My System: An Evolved Computer I Made With My Unique Ability—

Chapter 275 Against The Beast Master

It didn't even occur in Satoshi's mind that his reply could be deemed abnormal by everyone spectating. Ever since he had known the existence of beast tamers, he always assumed that all of them could communicate to their tamed beasts through their minds. But then again, it was only an assumption so Satoshi had no idea if it was a common thing or not.

Apparently, it wasn't all that common, hence the unfavorable reaction he got from everyone.

Bug catcher Ray was surprised that Satoshi could say such a thing... this wasn't because he didn't believe what Satoshi said, but rather because he couldn't believe he was fighting someone so powerful.  'It's no wonder that Jean Grey is the one guiding him. Of course, he'd nurture someone as talented as Satoshi.' Bug catcher Ray said to himself as he let out an exhale to mark him conceding. There was no way he could defeat someone with such an insane innate talent... but he'll try anyways.

"Scythewrath, it's time to get serious." Bug catcher Ray muttered. "Use agility once again while using leaf tornado. Don't let the White Lion hit you with its lightning!"

Everyone, including Satoshi, eagerly watched as Scythewrath started darting here and there for the second time while using its move leaf tornado. Leaf tornado allows one to create a swirling pillar of leaves that would shoot out sharp leaves in all directions, dealing a consistent amount of damage at anyone in the field. This is the reason why Bug catcher Ray ordered his Scythewrath to use agility. At the very least, he was sure that Scythewrath wouldn't get hit by the leaves from the leaf tornado, and at the same time, the move will continuously deal damage to the White Lion.

Now it all comes down to who will fall first. The beast battle had turned into a waiting game wherein either Scythewrath would exhaust itself first, or White Lion would lose consciousness after too much damage.

However, this was where Bug catcher overlooked something important. He didn't take into account the possibility of the White Lion being faster than Scythewrath. And since Scythewrath actually just produced a leaf tornado it was capable of dodging, the White Lion didn't even have a hard time with it. It didn't even break a sweat jumping from one spot to the other as it cleanly avoided the leaves that shot at him.

Bug catcher Ray's mouth hung open in amazement as he watched the White Lion move faster than his Scythewrath. From what he heard, this was the first time Satoshi fought in a beast battle, and yet, he seemed more proficient than him as a beast tamer. Despite having more experience, bug catcher Ray couldn't help but admit the fact that Satoshi was better than him.

"Now use a lightning orb to finish it off." As an ice cream on top (quite possibly a kick in the gut to bug catcher Ray) Satoshi voiced out the last move he commanded White Lion and it obeyed without delay.

With a roar, the White Lion jumped up and swiped the leaf tornado, blowing it into nothingness. He then formed a lightning orb in his mouth and shot it straight at Scythewrath who barely reacted to the attack. A loud explosion then followed, and the Scythewrath fainted in an instant.

"Scythewrath is unable to battle! The first round goes to Satoshi!" Ash Grey announced, his arm outstretched towards Satoshi.


The second and third rounds went as expected— with the White Lion sweeping through the entire team of bug catcher Ray. It was a landslide victory for Satoshi which was totally surprising since this was his very first beast battle experience.

Clap. Clap.


To be fair, the spectators didn't really ask much when it comes to beast battles, but they were pleased to witness such a historic moment. It is rare to see a beast tamer who was too in-tune with his beast that he could command them in his mind. Beast Master Jean Grey was like that, an oddity, but who would've thought that the trainer he'd be watching over would also be like him?!

Despite the ups and downs of the beast battle, the spectators actually started looking up toward Satoshi. They were wrong about the White Lion disobeying his master, and they were glad that they were wrong. Regardless of what happened during the beast battle, the outcome was final, and the spectators were more than satiated with the outcome.

"The two beast tamers, please step forward and shake each other's hands. It is a good beast battle." Ash Grey announced, bringing both his hands together in a gesture for Satoshi and bug catcher Ray to greet each other a game.

"It was a good match. You're pretty strong, Satoshi." Bug catcher Ray greeted, reaching his hand out for a handshake.

"It was a pleasure fighting you. Your tamed beasts are strong. With enough training, you'd be able to beat me in no time." Satoshi genuinely said, obliging with the handshake.

"Please give our two participants a round of applause as we draw the curtains for this beast battle." Ash Grey continued, bowing down towards the spectators who started clapping on his signal.

Clap. Clap.


Amidst the group that gathered around the match, there was one guy who was just slowly clapping all throughout the entire procession. Of course, there was an amicable smile on his face but what he felt was quite different within. He was welling up with excitement, and he couldn't help but feel energized as he stepped forward to greet Satoshi before he could even step out of the open field.

Feeling the atmosphere surrounding the important person, the spectators fell silent as their clapping grew quiet. They watched with bated breaths as the man approached Satoshi, extending his hand to greet him just like how he shook hands with bug catcher Ray.

It was none other than Jean Grey.

"That was a great match, Satoshi, as expected from someone who came from another dimension." Jean Grey whispered since he didn't want anyone hearing about Satoshi's real identity.

Satoshi didn't even care about Jean Grey's sudden change in his aura. He gladly shook his hands while accepting his congratulations with pleasure.

"With that said... Ash?" Jean Grey then turned his head towards his son. "We still have time right? You've reserved this open field, right?" He asked in confirmation.

Ash cluelessly nodded his head. He was confused as to why his dad asked him such an obvious question. Of course they still have time. He reserved the open field for himself, after all.

"Nice, well then." Without further ado, Jean Grey cracked his head before walking towards one end of the open field. Meanwhile, Satoshi was still in position so it took him by surprise that Jean Grey actually went to the opposite side.

"Um..." Satoshi trailed off as an extended quiet befell the park...

... followed by loud cheers from the spectators and the indifferent parkgoers alike. The entire park seemed to converge by the open field as Jean Grey stood by the opposite end of Satoshi. If what happened a few minutes ago resembled a mini-festival, then this would be considered a real bona fide festival with everyone in town celebrating it.

"What's going on?" Satoshi asked in bewilderment.

"Whoa?! Is this for real?!"

"No way?!"

"The beast master is going to grace us with a fight?!"

"WOW! This will be a treat!"

"I've been waiting for this moment!"

"Everyone be quiet! I'm calling the news stations real quick!"

"Everyone, I'm a reporter, does anyone have a mobile phone? We have to livestream this online!"

"It's the Beast Master in the flesh! And he's going to battle someone!"


The cheers just got even wilder as the park got filled with people in an instant. Satoshi immediately felt the pressure weighing down on him like a block of iron descending from the sky. The park started to feel like a coliseum more than anything, wherein he was on the opposite end as a gladiator facing off with another gladiator. Satoshi felt like choking, but he remained quiet as he realized the situation he was in right now.

The beast master of the NIchijou Region, or rather, the whole world, is challenging him for an official beast battle! Jean Grey didn't have to say anything. Based on his actions, it was clear that he was outrightly challenging Satoshi to a beast battle.

"A beast battle?!" Satoshi blurted out a tad bit late.

"If you'll be okay with fighting an old man like me, that is." Jean Grey said, letting out his Pheross.

"But you're not that old..." Satoshi trailed off.

"Bring out your most powerful tamed beast. It will be a one-on-one beast battle. Whoever's left standing wins. I'll be using my partner, Azure Blue Tiger Pheross. I expect you to give it your best against a beast master, Satoshi" Jean Grey continued.

Upon saying that, Jean Grey then threw out a Gren towards the open field and his partner Pheross came out with a growl.

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