My System: An Evolved Computer I Made With My Unique Ability—

Chapter 287 Orbroznar Skill Steal

"So, are we going to fight? Or are you going to... you know... surrender." Jean Grey taunted White Mist as he petted his Orbroznar. "I mean, it's not too late to forfeit the match."

"Forfeit? Never." White Mist smirked, putting up a false bravado despite his nervousness kicking in.

The rising tension in the open field continued to rise as the fight reached its climax. Neither Jean Grey nor White Mist was backing down. Even though Jean Grey could easily win the match and White Mist was at a huge disadvantage, none of them budged. They were intent on seeing the fight through no matter what the final verdict may be.

Jurah is a Representative, just like Satoshi's Dex and the Statue of Captivity. That's why it had more sentience than the normal tamed beast. It was perfectly aware of the risks and the disadvantages it had against the Orbroznar, but even then, its spirit never wavered. Jurah had the same mindset as its owner. Both of them were not backing down. They're betting everything on this match.

As for Jean Grey, he felt a bit uneasy. He had experienced hundreds if not thousands of beast battles before, and he knew that the more desperate the enemy was, the more chances he or she had at winning. When one reaches that point where one's got nothing to lose, they'll go all in without thinking twice about it, and sometimes, that kind of offensive warfare would turn the tides of war and tip them to the desperado's side. Furthermore, such a one-point focused decision almost always gives birth to a path of victory. Even though the Jurah that they were facing right now only had one hp, and it was on the verge of losing consciousness, Jean Grey was pretty certain that they still could lose.

Even after all that, Jean Grey was aware that White Mist was going to continue on with the fight, and he had all the intentions to win.

"Orbroznar, keep your guard up, all right. We don't know what we can expect from this two. We should duke it out carefully, and at the same time, we shouldn't give them a chance to turn the tides against us."

Even though Orbroznar seemed to have entered its berserk mode, it still nodded as usual towards Jean Grey.  As for Jurah, it just floated on the other side of the field, keeping its distance since it could faint at any given moment.

"Jurah! Use shadow ball! Keep your distance from that Orbroznar!" White Mist commanded.

In response, Jurah floated even more upward and started shooting shadow ball at Orbroznar. It was more than willing to keep its distance from Orbroznar but then again, there was no way it could escape Orbroznar forever. This tactic was put in place just to stall for time, more or less. This will give White Mist more time to cook up a strategy to counter Orbroznar.

'Orbroznar, use fly and start using wind slash. Don't let up with the wind slashes. Just one hit. One hit is all it takes to defeat that Jurah.' Jean Grey said in his mind.

Without missing a beat, Orbroznar jumped upward, narrowly avoiding the shadow ball that came right at him. As soon as he was at a considerable altitude relative to the American Dome, Orbroznar started attacking Jurah with its relentless wind slashes.

Jurah started the dodging game, and every time it found an opening, it would shoot a shadow ball. The exchange intensified, with their attacks getting faster and faster the more seconds passed.

'Hang in there, Jurah. Once his Orbroznar runs out of energy, you swoop in for the kill. You're a representative, I'm sure you have more energy than that legendary tamed beast.' White Mist thought in his mind and Jurah responded with a slight nod. It continued its defensive tactic, not giving Orbroznar a chance to hit it with his wind slashes.

The spectators, including the referee, were on the edge of their seats as they watched the legendary fight unfold. They couldn't ask for more— the stakes involved in this match were far too high. Even they couldn't believe that Jurah only had one health point left. Just one hit, and it will slip into unconsciousness in a snap of a finger.

"This is so nerve-wracking. I'm not even the one fighting but I feel so nervous for the two of them."

"Those tamed beasts are strong. I'm already satisfied. Win or lose, this fight is fire."

"I do think that the challenger— was his name Jean Grey?— yeah him. I do think that he has a chance at winning. His tamed beasts are pretty strong."

"I'm here because the Star Spangled gave me free seats. I've enjoyed this fight, and I can't wait to see more."

While the exchange of shadow balls and wind slashes continued, a couple of interviewers and reporters started going around to interview some people from the audience. The fight was about to end, and the interviewers and reporters were trying to get as much feedback as possible before the curtains were closed.

Jean Grey felt his Orbroznar running out of energy and realized that White Mist was actually trying to stall for time until his tamed beast runs out of energy. At this rate, he's going to lose. He decided to use Orbroznar's special move.

"Orbroznar... remember I told you that we won't be using this move during the fight? I give you permission to use that move." Jean Grey suddenly said out of nowhere, much to everyone's surprise. Throughout the fight, Jean Grey rarely talked, that's why everybody was caught off-guard when he suddenly screamed at his tamed beast.

Orbroznar kept on shooting wind slashes but everyone noticed that it nodded towards Jean Grey for the second time.

"Jurah! Keep on shooting shadow balls, don't stop! We're almost there!" White Mist said in desperation since he could tell that Jean Grey was about to pull something big. They were almost there, and there was no way they'll miss their shot at winning.

Suddenly, pure energy started coming off of Jean Grey as he stood on the other side of the battlefield. He wasn't doing anything special, just standing there menacingly, but the power that emanated from him could be felt by everyone. Even the spectators who were eagerly waiting for either side to win noticed that there was a change in Jean Grey's aura.

'Orbroznar, use skill steal.' Jean Grey said in his mind.

Skill steal is one of Orbroznar's exclusive skills, and no one else could use that skill except him (ah yes, it's like saying people die when they are killed). Well, Jean Grey had met a lot of tamed beasts in his life including legendary beasts and representatives but he'd never seen a single tamed beast that could use the move skill steal aside from his Orbroznar. The move skill steal basically allows a certain tamed beast to steal a skill of someone in the vicinity. Be it a human, or a tamed beast. The stolen skill could only be used by the tamed beast for ten seconds— fifteen seconds if it goes beyond its limit— and after that, an excessive amount of energy would be depleted.

It was a very risky move, but Jean Grey had found an opening, and he decided to take it. Whatever happens after these ten seconds would determine the loss or the win of his Orbroznar. 'Orbroznar, on your mark.' Jean Grey muttered.

"Jurah! Use psybeam and agility! Avoid Orbroznar as much as you can!" White Mist screamed. He was getting more desperate by the second, and rightfully so. Just a couple seconds more and he'd be able to snag the victory from Jean Grey, and sweep the rug off his feet before he even realized what had happened.

Orbroznar dodged the psybeam and then it closed its eyes. It started looking for a skill to steal in the spectators... or maybe it could steal a skill from Jurah.

Then it found a very suitable skill... one that would increase the chances of them winning. When Orbroznar opened his eyes, he briefly glanced towards Emma Leisenberg who was one of the spectators by the audience's seats. He recalled that Emma Leisenberg was his master's friend, that's why he bowed towards Emma, briefly thanking her for the ability he copied from her, thanks to his move skill steal.

Jurah, by now, was darting all over the field, trying to avoid everything or anything. Jurah was surprised that Orbroznar stopped and close his eyes, but even then, it didn't stop dodging. It was doing its best to stall for time, and White Mist was quite proud of Jurah's movements.

One moment.

One moment Orbroznar was hovering, the next moment, it disappeared. In a blink of an eye, Orbroznar disappeared and teleported right behind Jurah. He then shot out three wind slashes which hit Jurah squarely on the back.

With a weak stretched moan, Jurah floated down on the ground like a gliding piece of fabric, it then lay flat on the ground as it lost consciousness.

Another gasp was heard from the audience.

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