go down and hold his breath. Surely, no one would find him if he just stayed submerged, right? Right?!

Of course, not!

Redness briefly appeared on Satoshi's face as he finally took in what was outrightly transpiring right now. He couldn't believe that something so lucky— er, something so ridiculous- was actually happening in front of him. Then again, his impulse, born from his actions, caused him to be in an uncomfortable position.

Satoshi continued to hold his breath.


The intense rays of the sunlight flashed through the windows, hitting Shiroi straight in the eyes and causing her to wake up. She stirred and rolled to the edge of the bed before heaving a sigh. Subconsciously, Shiroi wiped off her drool and continued to mutter sleepily.

She was losing her internal fight... and that's because she convinced herself that the alarm had not rung yet. Even though the sun shone brightly outside on a cloudless sky, she still didn't want to wake up.

Eventually, though, she got up and walked out of the room. She didn't even bother checking the living room or checking the chicken. She headed straight to the bathroom to take a bath. This was an important day for Satoshi, and she didn't want to miss it. And because of that, she also decided to dress up and really give Satoshi the support he deserves.

She went inside the bathroom without even knocking. Just like Satoshi, she removed all her clothes, and by the time she reached the shower room, she was already butt naked.

Her awareness of her surroundings was at the lowest of lows... she didn't even notice the girl taking a shower beside the bathtub. She just went into the bathtub as if she owned the place.

And just like Satoshi, she also exhaled satisfactorily as she felt the warmth of the water envelop her body. She didn't even notice the guy curled up on the other side of the bathtub.

Satoshi was still holding his breath.

Meanwhile, the mysterious girl turned to the side, wondering why someone had just entered the bath without knocking. Of course, she knew that Satoshi was inside, and she was waiting for her to get out of the tub so she could scrub his back... but what surprised her was the girl who absent-mindedly went to the bathtub without noticing the two notable presences in the room.

"Um... excuse me?" The girl asked, causing Shiroi to turn to the side...

... only to notice that there was a girl in the bathroom. She had jet-black hair, and her slender body and skin were completely exposed. Shiroi blushed, and she covered her eyes before she shamefully turned away. "Haah~ I'm sorry!" She panicked.

Knock. Knock.

Before she could recover from the shock of seeing the girl in the bathroom, a knock was heard on the door. "Satoshi, I left your change of clothes in front of the door. You forgot to get it." Lize, Satoshi's grandmother, called out.

By then, Shiroi was confused. No, Satoshi was not in the bathroom; why did his grandmother call him?

Satoshi couldn't hold his breath anymore. He surfaced and gasped for air.

And that's when Satoshi and Shiroi's eyes locked. They stared at each other as if they'd just seen the end of the world take place right before their very eyes.

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