My System: An Evolved Computer I Made With My Unique Ability—

Chapter 279 A Persian Cat

Pheross let out a weak moan as it tried to drag itself toward its master. It was dying, and it wanted to spend its last moments with Jean Grey. However, he was doing a poor attempt at it since half of his body was already blown to smithereens.

The entire crowd grew quiet as they watched the pitiful scene of the beast master and his partner in its final moments. It was heart-rending since some of them watched Jean Grey grow into a fine young man. They know just how many journeys and how many adventures they've gone through for their bond to grow like that. And now, they're watching that bond dwindle until it was gone forever.

Meanwhile, Satoshi's mouth hung open as he watched in horror what happened to Pheross. And then he glanced towards Sera. In return, Sera glanced back at him. She had a hard time controlling her power since Pheross was strong. And now, this happened. Even Sera was shocked at the sudden outcome of the match. She totally overestimated her opponent, thinking that he'd be able to tank a blast from her pure celestial energy.

"SERA!" Satoshi screamed. He didn't even bother filtering out the volume of his cry. "WHAT WERE YOU DOING?!"

Sera fidgeted, fiddling with her hands as she hung her head down low. She didn't expect Satoshi to scream at her like that and she was shocked beyond belief. But then again, it was her fault that Pheross was dying. She muttered something indistinct, expressing her apologies to Satoshi.

"Sigh, it's all right. I'm sorry for screaming at you like that. You don't have to apologize, all right?" Satoshi muttered, bending down as he patted Sera on the head. He plastered a smile on his face so Sera wouldn't feel bad. "Now, why don't you heal Pheross?"

"Oum~" Sera's usual enthusiastic squeal was replaced with a light gentle whisper as she nodded her head. A bright yellow light enveloped her and she ascended into the air for the second time. The bright yellow light that emanated from his body filled the entire open field. Some of its rays touched Pheross and immediately regenerated his lower body.

A couple of seconds later, Pheross was back to its usual self.

Everyone gasped in disbelief.

"That's some insane healing powers... just what kind of beast is that?"

"I know right... it may be cute, it may look angelic... but those powers are crazy."

"And here I was, thinking that that beast is an offensive type. Turns out it's an all-rounder."

"Wait... does that mean that kid just now..."

"I know right, he defeated the Beast Master."

"Wha~ this is unbelievable! I mean... what?!"

"WHAHAH! You all lost the bet, give me my money! I told you the child would win!"

Jean Grey couldn't believe his eyes. He was already preparing himself to say goodbye to his good ole' Pheross. But in an instant, in a blink of an eye, Sera managed to heal him, even regenerating the lower body he lost. Jean Grey unleashed an incredible waterwork as he cried his heart out, hugging his Pheross. Even though he lost the match, he was just thankful that Pheross didn't have to die right then and there. "I thought I lost you there, buddy."

As for Pheross, he couldn't be any happier, he let out a satisfied growl as he wagged his tail in glee. He was alive, and he didn't have to say goodbye to his master. When he was in his lingering moments before death, Pheross couldn't believe just how much sadness he had given his master at that point in time. At the back of his mind, he decided to grow even stronger so his master wouldn't undergo such a state of sadness for the second time.

"Jean!" Satoshi ran towards Jean Grey, grabbing Sera by the hand as they made their way toward them. "We're so sorry. My tamed beast overestimated your Pheross and fired off a powerful blast. I... It's my fault, I didn't even realize that my tamed beast is pissed. I... We're really sorry."

Satoshi lightly grabbed Sera's head and put it down, implying that she should apologize in human form as well. Sera didn't fight back, and she apologized to Pheross as well.

"That's all right, Satoshi... It was my fault for inviting you for a beast battle when you're clearly inexperienced. I'm just... I'm just glad that Pheross is alive, thanks and no thanks to you Sera." Jean Grey muttered, extending his hand towards Sera. "You're pretty powerful, you know that. Cute. But super powerful."

A squeal came out from Sera once again as she shook Jean Grey's hand. She didn't have to know what the gesture meant since Satoshi told her that it was a way of getting along with each other. Sera also walked towards Pheross and extended her hand, to which Pheross obliged by shaking it.

At that very moment, Pheross vowed to become stronger. He realized that the world is indeed vast and there will always be someone stronger than him. He was getting too competent with his rank since he was owned by a beast master. Furthermore, he got into the mentality that Jean Grey would always strategize and he just had to do the bare minimum. Now his mindset had changed. He had to strive to get stronger just as his master was striving to be the strongest in the world.

"And we have a winner! Midoriyama Satoshi! A battle between a master and a beginner!" Ash announced, indirectly telling everyone to screw off and go somewhere else since the show was already over.

"Sera, return."

"Pheross, return."

"That was a crazy fight! And you were able to beat my dad, the beast master! You're pretty good, you know." Ash called out, putting his hand on Satoshi's shoulders.

"Yeah, but I still have a lot to learn. You saw what happened, right?" Satoshi said. "I'm new to this beast battle so I didn't even think about the possibility that my tamed beasts could... well... could kill another tamed beast. I have to work hard so my tamed beasts would dial down their attacks."

"That was pretty grotesque, all right. I agree." Ash continued. "But then again, I guess your training would be the exact opposite. After all, you need to train your tamed beast to act weaker while all beast tamers train their tamed beast to become as strong as possible. You've already got the potential to become a beast master. Why don't you aim to become one, like me,"

"I'll think about it."

The three of them went to the side of the open field where the rest of the group gathered. There, Dahlia silently ate her sandwich after handing one to Emma. Midoriyama Tatsuki (Satoshi's dad) and Jack Michael (Star Spangled) also munched on their sandwich. They were trying too hard with their acting as they pretended that nothing happened during the beast battle. They couldn't believe that Satoshi was able to beat the beast master, but then again, he was special. Even Tatsuki somewhat expected his son to beat the beast master, but he still couldn't believe he was able to do that.

"Your son... he's pretty strong. Fortunately, he was able to heal my Pheross back." Jean Grey said, shaking Tatsuki's hand as he settled down beside his wife. "Is he going to stay here in our world? He's got the potential to replace me as the beast master."

"That is up for my son to decide. If you want, why don't you travel to our world, Earth? We'll be having a Beast Tournament over there. It would be pretty cool if you could come. You can even participate if you want."

"That sounds nice. I have no idea what kind of beasts you have in your world so this would be a learning process for me. Sure, we'll try to attend the Beast Tournament. I'll bring Dahlia and Ash with me."

"Sweet." Tatsuki said.

The atmosphere between the group became warm after a couple of minutes. There were incidents wherein a beast would die in a beast battle so the occurrence was not new to Jean Grey. But then again, this was the first time such a thing happened to him so he was a little bit shocked. 'I guess I still need to study about beasts more. There are a lot of things I don't know about the wide variety of beasts in other worlds.

While they were eating, Jean Grey suddenly stood up. "Ah right, I forgot to tell you guys. But when I went to your world, I managed to tame a beast. I forgot to show it to all of you back then so here we go."

Without further ado, Jean Grey threw a Gren in the air and when it landed, a very familiar animal from Earth came out.

"Isn't that a... a Persian Cat?" Satoshi asked as he laughed his heart out. Seeing an animal from Earth being tamed seemed a little bit ridiculous. Even Tatsuki had the same notion.

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