My System: An Evolved Computer I Made With My Unique Ability—

Chapter 292 Integration Is Common?!

It was the next day, and Satoshi felt as if he didn't have any sleep. The moment the four of them walked out of the suite, one could tell that Satoshi was the only one who had a hard time sleeping. There were dark circles under his eyes. As for everyone else, they felt more energized than ever.

"Oh, Satoshi, good morning!" Ash called out as he and his dad simultaneously got out of their room. "It looks like you didn't get that much sleep. Are you all right?" Ash asked, noticing that Aira, Emma, and Shiroi looked fine.

"Yeah, I'm fine... are you heading somewhere?" Satoshi asked upon noticing that Ash Grey and his dad, Jean Grey were wearing their beast tamer clothes as if they were going to train somewhere.

"Oh, this? we're going somewhere with White Mist. Apparently, he's running a training camp for beast tamers nearby. We wanted to drop by and visit the facility." Jean Grey casually responded. "Oh, why don't you come with us? You're a beast tamer as well right?"

The dark circles under Satoshi's eyes seem to temporarily disappear as his face lit up. The last thing he expected to know that morning was the information about a training camp for beast tamers. Satoshi clenched his fist in excitement. "I'll go!" He blurted out before even asking permission from his parents and the others.

"Perfect timing." Someone called out from behind. It was none other than White Mist, who was wearing nothing but shorts with a towel slung on his shoulders. "Why don't we go? It's just a walk in distance from here."

"You're going to walk outside... wearing only that?" Jean Grey asked the question everyone was meaning to ask.

"Of course, we don't have to go outside Grand Hotel to get there. We just need to walk in the open area in the middle of the Grand Hotel and walk to the other side of the pool. The back entrance to the facility's there." White Mist pointed out as he walked forward, leading the way. "I'll go to the pool for a quick dip. You guys can check out the training camp."

Jean Grey and Ash walked right behind White MIst while Satoshi said goodbye to Emma and the others.

"We were going to grab a quick bite. Take care out there." Shiroi bade farewell as Satoshi turned around. She could've sworn she saw Aira and Emma smirk at her the moment Satoshi left but she didn't take it to heart. She concluded that it was probably her eyes just playing tricks on her.

"Wait up!" Satoshi called out.

The group of four boarded the elevator. They were surprised that White Mist actually had a huge constitution despite appearing on the thin side whenever he wore clothes. Apparently, he was used to wearing clothes a size larger than him. This hid his bulk effectively and made him look thin.

"You're kind of on the scrawny side, Ash, you should eat more." White Mist teased, grabbing Ash by the arm, pulling him up, and hoisting him as if he was a little kid.

"See? Takai~ takai~" White Mist continued.

"I'm surprised you can speak Japanese," Satoshi said out loud. The moment he realized that his thoughts slipped out, he covered his mouth and was about to apologize.

"I've visited your country a couple of times. It's a good country, I really like your festivals and cherry blossoms." White Mist said. Even though he spoke simple Japanese sentences, he was quite proficient at them. Even his pronunciation was on point.

"Ah, so our language is called Japanese in this world? Neat." Ash commented. "In any case, how are your tamed beasts, Satoshi? I'm pretty sure I haven't met all of them."

"I'll show you some of them later," Satoshi said. He couldn't tell why or how... but somehow, he felt as if he had met Ash before. Even their appearance almost looked identical as if they were long-lost cousins.


"You should check out his Representatives. They're pretty strong. That celestial tamed beast he had was pretty strong as well." Jean Grey recalled... and then his voice trailed off as he tried to realize something.

"Wait... don't tell me you also have an unearthly tamed beast?!" Jean Grey exclaimed out of nowhere the moment they got out of the elevator. This caused some of the people staying at the hotel to turn around and face him. Jean Grey instinctively hid his face in embarrassment.

White Mist almost stopped short in his tracks as he listened to what Jean Grey said. As the previous number one beast tamer of the entire world, he was nonetheless curious if Satoshi really had an Unearthly Type.

Recently, there were new discoveries regarding tamed beasts and White Mist just knew about it. Things like integration, as well as two new types of beasts, had already been discovered in the beast dimension but he still had little to no information regarding the new phenomenon and the new tamed beast types. That's he was subconsciously drawn into the conversation that Jean Grey initiated.

"I don't know if I have one... but I do have another tamed beast that's weird. I don't know if it's an Unearthly Type or just a normal tamed beast." Satoshi lied as naturally as he breathed when he referred to Ghast, his portal familiar. Of course, he was perfectly aware that his familiars weren't normal... but there was no way he'd openly admit that. That would just unnecessarily attract everyone's attention... which is not good in the long run.

"I'm curious..." White Mist suddenly muttered as they now entered the open area. A couple more meters walk and they'd finally arrive by the back door that would lead to the facility where the training camp is held. "Do you know what integration is, Jean Grey? Ash? Satoshi?"

"I know about it. Some of the trainers I've met can do it... but they cannot match my integration with Pheross." Jean Grey confidently said.

"What? You already know how to integrate with your tamed beast?! I've only been able to do it recently... like last year." White Mist reacted as his eyes redirected themselves towards Satoshi. He was fairly certain that Satoshi already knew about that specific phenomenon, that's why he just had to bring it up.

"Eh? Integration? You guys can do it too?" Satoshi was more surprised than everyone. He thought he was the only one who could do it. As it turned out, he wasn't. The phenomenon wasn't exclusive to him. Just when he thought that his superpower had a niche that only he could have... his belief was shattered.

'So there were other people who could do it too, huh? I guess the world really is vast after all. There's no way I'm the only one who's this powerful.' Satoshi said to himself.

It was probably because Satoshi just woke up but he forgot one crucial thing about his superpower. His superpower wasn't necessarily beast taming, but rather an upgrader... which had already worked on tamed beasts, machines, and humans alike.

"So you can do it, huh? This is interesting. I guess I should hold off my dip in the pool for now." White Mist muttered to himself as he pressed his clenched fists against each other. "Would you mind having a spar with me, Satoshi? This would be pretty useful for the training camp for beast tamers."

"Let me join in on the fun too! I still haven't forgotten the time when you defeated me with that celestial tamed beast of yours. I guess now's the right time to demand a rematch!" Jean Grey screamed at the top of his lungs as he pointed at Satoshi. Once again, he accidentally garnered the attention of everyone by the poolside.

"What?! You lost against Satoshi?! Heh~ I guess that's settled then." White Mist grinned from ear to ear as he continued leading the way. He was about to take a dip when they started talking about the new types of tamed beasts... and then there's the topic about the integration as well. He wasn't expecting Satoshi to be able to integrate with his tamed beasts. Even the middle-aged men in the training camp could only do so with great difficulty.

Meanwhile, it totally flew from Satoshi's mind that he could actually integrate with two or more of his familiars. This already made him one of the strongest beast tamers in the world. After all, at most, a beast tamer could only integrate with one tamed beast, and even then, it would deplete a considerable amount of energy if they do it.

The back door to the facility where the training camp is held didn't seem like a back door at all. In fact, it looked more like a grand entrance with its red carpet and the people in suits lined up to greet those who would go in. Even Satoshi felt a little bit embarrassed when the people drabbed in formal clothing bowed towards him in welcome.

"Come in come in, don't be shy." White Mist amicably spoke as he opened the door for everyone. "This is going to be fun." He continued.

"Just so you know, Satoshi," Ash muttered out of nowhere. "I could also integrate with my partner. I'm going to challenge you to match. Better look forward to it." He smiled before heading in.

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