My System: An Evolved Computer I Made With My Unique Ability—

Chapter 295 Ghast, Beast Integration Battle

"I hope you're ready, Satoshi. I'm not going to use my White Wolf on this match. I'm sure you've seen the Death Metronome, right?"

"WHAT?! HE'S GOING TO USE A REPRESENTATIVE AGAINST A KID?!" One of the beast tamers by the sidelines exclaimed.

Satoshi had already seen the Death Metronome in action yesterday, and that's why he knew just how strong it was. With one curse, it could be invincible to its opponent.  And it was also pretty strong when it comes to its dark or psychic-type attacks.  Satoshi had no idea what kind of typing the Death Metronome had and he felt like it would be cheating if he just straight up asked Dex about it.

For once, Satoshi wanted to experience a fight where he'd have to face someone head-on— a beast battle where he won't have any advantages whatsoever. He had used most of his advantages when it comes to fighting but now, he didn't want to. This is just a demonstration fight after all, and as much as he hated to lose, he also wanted to push himself to the limit.

Some of his advantages include Dex's perfect information gathering. Just one glance, and he could tell all the information about that tamed beast. And then there was his other advantage where he could actually integrate with his familiars. While everyone in the room could only integrate with one, Satoshi could integrate with two or more, that's why he can easily defeat anyone who would fight with him.

"Ash, Jean, you want to see my Unearthly Type Tamed Beast?" Satoshi asked as he assumed his position on the other side of the area where the beast battle will be held.

Ash and Jean Grey nodded in excitement, their eyes sparkling.

Without further ado, Satoshi pulled out something from his Orb Oboros as if he was getting some sort of Gren to throw. He was just acting though since all his familiars actually stayed in the storage space created by Orb Oboros.

"Ghast, let's do this. Let's have fun, all right?" Satoshi muttered as Ghast appeared in front of him. He looked just like he did before, a violet entity that resembled flames... but upon further inspection, Satoshi realized that Ghast actually changed in his form. He was now the size of Sera, and he also had appendages just like her. As for his head, it was circular with two slits of red that appeared as his eyes. A dark aura surrounded him, and behind him, there were two sinister portals that screamed unknown energy. A black orb also revolved around Ghast's head, and an additional four orbs revolved around his appendages. His change in appearance almost shocked Satoshi, but then again, he was pleased that he was able to grow even though he didn't do anything.

For the past few weeks, Satoshi had been training his control over his beast integration so he was somewhat prepared for this beast battle. However, he stuck to his plan— that he won't be integrating with two or more familiars. Doing so would result in an instant win, and that wouldn't bid well for the beast tamers who were present.

Satoshi didn't feel the need to extend his hand and recite a couple of words... but he wanted to show off just a little. After all, it's not every day he'd get to challenge the beast master of Earth. If any, he wanted to create a good impression in front of White Mist.

Closing his eyes, Satoshi felt the intense energy emanating from Ghast. Meanwhile, Ash, Jean, and everyone else in the room stayed quiet for fear that they would break Satoshi's concentration.

Darkness blacker than black and darker than dark, I beseech thee, combine with my deep crimson.

[The time of awakening cometh.

Justice, fallen upon the infallible boundary, appears now as an intangible distortion!

Dance, dance, dance!

I desire for my torrent of power a destructive force: a destructive force without equal!

Return all creation to cinders, and come from the abyss!

This is the mightiest means of attack known to man, the ultimate—]

Satoshi had no idea what he was saying but he knew that it was a pretty good incantation of sorts. He heard it from a certain animated series that is now a relic due to how old it was. Still, it was a pretty good series. The incantation actually came from a certain black-haired girl who only knew one attack-type magic... and since Satoshi was only using one familiar, he figured that it was a very fitting ritual.

Ghast started glowing, but the shift was much faster than anyone else. As soon as Satoshi opened his eyes, he was already clad in darkness. He was wearing a royal robe with pants that had ropes dangling on each side. From a distance, Satoshi looked like a royal. The dark orbs that revolved around Ghast's head were now revolving around Satoshi's. The additional four orbs were also present, revolving on each of Satoshi's appendages.

But the first thing that everyone noticed was Satoshi's high collar. He certainly looked like a royal with a dark presence. In his hand, he held an orb, and beside him, the two portals continuously poured forth intense dark energy.

"Awesomeeee!" Ash was the first one to break the silence when Satoshi entered the field. He couldn't believe that Satoshi easily pulled out a Beast Integration. Even though he said a lot of things at the start, his transition was much faster than everyone else. Adding to that, he had the most beautiful beast integration compared to everyone.

"Now it's my turn." White Mist called out as he summoned his representative, the Death Metronome. He then pressed his fists against each other and in that instant, he transformed into something  even more appealing than Satoshi's.

He had a nice headdress on his head, a golden ornament that had the symbol of a snake. He wore what seemed like an ancient Egyptian pharaoh's outfit, except the sheen on the gold was much brighter. Above his head, there floated two slits of red eyes which was one of the most defining features of the Death Metronome.

White Mist didn't waste any time stepping inside the beast battle area. As for Satoshi, he was already there, standing upright while holding the Dark Energy Orb in his hand. He was more than ready to fight against the number one beast master of Earth... well, he's technically second-best since Jean Grey already defeated him... but to Satoshi, he still held the title of the strongest beast tamer since Jean Grey doesn't belong to their world.

"All right, since no one wants to... I'll be the one to officiate this match. Before we go with the match, I would like to lay down a couple of rules when it comes to beast battles that involve beast integrations." Jean Grey began, clearing his throat.

"First, no physical weapons are allowed. The only things allowed inside the field are your own clothes, nothing else. If there's a chance that someone used a physical weapon or equipment... or anything physical that would give them the edge in the beast battle, the match would be over and the person in question will be disqualified."

"Second, one could switch with their beast integrations during the match. And if one wanted to switch, they should raise their right hand and the match will be temporarily paused. It should be noted that beast integrations require a lot of energy, that's why switching is almost never done in a match... but this could happen, and I've seen countless beast tamers pull it off. That's why there's a ruling like this."

"Last but not least, if the referee thinks there's foul play, he can stop the fight in an instant." Jean Grey announced. "Now that all this information is recited, we can start the match. Please assume your positions on both ends of the field."

White mist and Satoshi stared at each other intently, ready to strike as soon as the signal was raised. They knew that the first attack would determine the flow of the match that's why the two of them were more than eager to strike first.


Since White Mist wanted to have a match that would be worth the watch, he didn't use the Bell Curse as his first move. He decided to attack Satoshi with a psychic beam, stretching his hand and shooting pure dark energy toward him.

However, Satoshi had been expecting White Mist to attack indirectly like that. In an instant, Satoshi disappeared from where he stood, and he reappeared behind White Mist. He shot a dark pulse toward White Mist but White Mist managed to block it by turning around and shooting a psychic beam to deflect the attack. Before Satoshi could disappear again, White Mist shot a dark orb toward him.

It was as fast as a bullet.


The dark orb caused an explosion that made everyone cover their ears. There was no way Satoshi would've survived an instant attack like that. Even if he could magically disappear and reappear, there was no way he could react that fast to an attack. Even White Mist was confident that Satoshi had already lost.


However, the moment they looked up, they saw Satoshi menacingly floating above the beast battle area. He managed to dodge the attack unscathed.

"WHAT?!" Jean Grey exclaimed in confusion.

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